OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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didn't even know that people actually take inside the nba serious, thought it was obvious comic relief

That's what it is to me. Chuck and Shaq might make a good point every blue moon. Other than that they're there just for lulz. Kenny is there for the basketball.
there are plenty of casuals that cite Charles and Shaq for their analysis lol
This is my problem. I've heard someone say "but Charles and Kenny said" too many times and it's always garbage. Kenny included. He just uses a screen so people think he's making more sense than the rest of them.
This is my problem. I've heard someone say "but Charles and Kenny said" too many times and it's always garbage. Kenny included. He just uses a screen so people think he's making more sense than the rest of them.

That's when you know you can't take them seriously on bball convo because they can't think for themselves

I disagree.

Either way people take them too serious. Dudes in here be sounded legit mad. :lol: Look at antidope.

Kenny is the most "reasonable" of the three, but dude is just boring and says some real obvious takes. Meh.
I hardly watch inside because I'm usually done with tv after watching 3+ hours of hoops but when I do I get a chuckle out of it. I don't expect anything else out of it
I'm sorry but anyone who finds inside the NBA informative or entertaining enjoys nonsense....
Don't care what the "majority "or casual fan prefers. If not enjoying bad takes and opinions from people who don't even watch the games makes me a snob, so be it.


The thing that's crazy is....inside the nba flat out parrots "fake news"....and people literally run with those talking points :lol:. It's one of the reason it's hard to have real, somewhat meaningful discussions about basketball in real life.

Chuck and Shaq are either flat out talking about falsehoods, dated narratives or talking out ther ***. They don't even care. Don't watch the games etc.

People scoff at the idea that Dwight Howard is a Hall of Famer. Guess who contributed heavily to that narrative. Shaq on inside the nba (amongst others).

I'm all for the double fisting churros jokes and having fun....but when they try to put their "basketball analyst" hats on and say blatantly false things.....that's when it's ridiculous.

Chuck got on national TV and said the best defensive team in basketball does NOT play defense. You'd be surprised how many people heard that, believe it....and use it as their reference to back up the nonsense they spew..
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