Official N.Y. Yankees 2009 SEASON THREAD (103-59) WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Get ready to see it back up top ladies.
asterik next to ya titles, the curse continues
Yea your right, we were the only team where players where using steroids......................................
they used when ya team was wining championships from 2003 -2008 Manny and david ortiz, ya two best power , run producers

Ste-rod wasnt a member of the yankees and he hasnt won anything for the yankees

the red sox needed steroids to break the curse

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

A Rod wasnt with us when he was doing roids...

We need to beat Doc tonight

First it has come out that yes he did use with you guys. And Lets not pretend that the Sox were the only team in baseball whos superstars where using. I meanif you wanna get technical the report was from 2003. We won in 2004 and 2007 while testing was more strict.

No I am not nieve. that was just a joke. Im sure there where guys juicing but you have to be dumb to try and give us an astric thinking we where the only teamwith steroid users. But whats the excuse gonna be when we win it this year. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SNAP
enuff with the roids talk, its almost gametime. i'm pumped and this roid bull +!*! is bringing me down

i take this serious , +*@+ them, i'm a +@@#$+ soldier !!!!!!!!!!!


Thats what im tryin to say. I was done in the thread about the whole thing.

But back to the regularly schedualed program. Ya not beatin Halladay Because

He's a Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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