Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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I'm at the theater watching Fast 6 right now. Someone fill me in what happened? :lol: The Heat choked?

Lebron need more help?
Should Wade continue on his path of being washed up next season, the following offseason and free agency is going to be interesting as hell.
Damn bron sucks! How could he lose with wade and bosh there? They should've been able to cheer him on from the sidelines. Pathetic, yet haters still think he has great help, smh
To borrow a tennis term, this series is on the Pacers racket.

If they can dominate inside and take care of the ball, it their series to win...
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Heat haven't lost back to back games since Jan.

I expect Video Game James in full effect in 48 hours.
Don't think that was an ofensive foul at all, but Lebron tries to FOOL the refs into making bad calls when he flops, but when a ref makes an actual bad call he runs down the court and cries.

Can't have it both ways.

Well said. For the record Hibbert truly is very good at going straight up. But I've seen plenty of players go straight up and not get calls. Noah for sure. Tyson a few times. MBA is mad inconsistent. But he is def going straight up

Lebron is like nurse Ratched. He likes a rigged game. He don't know how to react when things don't go his way. That's why he ran out the gym

I don't think the pacers have the smarts, experience, and frankly offensive talent to win a game 7.

spurs pacers would be the lowest rated finals in a decade probably. Which could effect future ad sales. So pacers can't leave it up to the refs if they wanna win.

All I know is Miami won't have any tricks in the bag left for the spurs. So popovich chilling laying in the cut. Plotting
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don't think i've ever heard that word used during an post game interview.
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If bosh and wade don't show up its gonna be up to haslem to show up again. If all three of those don't happen then its lights out for us
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