Official NHL Regular Season Thread... Capitals win President's trophy

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

That's cool that Bauer was able to buy back the brand.

The players shown are only a few of those who actually wear the brand.
Lol...........there are a lot of Bauer guys but obviously only a bunch are selected to go to that weekend of trying stuff out etc.

Or, did you mean that some of the guys in the video don't actually wear Bauer? Because as far as I can remember all of the player's in that video are Bauer head to toe. Can't think of anyone who isn't........

What I really meant, is that there are obviously tons of players whoare not shown in the video, that wear Bauer from head to toe.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

I don't want to talk about it. Kid is out there by himself right now

I know he's missing a couple of guys, but Malkin stepped it up in Crosby's absence last year....just sayin'

Pittsburgh still has plenty of talent/weapons....I honestly think that Crosby is nursing some sort of injury. He's looked awful.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

That's cool that Bauer was able to buy back the brand.

The players shown are only a few of those who actually wear the brand.
Lol...........there are a lot of Bauer guys but obviously only a bunch are selected to go to that weekend of trying stuff out etc.

Or, did you mean that some of the guys in the video don't actually wear Bauer? Because as far as I can remember all of the player's in that video are Bauer head to toe. Can't think of anyone who isn't........

What I really meant, is that there are obviously tons of players who are not shown in the video, that wear Bauer from head to toe.
Ahhh gotcha

Canes season even worse now..........I hope LA can get the W with all those guys out.

Okposo with the swine flu.......for all those that play the game themselves, be sure to really take all the precautions and wash your hands etc all the time,use your own bottle etc......a few kids here in Ontario have died from the virus and they were all hockey players. I was sick for the last week but don'tthink it was the swine lol.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by dmxfury

I don't want to talk about it. Kid is out there by himself right now

I know he's missing a couple of guys, but Malkin stepped it up in Crosby's absence last year....just sayin'

Pittsburgh still has plenty of talent/weapons....I honestly think that Crosby is nursing some sort of injury. He's looked awful.
Malkin was on another level though when he racked up all those pts when Sid was out.........I've said it all along, Crosby isn't afinisher or a scorer, he prefers to set guys up and pass the puck more so than scoring himself. If you were to ask me who would I pick to start my franchisewith? I'd say Crosby over Malkin for sure........That debate is for another day though.

We'll see how they can rebound from a bad trip though.
Originally Posted by cquan05

Ahhh gotcha

Canes season even worse now..........I hope LA can get the W with all those guys out.

Okposo with the swine flu.......for all those that play the game themselves, be sure to really take all the precautions and wash your hands etc all the time, use your own bottle etc......a few kids here in Ontario have died from the virus and they were all hockey players. I was sick for the last week but don't think it was the swine lol.

I know back when I played roller hockey, some dudes would bring extra gloves, blades, and sticks to share... That's a no, no now.

That's sad to hear about those kids dying from this disease, it's a shame.
It's crazy because, it was well known that athletes are the last people to get the flu, for obvious reasons, health and fitness.
Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by dmxfury

I don't want to talk about it. Kid is out there by himself right now

I know he's missing a couple of guys, but Malkin stepped it up in Crosby's absence last year....just sayin'

Pittsburgh still has plenty of talent/weapons....I honestly think that Crosby is nursing some sort of injury. He's looked awful.
Malkin was on another level though when he racked up all those pts when Sid was out.........I've said it all along, Crosby isn't a finisher or a scorer, he prefers to set guys up and pass the puck more so than scoring himself. If you were to ask me who would I pick to start my franchise with? I'd say Crosby over Malkin for sure........That debate is for another day though.

We'll see how they can rebound from a bad trip though.
Damn...that would be a great debate. I'd lean towards Malkin. Both are incredible players, but I think that there is something (dont knowwhat it is) that Malkin has that makes everyone around him better. He's proven it. Another thing...if Malkin spoke English as his 1st language, would hehave the "C" on his sweater?
Originally Posted by cquan05

Okposo with the swine flu.......for all those that play the game themselves, be sure to really take all the precautions and wash your hands etc all the time, use your own bottle etc......a few kids here in Ontario have died from the virus and they were all hockey players. I was sick for the last week but don't think it was the swine lol.
One of the easiest and most important precautions you should take is keeping your gloves on for handshakes (If they do that wherever you guysplay).
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by dmxfury

I don't want to talk about it. Kid is out there by himself right now

I know he's missing a couple of guys, but Malkin stepped it up in Crosby's absence last year....just sayin'

Pittsburgh still has plenty of talent/weapons....I honestly think that Crosby is nursing some sort of injury. He's looked awful.
Malkin was on another level though when he racked up all those pts when Sid was out.........I've said it all along, Crosby isn't a finisher or a scorer, he prefers to set guys up and pass the puck more so than scoring himself. If you were to ask me who would I pick to start my franchise with? I'd say Crosby over Malkin for sure........That debate is for another day though.

