Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

Juliet just styled on Sayid and Sawyer
"Look, yes I have banged hundreds of broads, internationally. But know this, I wrap my rascal two times cause I like it to be joyless and without sensation as a way of punishing supermodels."
This episode is making me wonder if we're thinking
WAY too deeply into Lost.
(Which doesn't explain the linkage between
all the Losties though)

But maybe the Others are just merely scientists,
who are learning about the Island's gifts.

Maybe by chance the Losties landed here, and ofcourse
as Juliett said, some of them became their "control

I could be wrong!
email: [email protected]

tv and live updates! :pimp:
ROCKSTAR!wooooo!FREEMJBETCH!i want my year of senority back :frown:it's not where you start, but where you finish that matters.
Unless I'm missing something, there goes the whole "time moves faster/slower on the island" theory.

hmmm, all this pregnancy stuff is interesting.... I think I have a decent theory to cover it that I might post later.


tv and live updates! :pimp:
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
Unless I'm missing something, there goes the whole "time moves faster/slower on the island" theory.

The whole time theory was one of the dumbest things thought of.
"Look, yes I have banged hundreds of broads, internationally. But know this, I wrap my rascal two times cause I like it to be joyless and without sensation as a way of punishing supermodels."
scheme of schemes
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North to The South
To The East and the West
Bringing you the Best of the BS

holy @#%$
"Look, yes I have banged hundreds of broads, internationally. But know this, I wrap my rascal two times cause I like it to be joyless and without sensation as a way of punishing supermodels."
awwwww @#%$.....

I guess we all sort of suspected Juliet's a manipulative @#%$.

So what's going to happen in a week? Either Juliet's kidnapping Aaron or she's kidnapping Sun.

Also, I don't think Claire ever needed any injections.

The whole time theory was one of the dumbest things thought of.
lol wink
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
What an amazing episode. Lost has definitely stepped up its game lately. Juliet is a ho, but I don't know if she will go through with whatever their plan is. For me, I think I could watch episodes about the others the rest of the season. I just find it so interesting, about how they got there, why they are there, and how they know information.
Of course, I could be lying....
Thank god for the curveball at the end. If the whole thing, everything that The Others has done, everything that the Losties has endured, was because the natives wanted to be able to reproduce on the Island...I would've cried.

Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
I hate her.
I hate them.

But if she doublecrosses Ben, then maybe she's cool.

But right now, no. The secrets of the island must be
SERIOUSLY some crazy @#%$. Some save the world
and humanity type stuff. If it is, then I would understand
what she/them is/are doing.
email: [email protected]
Just when you think you have a decent guess at somethin, you wind up second guessing yourself, because this show naturally makes you second guess, but you go with your gut, and then bam.....the second guess was right, because you can't ever trust your first guess.

I got chills watchin the preview for the next ep. Gotta love that epic music.
"And I'm....CHI-TOWN'S FINEST, where you at, the whole CITY behind us."

good ep def. about 2 minutes before Juliets last flashback i said to my friends that I believed Juliet was actually left by Ben and the others. i got screwed on that definatly.

lol at the "Cataclismatic" (sp?) season finale
If hates the gate to peace, this is the last stop.
My random notes:
-Jack is being a little b for not sticking with his roots
-Juliet is a dumb @#%$ for going through with that job (what kinda person actually does that kinda stuff for a job)
-Jack is a dumb @#%$
-Sayid and Sawyer are real gangstas
-Juliet has ugly hands
-Ben looks like a mosquieto
-Do they still have outside contact?
-There needs to be more fights
OLSM #1 in Michigan


***WTB Mychal Thompson AF1 size 12​
Argh I missed the preview for the next episode. I'll catch it later.

This was an interesting episode. I'm not surprised that Juliet is a mole. I'm just curious about her mission. Ben did say "See you in a week", meaning she's there to do something and bounce.
"Everyone here is extremely gruntled." - Michael Scott​
^Yeah that music was nice, requiem style. I was startin to like Juliet, then bam, she's still workin for the others. The next episode should be a good one as well.
Did anyone notice the symbol in the tree when Julliet went to get the medicine? The symbol was the same as what has been branded on her lower back. :wow:

Great ending though. I was actually surprised by it.

Do they still have outside contact?

After the big flash after the implosion on the hatch. I think they lost their outside contacts.
Got more soul than a sock with a hole.
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