Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Originally Posted by mgrand15

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by mgrand15

Do you really think everyone elses numbers are off and yours are right? Dirk, Haywood and Marion alone take up a HUGE chunk of the cap. Throw in the other players you have under contract and Dallas only has about 8 mil until they amnesty Haywood.

Dirk, Dwight, and Deron is a media dream. People assume because Dallas is a big market and they have a good owner, it'll just magically happen. It's NOT realistic. They will clear enough cap for Deron but even that's farfetched at this point.

After the Odom trade Dallas has around 44 million in contracts on the books for next year.

The NBA salary cap is expect to go up and but even if it doesn't its 58 million.

Where are you getting this 8?
8 was an estimate but here's a post from a Mavs blog.

Nowitzki – 20,907,128
Marion – 8,396,364
Carter – 3,090,000
Beaubois – 2,227,333
Jones – 1,276,560
Wright – 992,680
Cap hold for pick 24 (until signed) – 993,600
Cap hold for Mahinmi (until signed) – 854,389
4 cap holds for empty roster slots at 473,604 each – 1,894,416
TOTAL – 40,632,170
Signing room available with 58.044M cap – 17,411,530

That's after amnestying Haywood. Add in Haywood's 9ish million and that's where the 8 comes from. Deron would take up every bit of that 17 million by the way.

I still don't think its correct what's the source?

Dirk- 20,907,128
Marion- 8.396,364
Haywood- 8, 349, 000
Carter- 3, 090, 000
Beaubois- 2,227, 333
Jones= 1,276,560
Wright- 992,680
Capholds- 3742405

Total-[table][tr][td]$48,981,470 [/td][/tr][/table]
Whats so funny fam ? NTers judgements stay clouded . How quick they forget. Whats so far-fetched about the Celtics competing next year ? The East is weak and we were depleted by injury last season. I think we make a splash in free agency and do real good this year.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by mgrand15

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

After the Odom trade Dallas has around 44 million in contracts on the books for next year.

The NBA salary cap is expect to go up and but even if it doesn't its 58 million.

Where are you getting this 8?
8 was an estimate but here's a post from a Mavs blog.

Nowitzki – 20,907,128
Marion – 8,396,364
Carter – 3,090,000
Beaubois – 2,227,333
Jones – 1,276,560
Wright – 992,680
Cap hold for pick 24 (until signed) – 993,600
Cap hold for Mahinmi (until signed) – 854,389
4 cap holds for empty roster slots at 473,604 each – 1,894,416
TOTAL – 40,632,170
Signing room available with 58.044M cap – 17,411,530

That's after amnestying Haywood. Add in Haywood's 9ish million and that's where the 8 comes from. Deron would take up every bit of that 17 million by the way.

I still don't think its correct what's the source?

Dirk- 20,907,128
Marion- 8.396,364
Haywood- 8, 349, 000
Carter- 3, 090, 000
Beaubois- 2,227, 333
Jones= 1,276,560
Wright- 992,680
Capholds- 3742405

Man, you're making me bust out a calculator

Your total is wrong. It comes out to roughly 49 million. Just add up the numbers. The cap holds come out to 3.7 million. Dallas has 8 to 9.5 million to spend if the salary cap is 58. Even if it goes up a little bit, they have to amnesty Haywood to even talk about signing Deron. This is also after renouncing the Bird Rights to Terry and Kidd.

The notion that Deron is choosing a winning team if he goes to Dallas is a little silly. I love Dirk, Matrix, and that whole franchise - but they're coming off a .500 season with a very old team where they got swept in the playoffs. Most of that team isn't coming back and signing Deron would kill their flexibility.

EDIT: You edited right as I posted. Like I said, I just got it from a blog post. No legit source but what looks wrong about it? Everyone is saying the Mavs have 9 million in cap after the LO trade. It all makes sense. I'm confused as to why you guys are questioning the numbers. They're going to amnesty Haywood and have enough money for Deron but they need to do that first.
I forgot about cap holds, sounds about right.

What happens if we decline team options on Carter and Wright though.

Then also we could dump Jones too.

But I think Haywood is gone regardless. He has that stretch provision, and if no one wants to deal with that, we will amnesty him.

I can't see us letting the chance at Deron go after we dumped everyone last offseason.

May not be as attractive, but Deron has to know that Cuban will bust his +#* to make Deron, Dwight, and Dirk a reality.
Originally Posted by mgrand15

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by mgrand15

8 was an estimate but here's a post from a Mavs blog.

Nowitzki – 20,907,128
Marion – 8,396,364
Carter – 3,090,000
Beaubois – 2,227,333
Jones – 1,276,560
Wright – 992,680
Cap hold for pick 24 (until signed) – 993,600
Cap hold for Mahinmi (until signed) – 854,389
4 cap holds for empty roster slots at 473,604 each – 1,894,416
TOTAL – 40,632,170
Signing room available with 58.044M cap – 17,411,530

That's after amnestying Haywood. Add in Haywood's 9ish million and that's where the 8 comes from. Deron would take up every bit of that 17 million by the way.

