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Those folks ancestors literally had “white only” bathrooms and drinking fountains… it’s laughable:lol: :lol:

There are older white people in their 100s, 90s, 80s, etc who had the privilege of using “white only” vestibules. America is a funny place to me :rofl:

They took Mayo’s comments to the extreme because of their own guilt. I love it

I wish we’d laugh at our cultures and differences more, instead of being so obtuse. I laugh at my culture and others all the time. Everything isn’t always about demeaning each other.
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Men getting they nails did is weird as hell. I don't care how they try to spin it. :lol:

Only reason I look at people’s nails is because it’s an easy way to tell if people nasty

You can easily see if your nails are dirty and don’t take a whole lot to clean underneath
Nooooooo, was hoping he be Browns oc, Watson had his best years with him

O’brien might he a “decent” coordinator but he absolutely sucked as hc. His play calling was very predictable most of the time - run, run, pass, punt. Watson was only able to have good games when the run game was on point and the play action was working. I wouldn’t touch o’brien with a 500-foot pole
So the RG - Jay Gruden beef everyone suspected over the years finally played out before our very eyes last night after bubbling back up again this

I never thought I’d say this.. but I’m team RG3 on this one..

I vividly remember cowboys vs skins game they started him while he was limping bad…he still cooked us…

That’s malpractice having him out there…

of course a player is going to say “coach I feel good enough to play”…that’s up the trainers and coaches to hold him out for his own good…

I believe RGIII’s body was ruined/never the same after his rookie season with Shanahan. Was never the same after that.
I’m on rg3‘s side just because the things teams say to these guys to get them motivated and to general dumb things depending on the various states of their bodies

they knew that man’s injury.. they knew the poor state of that field

rg3 was dealing with pressure from not only his team but irrational fans and national media

the adults in the room had an obligation to jump in front of him for their own long term goals
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