Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

Originally Posted by Legendk1ller

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74


you're the only one that is slurpin'

i would like to see forrest win too, but dam
It just bothers me seeing how bad and how weak they're making Forrest look. It's like with Anderson in the fight he's unbeatable. Forrest getting a decision is the only way he'll win? Really?
Thats just lame.

How is the truth lame?

Forrest does NOT have KO power in his hands. Can he knock someone out? Absolutely. But in order to do so he probably has to catch someone right on thebutton with his hardest shot, the chances of which are very unlikely. Anderson's footwork and head movement are excellent. He is not going to just standin front of Forrest and get caught with a haymaker. Furthermore, arguing that Forrest has the ability to KO someone in the standup is as asinine as MikeGoldberg ranting on about how Sean Sherk has devastating KO power in his hands.

Submission? Yes, Forrest's sub game is highly underrated and multiple respectable fighters have said that his he has black belt level jits. You knowwhat? So does Anderson. If Forrest takes Anderson down (which is very possible) I bet you see Spider lock on his body triangle from the bottom, work for asweep and/or hold on tight until he forces a standup. I don't see Forrest locking in any sort of arm, shoulder, leg, or ankle lock of any kind. The onlysub I can possibly see is some form of a choke. Furthermore, I really only see Forrest possibly getting him in a RNC or Guillotine and that is only if Silvaeither gets extremely careless or he gets caught with a super lucky punch. If Forrest wins via triangle, arm triangle, anaconda, d'arce, or any otherchoke... hell any other sub besides a RNC or guillotine, I will buy every person that contributes in the thread a beer. Seriously (you'd have to come outto my local bar in LA but we can cross that bridge when we come to it).

So he cant win standing up. He cant win via sub. How can he win? Gotta be a decision. Well either that or a fluke cut like how Fedor "lost" his 1fight.
Originally Posted by Legendk1ller

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Legendk1ller

READ THIS POST: Anderson Silva will LOSE and get KO'd the eff out. 2nd or third round. GuaranDAMNteed!! All you Anderson Silva Slurpees will be highly Dissapointed as Forrest stands over the unconscious body of Anderson the Spider Silva. The fight wqill definately go down, and Forrest will bring along his Raid can

Team Forrest > Team Spider!!

Remember don't underestimate Forrest too much. Silva is tough but he isn't invincible
Wait and see my dudes. Please tune in this Saturday to watch this epic moment

WOW... talk about blind faith. Its been awhile and I probably need to change my sig up anyways. Care to do a sig bet Legend? WHEN Anderson wins, you change your sig to read in the biggest boldest letters allowed "MOJODMONKY1 > LEGENDK1LLER. HE IS A LIVING GOD AMONGST MEN"


I mean hell... if Forrest wins, I'm already goin to lose a pile of money. I might as well lose my dignity to go along with it.
Sigs aren't really my cup of tea in a bet
But I bet cash and cash only. I send it to whatever address you tell me. Just tell me how much your willing to put on your boy Silva. By K.O, TKO. Tapout etc. doesn't matter what long as what YOU said happens. I'm a man of my word with money and bets. So please prceed with your bet sir.

My cash flow is a bit short cause I already got a lot wagered on this event but if you're serious ill take any bet up to $1,000 if we betting straight upon win/lose. Or did you mean we have to call it, like Silva, rd 2, via TKO, and if he ends up winning in the 3rd then its no bet or i lose? Lemme know whatyou thinking.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Legendk1ller

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74


you're the only one that is slurpin'

i would like to see forrest win too, but dam
It just bothers me seeing how bad and how weak they're making Forrest look. It's like with Anderson in the fight he's unbeatable. Forrest getting a decision is the only way he'll win? Really?
Thats just lame.

How is the truth lame?

Forrest does NOT have KO power in his hands. Can he knock someone out? Absolutely. But in order to do so he probably has to catch someone right on the button with his hardest shot, the chances of which are very unlikely. Anderson's footwork and head movement are excellent. He is not going to just stand in front of Forrest and get caught with a haymaker. Furthermore, arguing that Forrest has the ability to KO someone in the standup is as asinine as Mike Goldberg ranting on about how Sean Sherk has devastating KO power in his hands.

