Anyone know if this seller is legit?

 Amazon product ASIN B00F0N7NRU 

Kobe Taipan $111 shipped & Fulfilled by Amazon. Figure if they're fake, I can return them(if I even receive them) since I have prime. Just wondering if anyone has ever purchased from the vendor (SHOOPOP)?
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The simple fact that while Kobe may be, the Lakers are no longer a hot commodity, long since overshadowed by the success of LeBron's Heat and KD's Thunder. Thus the reason for all these hypebeast wackass CW's while true Laker fans are hung out dry SMH.

While I agree with your point of the Lakers not exactly being hot at the moment, I question your definition of success? Because last time I checked, KD and the Thunder have accomplished what exactly?
Anyone know if this seller is legit? 

Kobe Taipan $111 shipped & Fulfilled by Amazon. Figure if they're fake, I can return them(if I even receive them) since I have prime. Just wondering if anyone has ever purchased from the vendor (SHOOPOP)?

Nice find, thought I did good getting them from Villa for 117 on release day. You're good to go man. Even if it isn't legit, Amazon is about as great a guarantee you can get on returns. Worse case scenario, you return at their expense and get a full refund. Nothing to lose man.
Don't think I've seen fakes of Taipans as well as PPs. You should be good.

Kixpress is like Kicks Crew.
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I swear this dude above makes the most useless posts ever. Both those can be found elsewhere for less than the prices stated 
Bday coupon brings these down to $125 in NYC. Anyone in NYC know the best Footlockers that are easy with Bday coupons? Some managers are 
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