Official Nike Air Yeezy II "Red" Thread NO BOT TALK--NO FAKE/GM TALK-NO BUY/SELL/TRADE TALK-- Ye to

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Random but looking back i wise i had a legit chance of getting the Solar's at any point :\ :lol:
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lol.. what has Nike done?  seriously?  do you see this forum.  we are on NIKE talk.  Nike has people spending there rent money on a pair of lebrons/retro jordans.  they make over a billion dollars a year selling crappy quality retro jordans and they have us lined up like sheep ready to buy, sell out in seconds.  

When was the last time Adidias release a pair of shoes that sold out in seconds?  Nike does that every weekend.  That isn't a accident, Thats  Nike and their marketing strategy. 

So what marketing has Nike done to cause this?
a wise person once told me..."if you have to over explain yourself, chances are you're lying."

kod pairs are FAKE. 
Just like Sway said, you don't have to turn up. Son lost his cool off a simple question. So just like homie said above, imagine how he acted towards Nike or any other major player who sat him down and asked him REAL questions...

The incident that happened with Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh sums it up perfectly.

On a podcast after the tour, West complained about the website’s product selection and stated that he and Hsieh got into an argument over his focus: music vs. fashion.

Hsieh told Spy it was a misunderstanding. “He had a million ideas and all I did was ask him what he was going to focus on first,” Hsieh said. “I think he misunderstood my question.”
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Third world countries? LOL Idk but I'm not sure swollen belly kids need RO's.

You think less fortunate people would care about, what kind of sneakers they have on their feet? They might have never had something on their feet before. It would be better than destroying the sneakers.
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If Nike wanted to really piss off Kanye, they should release the red octobers as a general release. Kanye would have a melt down.
If Nike wanted to really piss off Kanye, they should release the red octobers as a general release. Kanye would have a melt down.

Lol Ye wanted the Yeezys to be more widely available anyway so I don't think that would make him have a melt down. What could get under his skin is if they retro the yeezy 1&2's once a year or every other year and make them a super GR now that he's with Adidas.
You think less fortune people would care about, what kind of sneakers they have on their feet? They might have never had something on their feet before. It would be better than destroying the sneakers.

So your suggestion is to give 5000 pairs of sneakers that could, COULD sell for $4000 to childern in third world countries?

Seems legit.

You got some cousins in Africa or South America that are gonna get RO relief tickets for you? you sly dog you...
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So your suggestion is to give 5000 pairs of sneakers that could, COULD sell for $4000 to childern in third world countries?

Seems legit.

You got some cousins in Africa or South America that are gonna get RO relief tickets for you? you sly dog you...

I am suggestion that would be better than destroying them, IF Nike wanted to destroy them. The key word is, "if". Someone posted, Nike is thinking about scraping the release and destroying them. It could be true or false(more than likely false).
I can see why he compares himself to Apple. Steal ideas, put a twist on it, and bam, you're revolutionary, mickey mouse, 2pac of FASHION.
All I have to say is, If Kanye paid his dues now, continued with Nike even though he wasn't entirely getting the monetary return he thought he deserved, in 5-10 years that return would be tenfold what Adidas could ever give him.  Celebrities don't have patience, they believe because they have lots of money anything is attainable, even intangibles. Kanye wanted more recognition and money, NOW which is rather child like because hes got more money that scrooge mcduck.
so how about that 12/7 release, or was it 12/14??
Kanye just verbally confirmed on XM station HipHopNation that no more Nike releases will be involving his name.

In order for them to release it he has to sign off on it as well as Mark Parker.

She asked if partnership with Nike is over....he said most definitely. His logic is Nike sells 85% of sneakers in the world, Adidas is at 5%... he thinks his line can get them up to about 25-30%. Plus expect a special D.Rose x Kanye shoe in near future.
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Kanye just verbally confirmed on XM station HipHopNation that no more Nike releases will be involving his name.

In order for them to release it he has to sign off on it as well as Mark Parker.

She asked if partnership with Nike is over....he said most definitely. His logic is Nike sells 85% of sneakers in the world, Adidas is at 5%... he thinks his line can get them up to about 25-30%. Plus expect a special D.Rose x Kanye shoe in near future.

RO's are done then...

Unless they take "Yeezy" off the box?

U reacting as a fan of Kanye

I'm reacting from what he's saying and his responses...

In every interview he was asked why can't u put up your own millions to start your own business. It bubbled on the Breakfast Club when he spoke about being able to provide for North and it boiled over in that sway interview.

Just b/c he's a celebrity, doesn't mean he's rich. Doesn't mean he's hasn't spent beyond his means.

Unlike most artist that waste their millions on frivolous and materialist things maybe kanye has over spent and wasted millions into his career. The biggest most over the top shows, the most expensive videos, the biggest album budgets, over spending on a start up fashion company, over spending on venues at fashion week in Paris. I mean the guy was buying time slots in between like Versace and Givenchy the last time he had a DW show at fashion week. All of that stuff cost MILLIONS.

Music his cash cow and the label still has to recoup all that bread back...

Idk all I'm saying is dude sounds like he may be broke
Kanye just verbally confirmed on XM station HipHopNation that no more Nike releases will be involving his name.

In order for them to release it he has to sign off on it as well as Mark Parker.

She asked if partnership with Nike is over....he said most definitely. His logic is Nike sells 85% of sneakers in the world, Adidas is at 5%... he thinks his line can get them up to about 25-30%. Plus expect a special D.Rose x Kanye shoe in near future.
 who cares. Mark Parker can rename the shoe and release them. Kanye's name is nowhere visible on the shoe and he owns no rights to the model so it's a L for Kanye.

"son'n" Mark Parker is gonna make Mark Parker "son" Ye.
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