Submission? Yes, Forrest's sub game is highly underrated and multiple respectable fighters have said that his he has black belt level jits. You know what? So does Anderson. If Forrest takes Anderson down (which is very possible) I bet you see Spider lock on his body triangle from the bottom, work for a sweep and/or hold on tight until he forces a standup. I don't see Forrest locking in any sort of arm, shoulder, leg, or ankle lock of any kind. The only sub I can possibly see is some form of a choke. Furthermore, I really only see Forrest possibly getting him in a RNC or Guillotine and that is only if Silva either gets extremely careless or he gets caught with a super lucky punch. If Forrest wins via triangle, arm triangle, anaconda, d'arce, or any other choke... hell any other sub besides a RNC or guillotine, I will buy every person that contributes in the thread a beer. Seriously (you'd have to come out to my local bar in LA but we can cross that bridge when we come to it).

So he cant win standing up. He cant win via sub. How can he win? Gotta be a decision. Well either that or a fluke cut like how Fedor "lost" his 1 fight.
Forrest is a huge 205 contender. He hits like a 205. So compared to a 185 he's a little stronger. Silva will come in the fight at around205-208. Forrest comes in a fight at, like Joe Rogan said before, 230-235 pounds. Thats a lot of weight and I think that will play a huge factor in the groundgame and striking. Forrest isn't going to just stand there and get hit either. Forrest can take him down a lot easier then 185's can. Forrest candefinately out muscle Anderson. And just based on the difference in weight which is mostly muscle and size for Forrest, I think he has a higher chance insubmitting or KO'ing Anderson than most people in here are giving him.
I'm also fairly certain Anderson will break Forrest's nose at some point in the match.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Legendk1ller

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Legendk1ller

READ THIS POST: Anderson Silva will LOSE and get KO'd the eff out. 2nd or third round. GuaranDAMNteed!! All you Anderson Silva Slurpees will be highly Dissapointed as Forrest stands over the unconscious body of Anderson the Spider Silva. The fight wqill definately go down, and Forrest will bring along his Raid can

Team Forrest > Team Spider!!

Remember don't underestimate Forrest too much. Silva is tough but he isn't invincible
Wait and see my dudes. Please tune in this Saturday to watch this epic moment

WOW... talk about blind faith. Its been awhile and I probably need to change my sig up anyways. Care to do a sig bet Legend? WHEN Anderson wins, you change your sig to read in the biggest boldest letters allowed "MOJODMONKY1 > LEGENDK1LLER. HE IS A LIVING GOD AMONGST MEN"


I mean hell... if Forrest wins, I'm already goin to lose a pile of money. I might as well lose my dignity to go along with it.
Sigs aren't really my cup of tea in a bet
But I bet cash and cash only. I send it to whatever address you tell me. Just tell me how much your willing to put on your boy Silva. By K.O, TKO. Tapout etc. doesn't matter what long as what YOU said happens. I'm a man of my word with money and bets. So please prceed with your bet sir.

My cash flow is a bit short cause I already got a lot wagered on this event but if you're serious ill take any bet up to $1,000 if we betting straight up on win/lose. Or did you mean we have to call it, like Silva, rd 2, via TKO, and if he ends up winning in the 3rd then its no bet or i lose? Lemme know what you thinking.
We can call it or we can just say straight up win-lose. I like to have a clear winner in a bet with win/lose. So I say just win-lose type of bet.I'm willing to bet 50 bucks. Up to 1000 is to high for my purse. So 50 bucks says Forrest walks out with the win. I would've bet higher but I can'tafford it
So is it on?

To confirm the friendly wager.

Mojo picks Silva
Legend picks Griffin
wager is $50 USD

ill let you know where to send the funds on Sunday
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


To confirm the friendly wager.

Mojo picks Silva
Legend picks Griffin
wager is $50 USD

ill let you know where to send the funds on Sunday
just let me know Saturday night
Forrest is about to winme 50 cash bucks
I'm so Happy
Good day to you Mojo.
Mojo is about to be $50 richer. Lol.

I like Forrest just as much as the next person but Silva can do everything Forrest can 10X better.
^ witness.

everybody wants to train with gsp these days. cant blame them.

the whole coleman matchup is bs but they cant afford to have tito lose his return bout after all that hoopla.

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Tito Ortiz is in his second week of hard training following a back surgery that required nearly nine months of rehab. caught up with "The Hungtington Beach Bad Boy" at Wild Card Boxing Club in Los Angeles, where he's working with Freddie Roach for the next nine weeks before moving to his facility in Big Bear, Calif.

Afterwards, he wants to make a stop in Montreal to train with welterweight champ Georges St. Pierre.

Not completely out of shape, but not in fight shape, the 34-year-old Ortiz faces the hardest phase of rebuilding. But for once, he says, his back isn't killing him.

"It feels nice to train with no soreness," Ortiz said outside the gym. "For the first month now I'll be doing two-a-days."

