OFFICIAL NFL Playoff THREAD 2023- 2024 Vol: Win or Go Home.

Anyone but the niners for me. I’m not bothered by KC Taylor swift can’t ruin my enjoyment of watching Patrick Mahomes play football

after mahomes pulled that bish move at the end of the bills game it BEEN f them dudes
What are you refering to?

I was indifferent on Pat until the Quarterback series. Of course being a raiders fan I rooted against him, but I actually started hating him after that series. One of the episodes Maxx Crosby tapped him or something after a play, the clown cried about it the entire game and after bragging to his boys even after the game is over. That **** annoyed my like no other 😂😂
Listening to how Mark Andrew’s rehabbed prompts a few questions. They said he rehabbed 6 hours a day at the facility. Then went home to a hyperbaric chamber provided by his girlfriends mother.

The Ravens couldn’t provide a chamber? Even players in the nba bubble had those in their room. What does his girlfriends mother do , to say you can borrow mine?
How could anybody hate on the Ravens unless you’re in the division?

Lamar is awesome, defensive players are fun, blue collar city, great environment for a game.
For some reason I don’t ever take San Fran as a threat to ever win the Super Bowl :lol: even after they’ve been close so many times
Something crazy always gotta happen to the Niners in the playoffs. Kyle Williams muffed punt. Beyonce. 5th string QB. I’m sure there’s more but thats just off the top of my head.

I’m ready for some more *******.
I use to not have any hate for Baltimore, than someone on NT actually said, Baltimore's style had a big influence on LA's street urban style and fashion in the 2000s.

Since then, it was eternal hate for Baltimore.
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