Back in my playground days you had
Home, away and alternative colorways that both the left and right paired matched.


This Equality stuff is not creative, its just lazy.

Still need those Penny 2 aways.
Stripping away my feelings and preferences for the models themselves...the 15, 14, 9, and 10 look the best.

What's kind of sad though...is that I'm looking at all of those shoes and NONE of them really make me think of black history (certainly not Black American history).

They seem to constantly fall back to some kind of tribal African print on some if not all of the models, which is a cop out IMO. For instance, I'm part Scottish. If some company decided to make a Scottish pride shoe, I can guarantee they would use a tartan design. But there are hundreds of Scottish clans, each with their own (sometimes multiple) tartans and badges. There would be a lot of Scots wondering why that foookin' clan got a sneaker collab :lol: Now imagine the sheer size and history of Africa, and all the different tribes/clans/peoples. Can't please everyone.

Last years use of the Pan-African colors, along with the theme of Equality was probably Nike's best effort thus far. But a couple years back, Adidas did a good job highlighting Black Americans. The Arthur Ashe Harden Vol. 1 was fire. And Adidas is a German company!
Stripping away my feelings and preferences for the models themselves...the 15, 14, 9, and 10 look the best.

What's kind of sad though...is that I'm looking at all of those shoes and NONE of them really make me think of black history (certainly not Black American history).

They seem to constantly fall back to some kind of tribal African print on some if not all of the models, which is a cop out IMO. For instance, I'm part Scottish. If some company decided to make a Scottish pride shoe, I can guarantee they would use a tartan design. But there are hundreds of Scottish clans, each with their own (sometimes multiple) tartans and badges. There would be a lot of Scots wondering why that foookin' clan got a sneaker collab :lol: Now imagine the sheer size and history of Africa, and all the different tribes/clans/peoples. Can't please everyone.

Last years use of the Pan-African colors, along with the theme of Equality was probably Nike's best effort thus far. But a couple years back, Adidas did a good job highlighting Black Americans. The Arthur Ashe Harden Vol. 1 was fire. And Adidas is a German company!

yes Adidas has done a better job of "black american" history than nike, but at least they're trying more than the other US based shoe brand UA. the best IMHO bhm shoe theme

the whole set is dedicated to Kareem, Nike why can you not pull something like this off but yeah last year was the best from nike

and it was only bcuz of the traidional African "colors" by american thinking but the color idea and the equality theme to it did not even match IMHO
yes Adidas has done a better job of "black american" history than nike, but at least they're trying more than the other US based shoe brand UA. the best IMHO bhm shoe theme

the whole set is dedicated to Kareem, Nike why can you not pull something like this off but yeah last year was the best from nike

and it was only bcuz of the traidional African "colors" by american thinking but the color idea and the equality theme to it did not even match IMHO
The problem is that Nike does not have anyone on their roster whose had the public consciousness of Kareem, Ali, Jesse Owens or Arthur Ashe. LeBron has been the first Black athlete on their roster to take a stand, a public stand, with his political and social positions, and is now paying for it dearly in the eyes of the online white public. Those people like for their Black athletes to be quiet, and thankful for having opportunity, especially fans of Nike. Jordan was quiet, Kobe emulated that and sued his mother, and now Kyrie is out here saying that the world is flat. KD has spoken on the topic, eloquently I might add, but Nike has an uphill battle in regard to producing a BHM line that would have impact beyond NikeTalk. My fav Nike tribute is the LBJ 15 BHM.
The problem is that Nike does not have anyone on their roster whose had the public consciousness of Kareem, Ali, Jesse Owens or Arthur Ashe. LeBron has been the first Black athlete on their roster to take a stand, a public stand, with his political and social positions, and is now paying for it dearly in the eyes of the online white public. Those people like for their Black athletes to be quiet, and thankful for having opportunity, especially fans of Nike. Jordan was quiet, Kobe emulated that and sued his mother, and now Kyrie is out here saying that the world is flat. KD has spoken on the topic, eloquently I might add, but Nike has an uphill battle in regard to producing a BHM line that would have impact beyond NikeTalk. My fav Nike tribute is the LBJ 15 BHM.

Honest question. Other than him saying NFL owners have a “slave owners mentality”, which naturally got a bit of backlash, how is he paying for it dearly? Ever since he started speaking out and moved to LA he’s received far more praise both on and off the court.
Honest question. Other than him saying NFL owners have a “slave owners mentality”, which naturally got a bit of backlash, how is he paying for it dearly? Ever since he started speaking out and moved to LA he’s received far more praise both on and off the court.
Before he got to LA, the NWord was spray painted on his home in Los Angeles.
He was told to shut up and dribble.
There are many other incidents, too many to name here.
That said, any Black athlete who takes a stand pro Black, will have hell to pay coming from those who feel that the topic should not even be discussed by a RICH athlete.
As a Black/African-American and someone with a Masters in Africana Studies, please shut up if you know nothing about Black or African history. And you probably know nothing other than the little bit you've been fed. The idea of you telling Nike what their BHM shoes should look like as if you (or Nike) cares about BHM is laughable at best. What ive noticed on here is that the more African influence the shoe has, the less it is liked. Which, by all mean is TYPICAL.
Did Kaepernick have any hand into Nike's BHM pack this year? It just made sense for him to be involved in some way shape or form. If it was up to me I'd love for Nike to base each pack off of a different African American hero each year. One year you could do MLK, then Malcolm, Rosa, Jackie Robinson just to name a few. The possibilities could be endless. Definitely would bring more reception from people who aren't into sneakers than just creating Black/white kick, or using a tribal print. But thats just my opinion. With that being the said the 16's are a no go for me.
As a Black/African-American and someone with a Masters in Africana Studies, please shut up if you know nothing about Black or African history. And you probably know nothing other than the little bit you've been fed. The idea of you telling Nike what their BHM shoes should look like as if you (or Nike) cares about BHM is laughable at best. What ive noticed on here is that the more African influence the shoe has, the less it is liked. Which, by all mean is TYPICAL.

Yikes. So shut up and dribbl- er, post about sneakers?
The problem is that Nike does not have anyone on their roster whose had the public consciousness of Kareem, Ali, Jesse Owens or Arthur Ashe. LeBron has been the first Black athlete on their roster to take a stand, a public stand, with his political and social positions, and is now paying for it dearly in the eyes of the online white public. Those people like for their Black athletes to be quiet, and thankful for having opportunity, especially fans of Nike. Jordan was quiet, Kobe emulated that and sued his mother, and now Kyrie is out here saying that the world is flat. KD has spoken on the topic, eloquently I might add, but Nike has an uphill battle in regard to producing a BHM line that would have impact beyond NikeTalk. My fav Nike tribute is the LBJ 15 BHM.

yeah that's true Nike doesn't quite have those athletes yet well not at that calibur, and i agree the 15 was the best that multicolor was sick than them gold highlights

As a Black/African-American and someone with a Masters in Africana Studies, please shut up if you know nothing about Black or African history. And you probably know nothing other than the little bit you've been fed. The idea of you telling Nike what their BHM shoes should look like as if you (or Nike) cares about BHM is laughable at best. What ive noticed on here is that the more African influence the shoe has, the less it is liked. Which, by all mean is TYPICAL.

first that's not the case for instance there's no pattern on the 16 and no one likes those :lol: ok very few so you don't know what you're talking about on the lebron bhm pattern love anyways to quote the great Chris Rock "You can't handle, sit down in the corner, shut it up and take notes, bruh, just take notes" :evil:
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