Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

@ those caps....

Is the 3rd to last cap the guy who gave Locke the file on Sawyer & recruited Juliette?...
The guy who recruited Juliet has been in episodes prior to this one as an other.

How many episodes are there left until the finale? 3 or 2?

Jack and Juliet are really making me gag. Jack telling Kate the lame "anything you can say to me you can say in front of Juliet". Jack is really falling for this broad.
Well im back once again NT, but this time im not leaving much spoilers because i posted a lot of them relating to the next 2 episodes coming up.

But i will say that, there will be a massive information overload in next weeks episode. It will answer all the questions we have about the island and the DHARMA initiative. 90% of the episode will be a flashback.

Jacob will be revealed, and he is very upset with ben on how he handled the whole locke situation.

Also next week i will post the remaining spoilers for the rest of the season. So right after the Ben episode i will make the post. And i strongly recommend to anyone who wishes not to know, not to highlight.

Because i guarantee it will be HUGE.
We Roll Deep​
Sweet.....even though you left me nothing spoilerwize....I will still be able to press on til next week living off of anticipation alone.

BTW.....What the hell does "Namaste" mean?

Anybody got the Canadian trailer yet?

TEAM DUNDER MIFFLIN: Scranton BranchDwight Schrute:Ryan Howard: I don't think you realize what you're saying.

PLEASE tell me get another Saayid episode before the season is over.

Also, Next season sounds like the best episode this season. WOW.

"Sriracha is made from sun ripen chilies which are ground into a smooth paste along with garlic. It is excellent in soups, sauces, pastas, pizzas, hot dogs, hamburgers, chowmein or on anything else to give it a delicious, spicy taste."

Episode Description

3.21 - The Truth About Lying / The Greatest Hits (Charlie Centric)

While Jack devises a plan to do away with The Others once and for all, Sayid uncovers a flaw in The Others system that could lead to everyone's rescue. But it requires Charlie to take on a dangerous task that may make Desmond's premonition come true.

Rescue is finally at hand for the survivors of Oceanic 815, but first someone must reconnect an underwater sonar beacon. Despite his foretold death, Charlie volunteers. Copious rumors suggest that Charlie dies in this episode, but some new rumors I've been hearing suggest that this is a huge misdirection and there will be another highly unexpected major character death instead.

3.22/3.23 - Through the Looking Glass (Jack Centric)

This episode promises a Jack revelation of legendary proportions! Also, there will finally be an en masse collision between the beach folk and the Other's. On the speculation end of things, folks are saying that the island folk will split into two factions themselves, one led by Jack, and one by Sawyer, but the division will be at the will of another, and for purposes no one will expect.



Rousseau will have flashback in Season 4.
Libby's story will definitley be resolved. (In hurley's or Desmond's flashabck probably)
Michael And Walt might appear this season, Mike (the actor) has some time off his movie and wants to appear in the remainding episodes of S3.
A series regular WILL die before the season is over. (Charlie?)
Jack and Calire will find out about their fathers. Here's what Kristin had to say "There is going to have to be some kind of reference on our parts of our father or a photograph saying something to make that happen. But neither one of us talk much together anyway, let alone talk about our parents."
We will see more of the Degroots soon, possibly in Ben's flashback.
Rose and Bernard have an "awesome" storyline coming up.
The guy falling from a window in Numbers was NOT Locke. (not really a spoiler, just saying)
Christmas may be celebrated in Season 4.

Highlights from Latest Weekly Podcast

- The Brig will answer a lot of questions
- We will find out more about how Mikhail survived
- Cuse says we will find out about Locke/Cooper and they will tell us everything
- We will find out where the Others are going
- We will find out more about Claire's psychic although no mention of exactly when
- The women's inability to have children are not the only reason why the Others are interested in babies.
- The Others are interested in children with special abilities
- The plane crashing probably was not just caused by the Desmond's lack of button pushing
- Damon/Cuse confirms 2 factions of The Others
- We will find out more about the 4 Toed Statue but no idea of when

Latest From Kristin/Ausiello
HenryLee in London: Please, I'll take any news you have on Lost!
Well, there's a lot going on as far as that mysterious visitor from last week, who you probably figured out by the credits is Miss Marsha Thomason from Las Vegas. (Maybe she blew off a Vegas rooftop like Lara Flynn Boyle and landed on Lost island?) She is a major twist to the plot, from what I hear. I also hear that [read only if you want to know!] this week there will be shocking moment when the fallen angel (Thomason) tells Hurley the fate of the real (@#%$?!) Oceanic Flight 815.

