I just need them to sit for two days so I can scoop them for 40% off.
 40% off?
Does footlocker actually check to see if its your bday? Or u just show them your phone?
It's at the manager's discretion. People have said to buy shoe cleaner (3-4 bucks) as well so it can help them meet their accesories sales quota for the month. If you do that, they most likely won't give you a hard time. You can also use the birthday coupon online as well with no problems. 
 40% off?

It's at the manager's discretion. People have said to buy shoe cleaner (3-4 bucks) as well so it can help them meet their accesories sales quota for the month. If you do that, they most likely won't give you a hard time. You can also use the birthday coupon online as well with no problems. 
Yeah really depends on the person behind the desk and like he mentioned, by a shoe cleaner or socks since they are always pushing and they should let you go.

40% probably talking about employee discount. If they do sit for two days, prob hit up my boy to scoop a pair for me
Please respond ASAP 210 a good deal for the BHM? What shorts do they go good with beside camo color? Thanks
Please respond ASAP 210 a good deal for the BHM? What shorts do they go good with beside camo color? Thanks
Yeah bro go for it. I would not be wearing the BHM's with any kind of camo either. It is not a good look contrary to what some people may believe. 
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damn thats mad tempting...I have to admit the sulfurs are nice but I was gonna pass on em. 110? tempting. 
$124 ship for the sulfurs.. I can't even find them in Central Florida to use my bday coupon..  so tempting...
$124 ship for the sulfurs.. I can't even find them in Central Florida to use my bday coupon..  so tempting...
Do it.. Same situation for me.. Except I pulled yesterday for 135$ shipped & today this gets posted.. Damn.. Oh well lol. But yeah man they have dried up here in Central Florida.
Is $155 shipped a good price for the pythons? Just wondering...been buying Kobe's for a minute but hype is growing on these.
thats retail plus shipping so yes....unless u wanna wait for ndc and possible free shipping would be 148ish
Is $155 shipped a good price for the pythons? Just wondering...been buying Kobe's for a minute but hype is growing on these.

the shoe retails for $140. add tax, and that gets you to $150 +/- $2.

the only way you would get a better price would be to use a Swoosh account, a bday coupon, or if Kobe dropped it off at your house.
the shoe retails for $140. add tax, and that gets you to $150 +/- $2.

the only way you would get a better price would be to use a Swoosh account, a bday coupon, or if Kobe dropped it off at your house.
Haha I would take the last option. 
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