I still don't think its correct what's the source?

Dirk- 20,907,128
Marion- 8.396,364
Haywood- 8, 349, 000
Carter- 3, 090, 000
Beaubois- 2,227, 333
Jones= 1,276,560
Wright- 992,680
Capholds- 3742405

Man, you're making me bust out a calculator

Your total is wrong. It comes out to roughly 49 million. Just add up the numbers. The cap holds come out to 3.7 million. Dallas has 8 to 9.5 million to spend if the salary cap is 58. Even if it goes up a little bit, they have to amnesty Haywood to even talk about signing Deron. This is also after renouncing the Bird Rights to Terry and Kidd.

The notion that Deron is choosing a winning team if he goes to Dallas is a little silly. I love Dirk, Matrix, and that whole franchise - but they're coming off a .500 season with a very old team where they got swept in the playoffs. Most of that team isn't coming back and signing Deron would kill their flexibility.

EDIT: You edited right as I posted. Like I said, I just got it from a blog post. No legit source but what looks wrong about it? Everyone is saying the Mavs have 9 million in cap after the LO trade. It all makes sense. I'm confused as to why you guys are questioning the numbers. They're going to amnesty Haywood and have enough money for Deron but they need to do that first.

Man I had to open up Excel

Anyways I think even a 34 year old Dirk is better than anything the Nets have. Marion is just as good imo as Gerald Wallace at this point in their careers.

Neither team is winning a championship next year and I think Dwight is coming as soon as he can in free agency.

So the question for Deron is what situation moving forward is going to give him the best opportunity moving forward.

After taxes and whatnot the money is about the same with the Nets offering an extra year?
Garnett is a loyal dude. Why go chase a ring when Boston is still contending?

Plus its not like Boston lost major players, they still hVe rondo and pierce and one of the best coaches in the game
With doc rivers.
I think the Nets can offer more money plus one more year. Plus endorsements from Brooklyn if Deron really cares about money. I think the taxes thing evens out with Texas' high property tax or something. I'm not too sure on the specifics.

I think the Nets talent is underrated because they were DECIMATED by injuries last year. 250+ games missed due to injuries in a lockout shortened season. I also think Gerald Wallace is underrated. I loved his play after he got traded to the Nets. I'm a Net fan though, so I'm not 100% objective. I like our a lot squad though. Deron/GWallace/Brook is a nice trio that plays offense and defense. Throw in guys like Morrow, Marshon and Gerald Green + a couple FA signings. We can compete without Dwight.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by NooEra

If you think the Celtics arent contending for a title this year then you're tripping. Definitely a top 4 seed in the East. Once the playoffs starts anything happens. We all know the Celtics would have smanged the Thunder in the Finals. That means the C's were one game away from banner #18. OJ Mayo is coming to play in the bean as well. Excited for this year to say the least.
They haven't beaten the Heat the past two seasons, and this year they couldn't beat them even when Bosh couldn't play starters minutes for 5 games.

You saw how when Bosh's role increased in the last 2 games, Garnett disappeared from the series & was outplayed by Bosh in G7. This was after he played him to a draw in the second round last year.

If they meet up for the third straight year, Boston is going home for the third straight year. Hell, I'd take an 80% Derrick Rose & his squad over BOS since they can put Deng on PP & Noah on Garnett and SLAUGHTER them on the glass.

And OJ Mayo? The guy who has never posted a league average PER once in his career? The guy with career playoff stats of 35% shooting with 46 assists to 35 turnovers? Man please. Talkin bout OJ Mayo


they took them to game 7 with Pierce hurting, Ray allen playing like complete trash, bradley out, and a horrible bench

you guys are delusional. as long as Rondo is Rondo, Garnett even be 50% of the player he was this year, Pierce healthy, maybe some decent signings and add Mayo. They will be in the ECF against the Heat again and maybe head to the finals. They will be a better team next season, just watch.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Why is everyone saying D Rose won't play next season?

because he shouldnt. he "could" come back late in the season but it would be foolish especially for a player that good and valuable to the team and league. you need to rest you knee as long as possible to ensure it fully heals.

i know if im the Bulls i dont even let him do a damn thing involving basketball for the entire season. its just too risky especially a player of his caliber.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by NooEra

If you think the Celtics arent contending for a title this year then you're tripping. Definitely a top 4 seed in the East. Once the playoffs starts anything happens. We all know the Celtics would have smanged the Thunder in the Finals. That means the C's were one game away from banner #18. OJ Mayo is coming to play in the bean as well. Excited for this year to say the least.
They haven't beaten the Heat the past two seasons, and this year they couldn't beat them even when Bosh couldn't play starters minutes for 5 games.

You saw how when Bosh's role increased in the last 2 games, Garnett disappeared from the series & was outplayed by Bosh in G7. This was after he played him to a draw in the second round last year.

If they meet up for the third straight year, Boston is going home for the third straight year. Hell, I'd take an 80% Derrick Rose & his squad over BOS since they can put Deng on PP & Noah on Garnett and SLAUGHTER them on the glass.