Carmela in Wisconsin: Lost!
We'll definitely see more of Sawyer and Sayid working together. How far they've comefrom torture to teamwork! Yay, S & S! Plus, sounds like Penny's dad, Charles Widmore, may be seen again. Alan Dale (also Big Daddy Meade on Ugly Betty) tells me, "When I was at the Golden Globes, one of the executive producers came up to me and asked, 'Would you like to come back?' And I said yes, of course, if we can work it out, although obviously Betty comes first." If only his son Daniel Meade had such priorities! (Did that last ep break your heart or what?)
TEAM KOBE Member #1
come on nycknicks.

why you holdin out
From the
North to The South
To The East and the West
Bringing you the Best of the BS


We're just a few episodes away, let's all be patient and let it unravel on its own. I'm always open to spoilers but now it's coming down to the wire.

PLEASE tell me get another Saayid episode before the season is over.

The next episodes are Ben, Charlie, and Jack. It's been mentioned a few times before.

It will answer all the questions we have about the island and the DHARMA initiative.
"Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert as Dwight Schrute​
I was thinking that jack was just playing dumb and was on to juliet but after this episode....I don't know anymore. I figured, no one could be that gullible.
Team Florida
The Real Drrty Drrty
Member# 00-Hustla
Reppin Ft. lauderdale-954!!​
Nice to see that Rousseau is arming too.

Yeah. When I saw shortie come thru and grab the dynamite, my first question was, "What in the hell does she need that for?"

Locke owes Sawyer a HUGE favor.

If the plane wreckage was supposedly found and all the bodies were there, where could Michael and Walt have possibly gone? They couldn't have gone home. Naomi would have said that everyone was dead, but they somehow found two survivors (Walt/Michael)...

Seriously though, if Locke can walk when he gets on the island, Rose's cancer goes away, and all these wounds heel ASAP, how can someone possibly "die" on the island?

In like season 1 or 2, when Jack saw his father walking on the beach, maybe it wasn't a mirage?

I got crowned King down in Africa.
Out in Nigeria.
Do you have any idea?
I'm going to throw a theory out as to who i think Jacob is.
I'll black it out and if some of the people in the know want to tell me I'm right or wrong, cool
I think Richard Alpert, is Jacob.
I've read some stuff that Jacob is "hidden in plain sight".
He's someone we see quite often (as in the last few episodes).
The name Richard means "powerful". He's a powerful man.
and in the trailer this week, he is one person they show a screenshot of.
like I said, just a theory.

I'm at peace with my lust​
I can kill 'cause in God I trust, yeah​
It's evolution, baby​
^^^ Good theory, also does anyone think that Locke is being set up as the "NEW" Ben??? Especially the with the way he manipulates peoples every now and then. I don't know just my guess.
That was an awesome episode.

We had 10 people in the house to watch, and no one was saying a word between commercials, @#%$ intense
Burn them instead! is not worth your time to go there.

I tried getting on last night and it said I was banned. I almost cried.
If the plane wreckage was supposedly found and all the bodies were there, where could Michael and Walt have possibly gone? They couldn't have gone home. Naomi would have said that everyone was dead, but they somehow found two survivors (Walt/Michael)...
      I'm in my zoneMY FORM IS SO RARE MAN!!!Sincerely Yours,Seymore Cake
Lockes father is by far the grimiest character in TV history

Co-sign on that. What a prick. I wanted to choke him out myself when he tore up the letter.

That aside, great episode. The show is really getting back to top form. I cannot wait for the next two weeks.
I'm pretty sure Michael and Walt did not go back to the regular world.

I don't think Jack's father was a mirage. We've seen multiple people appear when they weren't supposed to, and they've been seen by multiple people, so I think they're real manifestations (Walt, Cooper.....).

Anyone else afraid for Sawyer? He finally got his revenge and also has a relationship on the island. Many past Losties who have done one or the other have died.

whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
Whywesteppin I agree with you on Walt and Michael.

NYCKnicks will not disappoint with the spoilers next week...I know yall can hold out. It will be better then....if he dropped it now it would be too much! :wink:
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