Were the Fireworks really THAT limited in China?  As of yesterday, a week after the official Aug 5th release, they still had a full size run.  Pairs are still available today as well.  Furthermore Kicks-Crew is selling them, and I've seen people trying to do pre-orders on Flea-bay and other places as well. 

As far as the RUMORED release date is concerned; I had talked to three different people who all seemed to believe a US release was happening and the speculative dates they provided were all eerily similar time wise.  Two of which have been dead on about previous releases that even NT has dropped the ball on. Mind you none of these guys are Phil Knight so you never really know.  Finally in the readings I've stumbled upon the only shoe being heralded as an "Asian Exclusive" were the Dream Season V, and yet I've seen those for sale on e-bay too.  Although it should be noted that the Fireworks were said to be more limited than the Dream Season V.
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Any big guys play in these? I just picked up the black/grey pp's from HOH, and ordered a blitz blue pair too. I'm 6'5 220, always avoided lows but just couldnt resist anymore... seems like every review raves about how theyre a great guard shoe
I play more of a swing forward than strictly in the post but I'm 6'4 215 and absolutely love them. They'll take maybe a game to get used to but after that you'll hardly notice anything besides the added mobility they give you. They do secure your heel and feet very well, the only drawback I can see may be durability for a big guy. My pair already has a few scratches on the mesh toebox and you can definitely feel a difference in the lunar cushioning and overall rigidness of the shoe after some wear.

I posted a mini-review after my first couple runs in them and was obviously pretty impressed. The only thing I would change now about my review are the possible durability issues, I like to rotate between a few different pairs of bball kicks though so I'm not too worried.

Here's a link to my original post (picture of milk snakes on foot towards the bottom of the page):
I haven't read this entire thread but I've been checking in, so excuse the dumb question...
no Laker colorway? :smh:
Were the Fireworks really THAT limited in China?  As of yesterday, a week after the official Aug 5th release, they still had a full size run.  Pairs are still available today as well.  Furthermore Kicks-Crew is selling them, and I've seen people trying to do pre-orders on Flea-bay and other places as well. 

As far as the RUMORED release date is concerned; I had talked to three different people who all seemed to believe a US release was happening and the speculative dates they provided were all eerily similar time wise.  Two of which have been dead on about previous releases that even NT has dropped the ball on. Mind you none of these guys are Phil Knight so you never really know.  Finally in the readings I've stumbled upon the only shoe being heralded as an "Asian Exclusive" were the Dream Season V, and yet I've seen those for sale on e-bay too.  Although it should be noted that the Fireworks were said to be more limited than the Dream Season V.
Dream Seasons have never released in the US and have always only been made for the Asia market cuz he's far more popular over there. Seeing them on an international site like eBay doesn't mean anything for a US release on those. Sure, you can get Dream Seasons on eBay if you want, but they'd be from an overseas seller. You're not gonna find them stateside on shelves.

You mean a FSR on Kicks-Crew or are you talking about stores in China still having a FSR? I think the FSR on Kicks-Crew is more cuz of the high price tag, and people still hoping for a wider release since nothing's officially confirmed, just speculation. I do see one place on eBay with a FSR, but i-kixxx is actually just Kicks-Crew's eBay account. If you just look at all of the other listings i-kixxx has, they're all using pics from Kicks-Crews. The high price is kinda weird though cuz they have some other rare Kobes on their site but nothing close to the Fireworks price. Like the MCs are listed as $230 before shipping...much lower than the $400 that the "real sneakerhead" paid :lol: I've seen a couple big cartel sites listing pre-order sales, but it's hard for me to give my money over til I know they even have the shoes in hand for sure.

I hope the guys you talked to are right, and they'll get a wider release since it'll be much cheaper to cop, obviously. But it wouldn't be anything new either if the Fireworks stay exclusive cuz there's already been a precedent for that with earlier Kobes.
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Truth be told ordering it at 300 isint that bad cuz if they stay China exclusives theyll be worth considerably more in the future. Worst case scenario ur paying double retail, while that sucks would still beat not being able to find them in the future
I play more of a swing forward than strictly in the post but I'm 6'4 215 and absolutely love them. They'll take maybe a game to get used to but after that you'll hardly notice anything besides the added mobility they give you. They do secure your heel and feet very well, the only drawback I can see may be durability for a big guy. My pair already has a few scratches on the mesh toebox and you can definitely feel a difference in the lunar cushioning and overall rigidness of the shoe after some wear.

