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It’s s matter of opinion. You’re entitled to disagree, but they’re distracting and serve no real purpose.

If anything they help break immersion.
I found the parachutes to be distracting. It's done during timeouts not during the game.
Just something little they threw in there.

Just like the blimp in 2K16

Just like the ushers in the aisles.

Just little things.

Not sure why it is anything worth complaining about, it doesn't get in the way of anything
I made one post broski ONE post how am I "banging" live in here? Everybody in here know i be joking except you tho.

So since live or 2k not good enough for you why are you in here? And why you pointing me out when there had been plenty of post about live in here and 2k in the live thread?

You win tho im a BAN sorry to rustle your jimmies.
Was playing online and I've noticed on multiple occasions my defensive matchups go out of wack. I'm guarding the opposing player and one of his guys make a cut or something and my npc just stands there looking. It's very frustrating.
They are just props in the arena man.

You thinking it was done to be used as some sort of distraction is wild but ok.
I didn’t say it was done to be used as a distraction, fam. My point is that they are distracting. I don’t care what their intention was, they don’t add positively to my gameplay experience, they detract when they distract me.

Like I said, you’re entitled to disagree. If they don’t distract you fine. But why do you feel the need to condescend and speak down to anyone’s complaints about a 2K Game year after year. This game isn’t very fun. The actual gameplay mechanics are amazing, and it may be one of the best if not the best at giving a simulation NBA feel, but all the other ******** take away from the game. The focus on micro transactions, the ‘open world’ which only serves as a stage to spend VC, the blatant paid advertisements during cutscenes, the lack of an actual MyPlayer story.

It’s fine to recognize their missteps. If we don’t, they’ll continue to focus on selling us a game full of VC unlockables.
And for the record, those parachutes have appeared on the foreground during a game for me. I’m not sure if it was MyTeam or MyPlayer, but this happens regularly to me.
Yea so this game is trash. I want to like it so bad but it just won't let me. All the nonsensical and poorly timed cuts by ai teammates. Dynamic offense has really been nerfed. Last year I could get an open layup basically every time down from working the ball around. Now guys just stand around the entire possession.

Defense is better but almost too good now. It's hard to even get into the lane when you attack a hard closeout. The missed layups..Jesus. It doesn't even matter who's contesting or if they jump, if they're between you and the rim you're gonna miss. Then there are certain players that just don't miss layups. All the good release/open shots I consistently miss..

I don't even know what happened. I was cruising online winning by 10+ every game then all of a sudden I can't make a layup, 3 or hardly get in the paint. There's no reason I should drive, draw 3 defenders, kick it out and still not be able to get a decent look against a tier 5 team. And the controls are just flat out trash and unresponsive. There's like a 50% success rate from pressing a button to a player actually doing what he's supposed to.

I say all that and I'm still gonna keep playing so take it for what it's worth
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