:::[Official][NFC CHAMPIONSHIP] San Francisco 49ers vs. Seattle Seahawks @ Century Link:::

LOL, I see what you did there^... I agree, It was a dumb move to post on the employees part, but your move...

Man. I don't see where I'm wrong. If he was saying. Kap and Boldin were here I hope they lose tomorrow I hate those guys or something along the lines of that, I can understand that. No problem at all.

But to even imply that. You got dudes talking about they spit in people's food for not tipping. (Not trying to derail the thread into a tipping thread). But that way of thinking on his part is foolish. He might not do anything to Kap and boldins food but the guy who ordered a chicken Cesar salad with the Vernon Davis jersey on visiting Seattle might get a booger In his chicken Cesar salad.

Like I said though. Reverse the roles and id feel the same way if a 49er fan server pulled that crap on Seahawk players.
Your cool with a server having that type of mentality?

Again though. What did I do wrong. Social media is public for the world to see. Why post foolishness like that to begin with, especially when its a bad representation of where you work at.

Whatever miss me with that holier than though routine, you did it for the attention, hence why you found that random tweet and posted it get a reaction. If you feel justified then why come here looking to get some sort of validation?

Dudes like you are worse than girls who post butt shots on IG and then get mad when dudes get flagrant, knowing damn well that was your purpose was to get a reaction.

I don't care what you reasoning is or any of that you still a BAN for calling his employer :lol:

I guess anyone who handles food should be able to joke around about tainting someone else's food over a sporting event.

Yes sweetheart anyone should be able to make a joke :rolleyes :smh:
Your response is only furthering my point.

mj2229 mj2229 had a solid opinion and I can totally respect that because he has a point.

Again I posted this for how rediculous it was, not for the attention.

Comparing someone messing with food to a dumb broad posting butt pics and crying about thirsty dudes. Yeah your making sense with this one.

You can resort to petty name calling but I'm looking out for honest customers. Like I said. I wouldn't trust a dude like that handling my food if I did nothing wrong but be the fan of an opposing team in the wrong city.

Keep shifting the blame though.

If he didn't post this ignorance he wouldn't be in hot water.
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Your response is only furthering my point.

mj2229 mj2229 had a solid opinion and I can totally respect that because he has a point.

Again I posted this for how rediculous it was, not for the attention.

Comparing someone messing with food to a dumb broad posting butt pics and crying about thirsty dudes. Yeah your making sense with this one.

You can resort to petty name calling but I'm looking out for honest customers. Like I said. I wouldn't trust a dude like that handling my food if I did nothing wrong but be the fan of an opposing team in the wrong city.

Keep shifting the blame though.

If he didn't post this ignorance he wouldn't be in hot water.

No you posted what you did for the attention. You wanted us all to know how you "stood up" for the honest customer :rolleyes :smh:

I don't care if I'm making sense you will forever be a lame for that move man. You don't respect my opinion, **** it then, but you want to keep responding I'll keep explaining why you a LAN for it, cause evidently you want me prove to you that you are one

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Grandstanding over bull **** my god :smh: :rofl:

Your response is only furthering my point.

I refuse to believe this is how you some of you interact with people in real life :lol:
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Responding with silly gifs and name calling. I guess

My question is this. Would you feel comfortable going to a restaurant were this guy works at being a fan of his teams biggest rival and placing an order?

49ers Seahawks game bickering aside. Answer that with no biased thinking.
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I seen quite a few Crabtree and Kaepernick jerseys in Downtown Seattle tonight..

This game is going to be crazy..
^^You both better be drinking! LOL

I plead the 5th.

I guess that guy was getting bombarded though. He deleted his twitter.

All jokes aside though. People should be more responsible with the stuff they post/tweet. We live in an era where the slightest thing posted can come back to bite you. I don't get what he was trying to accomplish by even posting that foolishness.

Anyhow my body is ready for 6:30 pm already
Responding with silly gifs and name calling. I guess

My question is this. Would you feel comfortable going to a restaurant were this guy works at being a fan of his teams biggest rival and placing an order?

49ers Seahawks game bickering aside. Answer that with no biased thinking.

This is the issue with people like you. You are so full of your own hot air you can't understand what I'm saying clear as day to you.

Not everything in life is some debate to be made and argued for. I don't agree with what you did. I don't care how many ways you try and spin and interpret it, I see it this way. I don't owe a explanation of my feelings or opinion, nor do I expect one from you but you feel compelled to have to give one.

You're clown for calling his employer. Thats how I see it.............Thats it man :lol:

It gives you some sort of validation to point out that I'm calling you Lame and using gifs. The **** ever chief :lol:

Like i said, you can keep on having this conversation I got no problem reiterating my thesis of you being a clown, but I am no way compelled to prove that too :rofl:
This is the issue with people like you. You are so full of your own hot air you can't understand what I'm saying clear as day to you.

