Make sure they legit at that price
The guy is selling them for that price because he needs the money to pay his rent and needs it ASAP. I was kind of skeptical at first but he has legit pics and has other listings with receipts included like bel airs and the DMP pack 
The guy is selling them for that price because he needs the money to pay his rent and needs it ASAP. I was kind of skeptical at first but he has legit pics and has other listings with receipts included like bel airs and the DMP pack 
Dmp pack? He giving those away too?

Picked these up today for 160 cad. DS. Pretty happy with them, gonna try to sell my venomenons to fund these. Wish I had the nike+ sensors to make these even more fun.
They join my modest collection of the challenge red and green pp.
The guy is selling them for that price because he needs the money to pay his rent and needs it ASAP. I was kind of skeptical at first but he has legit pics and has other listings with receipts included like bel airs and the DMP pack 

Whats this sellers name .. i need to get in contact with him lol
Was passing a Nike outlet on the way home from a trip this weekend so I stopped in to see if I could find some deals. Went to the shoes first found a cheap pair of trainers. Asked a kid working if they had any Kobe's laying around said no they don't ever get Kobe's.... Went to the clothing area asked a kid where the kobe section was (had kd bron woods sectioned off) he said he'll ask and be right back. Saw him asking another kid and they were laughing. He comes back and tells me "uhh yeah man Kobe has no affiliation with Nike". I pointed down to my elites and said really and walked away laughing.

How are you working at a Nike store and you don't know Kobe is a Nike athlete?
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