My gf just showed me this article titled "What mens shoes say about them"
These idiots trashin NB hard.
[h2]The Man Who Wears New Balance[/h2]
There is a special place in this world for a man who wears New Balance and it’s in the public library or laboratory. This guy was definitely a loser in high school and is probably still wearing the same shoes. He failed miserably in gym class, spent most of his time studying for the Chemistry SAT II, and went to a small liberal arts school.
He wears quarter zips with elastic cuffs and thinks
Kanye West is violent. He also likes to bring his lunch in an insulated bag and then save the Tupperware for later. He’s so nerdy it breaks our hearts, but we also love him for it.
Shockingly, he always has a really nice, genuinely sweet girlfriend (while we’re all still single) and treats her like a queen. The guys who wears New Balance is a little boring like his sneaker choice.
He could’ve had a shot with us if only he just changed his sneakers. New Balances are a dead giveaway that a horny teenager is having more sex than you.