Official Next-Gen Gaming Thread: Xbox 720 DEVELOPMENT KITS LEAKED !

Man a lot of you were screamin bloody murder when you read the rumored Wii U specs.

20% more than the Wii U? Welp.........
Originally Posted by LanZeR23

Sony follows a 10 year plan. so it's gonna be unlikely for them to release a PS4 so soon. I guess we just have to wait and see.
What are you talking about?

PS1 came out in 94.

PS2 came out in 00.

PS3 came out in 06.

Sony supports the old system for about 10 years as PS2 games are still coming out.  But it doesn't mean that they won't come out with a new system.  Fall of 2013 seems to make sense for a new system to come out.
6670 plays Battlefield 3 at ultra specs with like 40-45 FPS. By 2013 that ain't gonna be $#@! im so disappointed in this console already they could've at least put a GTX 590 in it remember this isn't dropping till holiday 2013
So it will have a midrange hd6 that being midrange like the 6670/7670 (its getting rebadged for OEM sales) will mean that u can get the same GPU built into a current amd APU, so it will have last years best IGP. That's weak they may as well just stop now since the Wii U will have an amd turks (6670) and its coming out this summer, so if they plan to make it cost more than the 360 does now they need to have something higher end, when the 360 came out it had the best GPU that they could get at the time from the desktop market, if they only go 6x more and midrange then they will just be making something that still wont do 1080p 60fps and will not beable to do things like tessellation or proper translucent alpha textures so the only thing that will change is it will have 4xmsaa by moving to a dx10.1+ gpu as it wont be able to do the dx11 stuff as that chip sucks at direct compute and is to slow for tessellation.Yes i'm mad
Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by Gry60

Originally Posted by Kramer

Im sayin. Games are already 60 bucks a pop

Closer to $100 if you try to get all the DLC

6 hunderd?! 

how much you think these systems are gonna cost when they drop?
ipads are going for $600... what makes you think these systems wont?

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by Gry60

Closer to $100 if you try to get all the DLC

6 hunderd?! 

how much you think these systems are gonna cost when they drop?
ipads are going for $600... what makes you think these systems wont?


Didn't the PS3 launch at 600? I'm not expecting anything less than that unless they found a way to produce these cheaper.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by capricdragon

Originally Posted by Gry60

Closer to $100 if you try to get all the DLC

6 hunderd?! 

how much you think these systems are gonna cost when they drop?
ipads are going for $600... what makes you think these systems wont?


Most of the Ipad costs go towards the screen/touchscreen.I doubt they'll be over $500.
They won't be as expensive as the PS3 and 360 were at launch. I don't remember where I heard it but I think I was watching G4 and they said the PS3 and 360 were hardware based advancements over their predecessors. The PS4 and Loop are designed to be software/connectivity upgrades. They don't want to make another system with the best hardware when they can make them for half the price and include more "causual gaming" capabilities.
My Body is Ready!!!

It wont drop til 2014. 

Sony said this when the PS3 Dropped

I heard the Dualshock is going to be able to read your pulse and it will have an effect on your crosshair's movement depending on your heart rate. 
To be honest, it really doesnt matter to me if the next generation on consoles isn't that much of a leap in terms of graphics.

If Nintendo and Microsoft continue to make good games, then i'm buying both consoles. Simple as that.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

I wouldn't disagree with the fact on a cost to raw performance AMD typically wins however Nvidia routinely has the better high end cards, patch services and support. Producing more cards at a faster pace with minimal upgrades is akin to Apple ripping people off year after year with the same product lol. Not to mention this means the new Xbox will miss out on any Ivy Bridge advances.

underlined stuff doesnt matter when it comes to consoles, thats all up to sony, microsoft and nintendo

as for nvidia having the higher end cards, thats true but theyre later and they also consume a lot more power, something which isnt good for consoles, all while amd is already working on its next gen gpus

amd was willing to give microsoft cutting edge gpu for the 360 release (unified shaders) while nvidia supplied sony with an outdated gpu which used separate vertex and pixel shaders - which ended up hurting sony in terms of underperforming multiplats

not really sure about the ivy bridge comment, no body uses intel for consoles
Prices will be crazy for these and i heard that xbox will come with a kinect built in it.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

They won't be as expensive as the PS3 and 360 were at launch. I don't remember where I heard it but I think I was watching G4 and they said the PS3 and 360 were hardware based advancements over their predecessors. The PS4 and Loop are designed to be software/connectivity upgrades. They don't want to make another system with the best hardware when they can make them for half the price and include more "causual gaming" capabilities.

thats true but history has shown us that usually the "savings" +@@. with cost of labor and hardware wont be passed on to the consumer. I fully expect different versions around the 500-600 range.
I'm expecting human-like graphics...i don't care about youtube or dvr (I got cable and the Internet for that).

From what I read, PS3 is still a powerful system and there are no games that have/has harness the full power of the will PS4 just be a PS3 with a new look?
Originally Posted by CuteUglyhaha

I'm expecting human-like graphics...i don't care about youtube or dvr (I got cable and the Internet for that).

From what I read, PS3 is still a powerful system and there are no games that have/has harness the full power of the will PS4 just be a PS3 with a new look?

current top of the line pc gpus cant even do "human-like" graphics

as for the ps3, several games have already harnessed its "full power" - both killzones, god of war, uncharted 2 and 3, and maybe even  a few more
i dont see how much more they can improve from this current generation. unless its real life like graphics i really dont see the point.
The Wii U looks pretty amazing. 1080p FULL HD 60 FPS and the Xbox 720/Loop is supposed to be more powerful ? Maybe I was a little harsh...
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