Roach is encouraged by what he saw Wednesday after nine rounds with the mitts.

"He's a hard worker," said the famed trainer of boxer Manny Pacquiao. "The first time I did that 30-minute drill with Oscar De La Hoya, he only made it two. Tito finished, so I was happy about that."
At the bell, Ortiz leaned over the ropes and heaved. Baby steps.
Last week, he re-signed with the UFC, ending a seemingly endless feud with president Dana White. In an on-again, off-again saga of epic proportions, Ortiz first tried to work out a deal with the promotion (particularly co-owner Lorenzo Fertitta), then swore them off completely.
After appearing within arm's length of a deal with Strikeforce, he did another about face, making nice with White during a conference call announcing his return last Friday. There, he told reporters he would end his career in the Octagon.
Ortiz says he should be ready to fight in November, and expects to face former heavyweight champion Mark Coleman next.

White said the fight was under consideration, making UFC 106 a likely choice given Ortiz's cut of pay-per-view profits. UFC 106 is scheduled for Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center, one week after UFC 105 touches down in Manchester, England.

Despite the glaring age gap between the two, Ortiz does not anticipate an easy fight.

"I respect him a lot," Ortiz said with a knowing grin. "I think this fight will have a lot more personal vendetta behind it the closer the fight comes, I think."
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Mojo is about to be $50 richer. Lol.

I like Forrest just as much as the next person but Silva can do everything Forrest can 10X better.
Typical Silva Fan
this is exactly what I'm talkingabout. No respect towards Forrest.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


To confirm the friendly wager.

Mojo picks Silva
Legend picks Griffin
wager is $50 USD

ill let you know where to send the funds on Sunday

we should have a mod chime in to make this official.
Forest can take a beating but... Anderson is much to accurate. Some nice shots on the button will put him down.
Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

Forest can take a beating but... Anderson is much to accurate. Some nice shots on the button will put him down.
I don't see Forrest getting knocked out

I see him winning by knock out or decision

but if he does lose it won't be by KO, submission maybe or decision
Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

Forest can take a beating but... Anderson is much to accurate. Some nice shots on the button will put him down.
I don't see Forrest getting knocked out

I see him winning by knock out or decision

but if he does lose it won't be by KO, submission maybe or decision

thank u

hahahaha i dont want to pay myself on the back or crown myself the Authority on MMA but.... ????

drock2010 didnt add anything of substance to his claims. I dont know how you (lakersfan) can claim that as any sort of vindication or support for your beliefthat Forrest will walk out a winner in this fight.

I mean obviously I put my money where my mouth is. Lakersfan1 want some action?
Silva did dominate the middle weight division

but that doesn't mean hes gonna come to light heavy and just continue to dominate

He beat Irvin but Irvin isn't close to where Griffin is thats why I have my money on Griffin
^ hahahahaha where you out of demon? tell you what. IF Legend sends me that 50 spot after Forrest gets KTFO, meet me at the bar and the first $50 of the tab ison me.... well its on Legend.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


hahahaha i dont want to pay myself on the back or crown myself the Authority on MMA but.... ????

drock2010 didnt add anything of substance to his claims. I dont know how you (lakersfan) can claim that as any sort of vindication or support for your belief that Forrest will walk out a winner in this fight.

I mean obviously I put my money where my mouth is. Lakersfan1 want some action?

im good i just want to see how u react if forest wins that's good enough for me
^ hahahahaha where you out of demon? tell you what. IF Legend sends me that 50 spot after Forrest gets KTFO, meet me at the bar and the first $50 of the tab is on me.... well its on Legend.

If the drive from AZ wasn't so damn long, I'd be there in an instant lol. Nothing like free drinks at the expense of another less fortunate fella!!
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

I can't wait to see forest win you are all making forest sound like a nobody in 205.

forrest isnt a nobody, he's the former champ, its just that anderson silva is that good

dan henderson isnt a nobody, rich franklin isnt a nobody, both of these guys are great at both 185 and 205 and silva beat them, i dont want to say that hedemolished them but you get what im saying

i just think that anderson silva is really that good, i dont think people are underselling forrest, its just that theyre buying anderson silva's greatness

Originally Posted by drock2010

Silva did dominate the middle weight division
but that doesn't mean hes gonna come to light heavy and just continue to dominate
He beat Irvin but Irvin isn't close to where Griffin is thats why I have my money on Griffin

this guy's right, nobody knows if silva can do at 205 what hes done at 185 but the way i see it, anderson silva can hold his own against the top of the topat 205 - machida, shogun, rampage

i get where a lot of you guys are going with this stuff though, i picked alves to upset gsp
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