My FA and HOH had a bunch of sizes. I tried on my size but honestly wasn't feeling them as much as I thought I would on feet and ended up passing. I rarely try on shoes in store, but since no one was in there I thought I'd throw em on. Just wasn't crazy about them. I did like the speckled gum sole, I hadn't noticed that until I saw them in hand, but I just didn't see myself rocking these much as I would have liked. It's funny some people like these white/gums because it tones down the "AIR" but I think the all white brings more attention to just how bulky this model really is. The OG Black/White Uptempos will forever be my all time favorite sneaker, but I think it's safe to say that's the only colorway of Uptempos I'll rock.
Anyway, if you want these, definitely check your local stores. The dude at FA did mention their stock was limited but they're out there.