Not everything in life is some debate to be made and argued for. I don't agree with what you did. I don't care how many ways you try and spin and interpret it, I see it this way. I don't owe a explanation of my feelings or opinion, nor do I expect one from you but you feel compelled to have to give one.

You're clown for calling his employer. Thats how I see it.............Thats it man :lol:

It gives you some sort of validation to point out that I'm calling you Lame and using gifs. The **** ever chief :lol:

Like i said, you can keep on having this conversation I got no problem reiterating my thesis of you being a clown, but I am no way compelled to prove that too :rofl:

You can't answer my questions. Your mad.

Name calling is usually a tool of the ignorant though so I see you.
Its 3:30 in the afternoon and I'm at my office I'm just blown away at how he can't get that some people aren't going to like you in life. He just need to accept it

I don't know you in real life but you don't seem like a very likeable person.

That aside, if you came into a restaurant I worked at, I would provide you good service and wouldn't joke around about messing with your food despite that I would have negative feelings about you even though I never met you a day in my life.

Just think about what the guy said even in a joking manner and think why he's receiving negative backlash and deleting his twitter account right now. He posted this stuff not me. Without his posts that he made on his own free will there is no negative backlash.
You can't answer my questions. Your mad.

Name calling is usually a tool of the ignorant though so I see you.

Its like a playbook that people like use in this social media age. You all use the same quotes and idioms and programmed responses.

One last time so you can get the full picture.

YOU...ARE.....A....CLUCK.... for calling and trying to get the dude fired for making a dumb joke. You want him to lose his job cause he made a joke.

I own two restuaraunts. I have 20 employees...I would not fire any of them for making a twitter joke like that. I would write them up, but unless I can prove that they did something I'm not even gonna ruin they lively hood over a joke.

Your will forever be known as a clown to me. Accept that and deal with it man :lol:
I don't know you in real life but you don't seem like a very likeable person.

I can live with that you want to prove something to me thats not gonna happen man :lol:
Its like a playbook that people like use in this social media age. You all use the same quotes and idioms and programmed responses.

One last time so you can get the full picture.

YOU...ARE.....A....CLUCK.... for calling and trying to get the dude fired for making a dumb joke. You want him to lose his job cause he made a joke.

I own two restuaraunts. I have 20 employees...I would not fire any of them for making a twitter joke like that. I would write them up, but unless I can prove that they did something I'm not even gonna ruin they lively hood over a joke.

Your will forever be known as a clown to me. Accept that and deal with it man :lol:

Who's you all?

Oh wow. I'm forever known as a clown to law3001. My feelings are hurt.

Your downplaying of this guys foolish behavior is reflective of your ownership abilities. Someone posting stuff like that is representative of the place you own. That's costing you potential business. Why would you only write him up and not fire him?

In this world jokes have repressions. I won't compare sports and food tainting to race and religion but think about how many people have lost their jobs over racially insensitive or religiously offensive posts. Bottom line is people are accountable for the stuff they say on their own free will. No one put a gun to his head and made him post this.
Who's you all?

Oh wow. I'm forever known as a clown to law3001. My feelings are hurt.

Your downplaying of this guys foolish behavior is reflective of your ownership abilities. Someone posting stuff like that is representative of the place you own. That's costing you potential business. Why would you only write him up and not fire him?

In this world jokes have repressions. I won't compare sports and food tainting to race and religion but think about how many people have lost their jobs over racially insensitive or religiously offensive posts. Bottom line is people are accountable for the stuff they say on their own free will. No one put a gun to his head and made him post this.

One more time for your mind.




You are determined to have this debate. You are a clown for calling corporate on him. Thats it....nothing more....That is what I think. You don't think so. So there it is playboy you have to make a decision on how you want to do with this.

You're having a one sided argument. What exactly are you trying to do here? Honestly do you even know what i'm saying to you? Are you trying to change my opinion? Are you trying to prove something to me? To yourself? To God? What man.?

I don't care about any of your reasoning. Your opinion. Nothing. I don't care. Why do you keep responding if you know thats how I feel? :rofl:
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Crossing out posts as if that means anything and typing in all caps and getting all bent out of shape.

Why you so mad for doggie?

You side stepping some of my questions however makes me question your integrity as an owner. I guess your employees tweeting about spitting in 49er fans food is ok as long as you have no proof they were serious about it. Good luck staying in business long term with that foolish mindset.

Your here bragging about what you own and getting bent out of shape rather then being a rational person and acknowledging that what me said was completely irrational.

Like I said, when someone resorts to name calling and sidesteps questions, its a reason for it.
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Come on man. That's one pg and a half too many of back and forth bantering that gets ya'll where?? :rofl:
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