And OJ Mayo? The guy who has never posted a league average PER once in his career? The guy with career playoff stats of 35% shooting with 46 assists to 35 turnovers? Man please. Talkin bout OJ Mayo

they took them to game 7 with Pierce hurting, Ray allen playing like complete trash, bradley out, and a horrible bench

you guys are delusional. as long as Rondo is Rondo, Garnett even be 50% of the player he was this year, Pierce healthy, maybe some decent signings and add Mayo. They will be in the ECF against the Heat again and maybe head to the finals. They will be a better team next season, just watch.
To nitpick a little bit....... I feel like Garnett NEEDS to play how he played last year, or they would have been bounced from the playoffs with quickness.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by ill steelo

They haven't beaten the Heat the past two seasons, and this year they couldn't beat them even when Bosh couldn't play starters minutes for 5 games.

You saw how when Bosh's role increased in the last 2 games, Garnett disappeared from the series & was outplayed by Bosh in G7. This was after he played him to a draw in the second round last year.

If they meet up for the third straight year, Boston is going home for the third straight year. Hell, I'd take an 80% Derrick Rose & his squad over BOS since they can put Deng on PP & Noah on Garnett and SLAUGHTER them on the glass.

And OJ Mayo? The guy who has never posted a league average PER once in his career? The guy with career playoff stats of 35% shooting with 46 assists to 35 turnovers? Man please. Talkin bout OJ Mayo

they took them to game 7 with Pierce hurting, Ray allen playing like complete trash, bradley out, and a horrible bench

you guys are delusional. as long as Rondo is Rondo, Garnett even be 50% of the player he was this year, Pierce healthy, maybe some decent signings and add Mayo. They will be in the ECF against the Heat again and maybe head to the finals. They will be a better team next season, just watch.
To nitpick a little bit....... I feel like Garnett NEEDS to play how he played last year, or they would have been bounced from the playoffs with quickness.

i agree
i was just saying though. people have been writing them off period but that team was injury riddled and took the champs to game 7. no more sluggish ray allen. Potentially OJ mayo and maybe a couple bench players.

they picked up some nice rookies but i dont see them having an impact this season or anytime soon IMO i hope im wrong.
...all this back and forth over salaries, caps, and who's still a contender is pointless for the next 4 years really. no team is beating MIA for at least that long if they get a solid big man and everyone stays healthy.
I stole this but this is my hope for tomorrow or early next week.

Hopefully Dojo and Carter get moved today.

Mahinmi Caphold-855,000
James Caphold-475,000
Crowder Caphold-475,000
Cunningham Caphold-1,000,000
4 Capholds-1,896,000

With a $61 Million Cap

We would have $7,720,000 to spend on 2 players. If Roddy is moved that number jumps up to $9,473,000 to spend on 2 players. ( Terry /Asik ?)

Plus another $2,500,000 to spend on another player ( West or Miles)
Kg for three more years tho? I thought this was it for him. I don't know where I see Mayo fitting in. Chi does need a sg, but I don't think he's it.

LO definitely went to the clips to spite Lakers.
How is the Deron/Dwight to the Mavs a media pipe dream and unrealistic? Sign Deron this year. Hand out no long-term deals to anyone else, ride out a year and you have room for another max deal next year. It's not unrealistic at all. It's rather simple, really. Will they win a title next season, no. But they're a significantly better team than the Nets would/will be next year with Deron.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

How is the Deron/Dwight to the Mavs a media pipe dream and unrealistic? Sign Deron this year. Hand out no long-term deals to anyone else, ride out a year and you have room for another max deal next year. It's not unrealistic at all. It's rather simple, really. Will they win a title next season, no. But they're a significantly better team than the Nets would/will be next year with Deron.

What if Deron chooses Brooklyn, so does Kidd, and Nash goes back to Toronto? Any idea what's the plan, then?
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

...all this back and forth over salaries, caps, and who's still a contender is pointless for the next 4 years really. no team is beating MIA for at least that long if they get a solid big man and everyone stays healthy.

how do you know? didnt people say they werent gonna lose to the Mavericks?
they finally got one and now they are unbeatable? jeez

since you can see into the future please PM me tonights lottery numbers, thanks.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

How is the Deron/Dwight to the Mavs a media pipe dream and unrealistic? Sign Deron this year. Hand out no long-term deals to anyone else, ride out a year and you have room for another max deal next year. It's not unrealistic at all. It's rather simple, really. Will they win a title next season, no. But they're a significantly better team than the Nets would/will be next year with Deron.

What if Deron chooses Brooklyn, so does Kidd, and Nash goes back to Toronto? Any idea what's the plan, then?

What if Dirk has a heart attack at his baseball game today?
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

LO definitely went to the clips to spite Lakers.
Nah, I think he went there because his entire life is in LA and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Whether it was the Lakers, the Clippers, the LA Kings or Dodgers, as long
as it's LA, it wouldn't matter
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