Welcome back NotoriousMJ23. Good to see you still buying Kobes. Thought you retired or something. :lol:

Thanks :nthat: I used Rit liquid dye. Not sure how durable it is but I thought I give it a try since it was sitting in the garage. Was gonna buy some fabric paint marker but forgot. I'll report back how it holds up.

@quise2024 You might wanna stock locate. I called a Foot Action today and they said there was a 12. Here's their number, (408) 274-4028

*chris humphries voice "dope"

Good looking out will call first thing in the morning
Red camos are nice and was real close to trying to get a pair, but I think I'm just gonna pass and wait for the Easters
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the more i see the red camos, the more i start to consider completing the bloods and crips pack. already have the blue coral snakes.
Sulfers are still my favorite Kobe 8 for now. Just so damb nice :D


agreed. my xmas 8s don't get as much mileage as my sulfurs.

Sulfurs > everything


too clean.

Was able to locate a pair of Sulfurs today. Bought a pair release day but returned it because


these look good! need a deeper black though if possible. I like the Sulfurs better but these
are nice!
red camos, port wine, yots , whatever you want to call em.  they will be an easy cop.  if nike is allowing a 2 pair limit, then you know it'll be an easy pick up
what would be better?

ordering from ndc with 10% discount.
or attempt to get from footlocker and hope they let me use bday coupon
what would be better?

ordering from ndc with 10% discount.
or attempt to get from footlocker and hope they let me use bday coupon
I've had much better luck with Footlocker than NDC, but if you're guaranteed the 10% and you have experience in copping online. I would say go for it on NDC.
what would be better?

ordering from ndc with 10% discount.
or attempt to get from footlocker and hope they let me use bday coupon

Discount code on NDC.

You may end up paying a couple more dollars, but there's a good chance FTL won't let you use a coupon on release day. And make sure you have the new one, since the current coupon expires tomorrow I believe.
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^^^^ Wish it were like FTL and them, to where u can use it over and over and over again..

vvvv No love for the red suede at all

The purple is the wrong color combo if u ask me
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