Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

^ tyler5432
this just shows that Desmond is THE KEY CHARACTER in this show.

You know.... when the priest was telling Desmond to help load the wine, I bet that if Desmond was like, "You know, screw you, I'm going home," the priest would be like, "But you must. It's your path. You've got to fall in love with this girl then leave her and enter a race and crash on an island." It makes a lot of sense when you consider it that way. The only question is, who else is involved?

edit: gko2408
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
That probably was the camera lens.
"Everyone here is extremely gruntled." - Michael Scott​
^ I think the Catch-22 has something to do with Desmond saving Charlie. Maybe Charlie will be safe once Penny arrives, but Penny can't arrive if Charlie is alive? So perhaps saving Charlie changed the outcome of who the parachuter was. Desmond was surprised to not see Penelope there, but (IMO) it didn't look like he didn't know who she was.
"Everyone here is extremely gruntled." - Michael Scott​
^ FlatbushFiyah23 :lol:

^ justhotkicks
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
^ This last one shows that the cross in Eko's church is the same as the one we saw today.

I have a feeling they just didn't want to buy another cross...easier to just use the same thing. I think people are scrutinizing each scene so much that they're noticing production easter eggs and not things that are relevant to the show.
"Look, yes I have banged hundreds of broads, internationally. But know this, I wrap my rascal two times cause I like it to be joyless and without sensation as a way of punishing supermodels."
^ moonmaster3
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
Yo Yo Yo, i think Des is suppose to let Charlie die. Rewind to when Des met Ms. Hawking, she tried to tell him how he can't make everything right in the world. He needs to learn that he can't save everyone. Remember when Ms. Hawking made the note of the guy in the red shoes, she had a vision of him dying and he ended up getting smashed. She knew it was going to happen but unlike Desmond she didn't try to save him because it was pointless because he is going to die sooner or later. That is what Desmond needs to do regarding Charlie. He needs to stop going out of his way to save him because Charlie is a marked man, he's as good as gone. I think it's the exact opposite of what you guys are thinking, the visions are not to save Charlie but let him die.
Episode was alright. A lot of neat facts, but the show didn't really move me like last week. I need to see it again. Plus i was watching the Bulls gift wrap the #2 seed, so i was mentally pre-occupied.
"And I'm....CHI-TOWN'S FINEST, where you at, the whole CITY behind us."

This paragraph supports my "theory", which now most of you are catching on to.

As she and Desmond turn around, a pair of legs with red shoes is shown sticking out from under the pile of rubble. As Desmond realizes this is the man she pointed out earlier, she admits to knowing that he would die. When confronted by Desmond as to why she did not warn the man she informs Desmond that he would have been hit by a taxi the next day, and if she had warned him about that he would have broken his neck in the shower. As Desmond stares blankly at her she explains that the universe has a way of "course correcting" (a phrase Desmond later recites to Charlie), and that death cannot be avoided.

straight from
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Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
The EP did not disappoint. I caught the photo on the desk but couldn't make out who was in the picture at the time.

Right after Jin was done w/ his story, as Charlie is walking towards Desmond... I thought I heard Hurley say "Have you heard the one of the Chuppacabra?"... :rofl:
Shifting from the wannabe main character Desmond to the real main character Jack, whats the deal with him and Juliet? I'm starting to think Jack is playing Juliet, when Juliet thinks she is playing Jack. Interesting, huh? I think Jack is too smart to just commit himself to Juliet and be so emotionally attached to her. I think he is playing her, trying to make Juliet think she's got him wrapped around his finger. I could be overestimating Jack, and he really is getting suckered. Supposedly the season finale will leave us talking about Jack all summer long. Something to ponder, maybe he starts to play for the others team. Kate did do him dirty.
Shifting from the wannabe main character Desmond to the real main character Jack
... Personally, I'm more interested in Desmond's story (future, past, etc) than what's going on with Jack @ the moment (Juliette "fling").
tonites show did not keep me in the chair excited at all, damn....

the highlight of tonites show was Kate's C cups filling up that bra so nicely. they wasn't the type that look droopy, I seen tons of breasteses, from fakes to real, those things looked firm and they was paccccin. she got a cool firm stomach too, that was the highlight. lol smh
DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
Catch 22 in layman's terms

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

screwed if you save charlie => penelope, but charlie dies

screwed if you don't save charlie => charlie lives, but no penelope

aya dieeg?
if u were a burger at McDonald's you'd be McGorgeous​
this episode wasn't directed well. we knew from the get go what we were going to see. despite that, the scene where they hear the helicopter was suspensful, IMO.

but i didn't understand the sequence. what actually fell into the water? was it the helicopter? and what was the red beacon in the sky?

realistic, it should have been a halo jump ( high-altitude-low open) from a B-2 bomber. it did sound more like a plane flying overhead.


i did catch that picture and said to myself, damn.
That's the lady that told desmond not to marry penny.
This shows that there is a plan to get Desmond to the island by someone (Jacob?)

did anyone think that the halo jumper looked like anna lucia?? for a second i thought it was her.
Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
the highlight of tonites show was Kate's C cups filling up that bra so nicely. they wasn't the type that look droopy, I seen tons of breasteses, from fakes to real, those things looked firm and they was paccccin. she got a cool firm stomach too, that was the highlight. lol smh
campin' for these Quickstrikes lol (well, Desmond actually down two bottles, so we're down to 498 bottles).

I still think "Catch-22" has something to do with Desmond's efforts to keep Charlie alive and with Penelope's arrival.

did anyone think that the halo jumper looked like anna lucia?? for a second i thought it was her.
"Everyone here is extremely gruntled." - Michael Scott​
the highlight of tonites show was Kate's C cups filling up that bra so nicely
I'm at peace with my lust​
I can kill 'cause in God I trust, yeah​
It's evolution, baby​
it was a good episode. It was not as good as the other Desmond episode but it was not all that bad.Only 1 month of LOST that sucks. In his "flashes" now where there did it give the impression that Penny was going to be there. He thought she would when the flash hinted the picture. I think that girl is an Other.Just shows you how much power the Other's have. I think this whole Dharma/Others association is all over the world. I would not be surprised if the person that took the picture of Desmond and Penny is an other.
When my mother was pregnant with me they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later they discovered that I had reabsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little one.
Hmmm, what if it's Desmond? :wow:

Now that would be some great drama.

i think Des is suppose to let Charlie die. Rewind to when Des met Ms. Hawking, she tried to tell him how he can't make everything right in the world. He needs to learn that he can't save everyone. Remember when Ms. Hawking made the note of the guy in the red shoes, she had a vision of him dying and he ended up getting smashed. She knew it was going to happen but unlike Desmond she didn't try to save him because it was pointless because he is going to die sooner or later. That is what Desmond needs to do regarding Charlie. He needs to stop going out of his way to save him because Charlie is a marked man, he's as good as gone. I think it's the exact opposite of what you guys are thinking, the visions are not to save Charlie but let him die.
I liked the episode last night. The beginning was crazy -- the way Charlie took the arrow in the neck.

Anyway, and excuse me if this has already been discussed, is there any significance to the fact both Desmond and Juliet have been on the island for 3 years? I hadn't thought about it before last night when Desmond mentioned how long he had been there. Since they got there in completely different ways (so we think), its probably just cooincidence.
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