Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy


eff toskala! gustavsson in the net, now! can't stop a rebound to save his life. old problems still exist... confusion on defense, not putting a body infront of the net consistently on the offensive side..uhhh

you out shoot them 45-27 and lose. ridiculous
^Relax, it's the first game of the season and we at least got a point out of it
It will take time to get organized on defence and get all the systems worked out etc........wasn't THAT bad of a game by the Leafs.

Flames retro jerseys
Caps looked GOOD....Bruins looked flat as #%!$..something looked off with them.

I'm pulling for Theodore to have a great year...he had an offseason from hell, and I hoping for the best with him.
Went to tonight's Bruins game. I'm really happy with the play from the first period and like a 5 minute stretch in the thrid where they scored andThornton fought Erniske(sp?) but they were really flat overall. Derek Morris made a great play early on to stop a sure-goal from Ovy.

It's a long season.
Shanny leaving the Devils is bittersweet for me. Its good to see Lamoriello and Lemaire making the effort to get the young guys like Bergfors and Halischukinto the lineup. On the other hand, Shanny and Bergfors looked great in preseason and Bergfors has said that in the brief amount of time they played togetherthat he helped him tremendously. Its good for the young guys but at the same time I'd have liked for Shanahan to still be with us and Pandolfo be the onewho is gone. We'll see how that goes though.
Originally Posted by cquan05


From what I'm hearing, a lot of folks w. DTV have called and complained to the company about losing Versus....what has happened is DTV is giving a lot ofthe people who call in, FREE NHL Center Ice for the if you are in this situation, call em up and give them a piece of your mind....when I had DTVand there was an "issue" they always hooked somethign up to make sure I was happy by the end of the call....that being said, DTV sucks and I'mglad I'm done with them
Rangers Vs. Penguins tonight...

Not really expecting much because they always get wrecked in Pittsburgh but I'm just excited that hockey is back. Hopefully they can spoil their littlebanner raising night.
hey atfk, im thinking about getting a gaborik jersey

white or blue?

anyways, i have a concert the day of the opener vs calgary
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