Official NBA Finals 08 Game 3 Thread: Celtics at Lakers 6/10, on ABC HD

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

What happened to the sweep?

The REAL MVP 3PEDOUBLE came through with the W again

We'll just continue to ride him until he leads the Lakers to the championship this year.

I wouldnt be surprised if he goes M.I.A. for games 4 & 5 and dosent post anything.
Real ugly game if you take out Kobe and Ray's games.

Lakers finally played some D.

It was real strange to see KG, Pierce, Pau, and Odom all struggle. Game 4 should be a much better game on both sides.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Scottsauce88 wrote:
Celtic Pride? I could've sworn you were a Suns fan....
hes a "fan" of two teams now.

bandwagon celtic fans

In case you missed it, or were choosing to overlook it with a poor attempt to "belittle" someone:

I wasn't aware of the by-law stating that a person cannot be a long-time fan of 2 teams.

You may have a seat now, good sir.
didnt you also say you were a "fan" of the Bulls too. I suppose whatever the flavor of the month is.
-refs still suck.
-garnett needs to be called for illegal screens.
-someone wanna guard ray allen?
-sam cassell never met a shot he didn't like.
-sasha is a machine.
-lakers front court was basura.
-kobe was good for the most part.
-rajon rondo looks like the green goblin.
-is that a grim reaper on eddie house's left arm?
-paul pierce needs to shave before games.
-pj brown looks like a goat.

that is all.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

-refs still suck.
-garnett needs to be called for illegal screens.
-someone wanna guard ray allen?
-sam cassell never met a shot he didn't like.
-sasha is a machine.
-lakers front court was basura.
-kobe was good for the most part.
-rajon rondo looks like the green goblin.
-is that a grim reaper on eddie house's left arm?
-paul pierce needs to shave before games.
-pj brown looks like a goat.

that is all.
man......odom and gasol SUCK

This whole laker team is a mess right now....

you know its all bad when sasha is the second best player on your team...
SKA your team won and you still whining about more free throws, hoping for a gift in game 4

, hilarious
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


only 57 pages, gee i wonder why?...nothing to cry about?
Actually, you're absolutely right in asking 'Nothing to cry about?'

We won, so there's nothing for Laker-haters or Lakerfan-haters to cry about.

- When we lose, it's 'Oh my gosh, you guys suck. lulz Kobe suxorz.'

- When we win, it's... ... ... *crickets* They've got nothing to cry about.


Exactly. With little ammo to has there's no reason for those people to be here. Add to that the fact that there was no controversy (I have yet to watch thefull game or see the boxscore) to spark debate- not crying- between fans and non-fans.

I watched the last 7-10 minutes of the game and the three things that stuck out were common themes to Laker fans:

- Lamar Odom has no touch on his inside shots which is what leads to all of those turnovers and horrible looking shots

- the perimeter players do a horrible job of getting Pau the ball at the right time and place in the post. they've been horrible at post entry passes sinceShaq was traded

- poor defensive rotations due to poor communication and chemistry

I was telling the person I was watching the game with that I wasn't certain that the Lkaers outside of the obvious two + the coaching staff unsderstoodthat they can win ugly. ALL they have to do is win. I don't believe they have a good record in close games so I hope that tonight will help them win uglyagain when necessary and make them comfortable enough with playing ugly to execute better.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

man......odom and gasol SUCK

This whole laker team is a mess right now....

you know its all bad when sasha is the second best player on your team...
shouldn't the same be said about powe ????
SKA your team won and you still whining about more free throws, hoping for a gift in game 4

, hilarious
Read this slowly and understand it well: I'll keep complaining until the free throw numbers are closer to each other. Right now, we'redown 24 (95-71). When that gap closes, I'll stop complaining. We ARE going to the basket, but things like the following still happen: Gasol getting his armstraight HOOKED by Brown, and absolutely NO CALL WAS MADE. We ARE getting fouled, but it's not getting called the same.

When that gap closes, I shut up about it. Not a second sooner. If we don't win another game, and we lose the series 4-1, but the final free throw tally issomething like 132-125, you will not hear one word about the gross free throw discrepancy, even if the Lakers are still the ones with fewer FTs. As long as thenumber is close, I don't care who has more. But after 3 games, they're up 24. That's not close. So I still care.

So yeah, my team won, but aren't we still down on the series? I think so. You thought that one win would even up a series where we were down by 2 games?Hilarious.
didnt you also say you were a "fan" of the Bulls too. I suppose whatever the flavor of the month is.
You'd know if you actually read the exact quote.

If it offends you that I'm a Celtics and Suns fan, own up to it. And seek guidance to resolve it.

Don't come at me for no reason.

No one owes anyone here anything except common respect.

Back to the thread:

I will say this Lakers fans, while I'm glad the Celtics won the first 2 games, I now fully understand your frustration with the referees in those games. The calls weren't right in 1 and 2, and they weren't right in 3. Bennett Salvatore could not stop blowing the whistle. The officiating is wrong. Very wrong. So respect to you guys for keeping it relatively cool after having every reason to be up in arms, especially for game 2.
- the perimeter players do a horrible job of getting Pau the ball at the right time and place in the post. they've been horrible at post entry passes since Shaq was traded
I saw that you mentioned that you didn't see the entire game, but Gasol has zero confidence on the block right now and the other Lakers havezero interest in giving it to him in the post.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Scottsauce88 wrote:
Celtic Pride? I could've sworn you were a Suns fan....
hes a "fan" of two teams now.

bandwagon celtic fans

In case you missed it, or were choosing to overlook it with a poor attempt to "belittle" someone:

I wasn't aware of the by-law stating that a person cannot be a long-time fan of 2 teams.

You may have a seat now, good sir.

i never said there was a law... its a choice.. i'm just pointing out the fact that you laker haters can ride whatever team.. yet Laker fans get hatedfor being called bandwagon fans
but yeah, Go Bulls, Suns, Celts!
Originally Posted by grittyman20

- the perimeter players do a horrible job of getting Pau the ball at the right time and place in the post. they've been horrible at post entry passes since Shaq was traded
I saw that you mentioned that you didn't see the entire game, but Gasol has zero confidence on the block right now and the other Lakers have zero interest in giving it to him in the post.

it's neither ! pau is getting grabbed,held, and hooked without any whistles being blown...but it is what it is...we just need to look at thepositives and continue to build from there.
- the perimeter players do a horrible job of getting Pau the ball at the right time and place in the post. they've been horrible at post entry passes since Shaq was traded
Absolutely! And I've been watching older games recently, and we even had some bad entry passes WITH Shaq on the team, but he was so strong athis position that he was still able to reach out/up/both and grab it. But definitely, our entry passes are trash for the most part since Shaq bailed.
Just got back from class. I'm happy we won. We needed this one no doubt. Judging by the first half, the refs were trying to make up for Game 2. Stilldidn't appear to have an evenly called game.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

-refs still suck.
-garnett needs to be called for illegal screens.
-someone wanna guard ray allen?
-sam cassell never met a shot he didn't like.
-sasha is a machine.
-lakers front court was basura.
-kobe was good for the most part.
-rajon rondo looks like the green goblin.
-is that a grim reaper on eddie house's left arm?
-paul pierce needs to shave before games.
-pj brown looks like a goat.

that is all.
i'm just pointing out the fact that you laker haters can ride whatever team
Um, who said I was a Laker hater? Because I've never said anything of the sort.

NT: Where immature assumptions, misinformation, and baseless disrespect happens.
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