We'll see how they can rebound from a bad trip though.
Damn...that would be a great debate. I'd lean towards Malkin. Both are incredible players, but I think that there is something (dont know what it is) that Malkin has that makes everyone around him better. He's proven it. Another thing...if Malkin spoke English as his 1st language, would he have the "C" on his sweater?
I was going to bring up the language barrier in my post there but decided not to........IF Malkin spoke English it would make things muchdifferent, however.......I've heard from my buddy who use to play for Pittsburgh that Malkin is pretty quiet leading up to the game and during the game.I've seen videos where he's really started to branch out and be a little more loose with the guys, but I don't personally see him as a"leader". Crosby is also better defensively IMO......and I'd bet on Sid to win the important draws over Gino. Everyone has their own opinionthough so enh.....
Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by cquan05

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by dmxfury

I don't want to talk about it. Kid is out there by himself right now

I know he's missing a couple of guys, but Malkin stepped it up in Crosby's absence last year....just sayin'

Pittsburgh still has plenty of talent/weapons....I honestly think that Crosby is nursing some sort of injury. He's looked awful.
Malkin was on another level though when he racked up all those pts when Sid was out.........I've said it all along, Crosby isn't a finisher or a scorer, he prefers to set guys up and pass the puck more so than scoring himself. If you were to ask me who would I pick to start my franchise with? I'd say Crosby over Malkin for sure........That debate is for another day though.

We'll see how they can rebound from a bad trip though.
Damn...that would be a great debate. I'd lean towards Malkin. Both are incredible players, but I think that there is something (dont know what it is) that Malkin has that makes everyone around him better. He's proven it. Another thing...if Malkin spoke English as his 1st language, would he have the "C" on his sweater?
I was going to bring up the language barrier in my post there but decided not to........IF Malkin spoke English it would make things much different, however.......I've heard from my buddy who use to play for Pittsburgh that Malkin is pretty quiet leading up to the game and during the game. I've seen videos where he's really started to branch out and be a little more loose with the guys, but I don't personally see him as a "leader". Crosby is also better defensively IMO......and I'd bet on Sid to win the important draws over Gino. Everyone has their own opinion though so enh.....
it's a tough call and you really can't go wrong w. either guy....I think the language barrier plays a huge role in the grand scheme ofthings.

As I've said a couple of times before, I think Malkin is the player closest to Jagr's skill set that the NHL has seen in a while...
Originally Posted by cquan05

I'd bet on Sid to win the important draws over Gino. Everyone has their own opinion though so enh.....


Malkin is a liability in the faceoff circle. This is one aspect of the game that Sid definitely does betterthan Evgeni Malkin.
What happened to Steve Mason?

Tonight - 3 goals on 6 shots.

Season - .891 SV.
I know he's missing a couple of guys, but Malkin stepped it up in Crosby's absence last year....just sayin'

True, but man Orpik, Gonchar, Letang, Malkin, just tons of guys missing right now, and as stated, Crosby is a different player than Malkin, more like a Gretzkythat sets guys up and can finish scores, but not like a Malkin who can create them out of nowhere. No I'm not saying Sid is as good as Wayne or going tobe
Devils have won 9 of their last 10. I find it hard to think of a team as hot as them right now. Plus they are without their top 2 defenseman and a top 6forward in Martin, Oduya, and Rolston respectively.
Caps/Islanders just went 11 rounds in the shootout...

Caps won

*FWIW...I #%!!%!% HATE the shootout. I understand the NHL did it post-lockout to bring in fans, but go back to the old format. No one should get a point for ajust making it to OT...let the boys play 4 on 4 for an extra 5-10 minutes, and if no one points.
One player in the league to start a franchise, who are you picking?

Spoiler [+]
Datsyuk for me.
Originally Posted by Proshares

One player in the league to start a franchise, who are you picking?

Spoiler [+]
Datsyuk for me.

... Ovechkin, Crosby, Malkin, Getzlaf, Kovalchuk, Iginla >Datsyuk.... IMO, he's a little overrated.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by Proshares

One player in the league to start a franchise, who are you picking?

Spoiler [+]
Datsyuk for me.

... Ovechkin, Crosby, Malkin, Getzlaf, Kovalchuk, Iginla > Datsyuk.... IMO, he's a little overrated.



I'll put AO, Malkin and maybe Iginla over Datsyuk. Crosby is not a finisher and is not the defensive player Pavel is. Getzlaf, I would probably equatehim w/Pavel offensively but not of the defensive end. Kovalchuk plays no defense at all and is not the greatest passer either.

I know I'm just splitting hairs between these great players. But I'm sticking to my guns.
Goku the great thing about that is that its David Clarkson. He's transforming into an extremely solid player who plays the body and has a lot of upsideoffensively. If that was an Ovechkin, Crosby, etc goal it would be all over the place. The Devils are looking real good right now.
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