I posted a mini-review after my first couple runs in them and was obviously pretty impressed. The only thing I would change now about my review are the possible durability issues, I like to rotate between a few different pairs of bball kicks though so I'm not too worried.

Here's a link to my original post (picture of milk snakes on foot towards the bottom of the page):
Any big guys play in these? I just picked up the black/grey pp's from HOH, and ordered a blitz blue pair too. I'm 6'5 220, always avoided lows but just couldnt resist anymore... seems like every review raves about how theyre a great guard shoe
Im 6'4 225 and I love the kobes. It really depends on your game. I spend a lot of time in the high post and also am down on the block. There isn't any heal slippage and I love to jab step into a spin. these shoes are great but like bgzkicks said they could be a little more duable but they are great if u wear them indoors only. The lunarlon can begin to wear thin but it will also mold to your foot.
I never assumed the Dream Season V would release in the U.S.  Simply stated that in my findings those were the only ones with the "Asia Exclusive" tag associated to them during Kobe's most recent trip to China.  A tag I've yet to see placed upon the Fireworks.

Yesterday's FSR of Fireworks was on NIKE China, and they still have pairs up now, although admittedly not as many.  Despite the fancy paper and extra laces they were marked at the same retail price as most of the Kobe 8s.  Basically I was questioning just how LIMITED the Fireworks really were considering NIKE China still had a FSR available a week after their release.  The exorbitant price tag  on kicks-crew just seems like people trying to charge rape prices given the looming uncertainty of a US release at this present time. We all know there's a definite market for charging these outlandish prices to those who must have their shoes first.  Couple that with the Kobe 8s overwhelming popularity and it only exacerbates the situation.  Hell, we'll probably see people in China selling these on e-bay saying Super Limited China Exclusive!  Buy now for the low low price of $500!  Some will panic and scoop them up, and HOPEFULLY a month or two from now the NT fam will all be copping for $140.

I'm with you though in that I definitely want these orange crush hush puppies to release stateside and the sooner the better.  It's just that concrete info on Kobe's lately is pretty hard to come by.  Nike' keeps playing games w/ us.   I mean what's the deal w/ the Graffitis being pushed back another week just days before they were set to release? 

On a side note, I'm pretty stoked about those platinum/orange promos!  Those pics are
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Sure, I get where you're coming from, and I'm guessing as much as the next guy. I do remember one dude who copped his pair in Shanghai earlier in the thread said that he was able to walk into a Nike store to get them without a raffle or anything, but they weren't widely released at multiple stores. All I was saying is there have been some China/Asia exclusive Kobes before in previous years, so if they don't end up releasing stateside, I wouldn't be surprised.

I know for me they're the only colorway I have my eye on aside from Lakers colorways (really wondering what those "Purple Dynasties" are), so I want to see a US release as much as anyone.
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Any big guys play in these? I just picked up the black/grey pp's from HOH, and ordered a blitz blue pair too. I'm 6'5 220, always avoided lows but just couldnt resist anymore... seems like every review raves about how theyre a great guard shoe

Yeah you'll be fine might even notice an improvement like me. Im 6'3 about 210 and I used to ball with the hyperdunks elite for the high top support since I have glass ankles lol but ever since I started balling with my sulfurs the comfort, lockdown, and cushioning around the ankle are amazing. For some reason and call me crazy but I feel like my ankle is a bit more secure in a way (maybe cause of cushioning). Id say try them out a couple games see how you like the fit but I definitely think youll be good with them
Can anyone tell me whats the difference between the regular kobe 8s and the elite kobe 8s please and thank u! :3
From what i was told, the elite's have zoom whereas the regular have lunarlon. I personally prefer lunarlon. Also, it depends on what elites you get since some, according to this one person that told me, have zoom on the toe and heel and some only has zoom on heel. i think the zoom insoles are a lot heavier too.

You and me both Bruce.

Any word on what that elite pair is?  The one adjacent to the Inlines. 
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My .02 on the Fireworks:

Nobody thought PP's were going to release here, then all of a sudden with about 2 weeks to go, they popped up.

MC's released in Asia first, then we finally received word from Nike that they would release.

Fireworks will release in due time.

Be patient.

Nike has too much $$$ to cash in on if they don't.
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