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You would think with less than a wk away from oct we would have some type of news on the red oct...
what im thinking
Solar's are really going for RACKS like this?

I decided to see what they're worth these days and listed 'em and got people throwing 2K at me for my WORN pair.

Can't imagine what DS pairs are going for these days.
Solar's are really going for RACKS like this?

I decided to see what they're worth these days and listed 'em and got people throwing 2K at me for my WORN pair.

Can't imagine what DS pairs are going for these days.

I can't believe it's this many people willing to spend that kind of bread on sneakers
There's a UK eBay user trying to sell DS solars for £4400, roughly $7100.

They will not budge from that price either.
Has any one tried steaming the creases out of the toe box of their solars? I'm just wondering what kind of effect this will have, i.e. whether this will separate the inside foam/cushion part from the mesh it's glued to. 

It's probably not worth it in the end as it will crease again so damn easily anyway... but just wondering if anyone has tried it and if they could share before and after shots.
Has any one tried steaming the creases out of the toe box of their solars? I'm just wondering what kind of effect this will have, i.e. whether this will separate the inside foam/cushion part from the mesh it's glued to. 

It's probably not worth it in the end as it will crease again so damn easily anyway... but just wondering if anyone has tried it and if they could share before and after shots.


you guys freaking out at those prices, this pair im about to show you guys was in a house fire so they are beat the f'up and it closed at $1075 the reason i know is because i know the original owner, so he sold them, then this guy bought them and ended up selling them insance!

guess to somebody they were still hot
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Has any one tried steaming the creases out of the toe box of their solars? I'm just wondering what kind of effect this will have, i.e. whether this will separate the inside foam/cushion part from the mesh it's glued to. 

It's probably not worth it in the end as it will crease again so damn easily anyway... but just wondering if anyone has tried it and if they could share before and after shots.


you guys freaking out at those prices, this pair im about to show you guys was in a house fire so they are beat the f'up and it closed at $1075 the reason i know is because i know the original owner, so he sold them, then this guy bought them and ended up selling them insance!

guess to somebody they were still hot

I thought it was against the rules to 'flame' others posts (you see what I did there?)
Interesting conversation on the last page about the Kanye interview and his designing of shoes. My opinion, I like both pairs of the Yeezys that came out with Nike and would not discredit Kanye for designing the shoe but on the other hand I think he just took a popular Nike air tech challenge midsole and Jordan 3 toe box and added premium material to the upper for the yeezy 2 . Yeah it took a lot of creativity to put it all together but it’s a lot of “tinker” going on with that shoe. If Kanye went somewhere else and tried to design a Yeezy 3 without any Nike influence in the shoe, then I would be more impressed. In the interview he was coming across like he didn’t have any help or Nike influence in the design which rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

If Nike lets him do another pair ...will it be the Jordan 11 midsole, the lebron 3 toebox, and crocodile skin upper?
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