*Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

Tonights episode should be a real crowd pleaser tonight.

Desmond does some weird stuff in the Episode. I'm going to go home in a few hours and watch it one more time before the East Coast catches it.
Desmond episode

unfortunately, ill have to catch it on ABC.com if I dont make it in time from class.
"Maybe we're Jin and Sun".... that comment had me dying.

Whywesteppin... I am on East Coast Time...
^^^what made it so funny was that it was after she had already signed off...like he was still thinking about it.
Tonights episode should be a real crowd pleaser cosidering how its about Desmond. Deals with time travel, and a lot of interesting things. Mostof you already know the news, but I will say it again for the new comers DO NOT HIGHLIGHT IF YOU WISH NOT TO BE SPOILED!!!!!

1. We first see Frank flying the helicopter following a bearing of 302, and you see Desmond fall into a weirdstate and he starts his time traveling business. Sort of like the same way he time traveled back in season 3.
2. We see our new friend Daniel, but this time he is a Professor at Oxford University teaching physics. He makes a lot of appearances in Desmond's flashes.
3. Here is what will really freak you guys out.......ready?????.......Desmond from 1996 time travels to 2004!!!!

4. You see Desmond from 1994 time travel to a location where the Freighter is somewhere near/on Fiji. It seems that he is expected, and caught my two men.There names are, Keamy who is from Vegas, and Omar who is from Florida. They have him locked up in a room and has someone named "the doc" come seehim. In the room, George Minowski is there lying tied up on a bed, and he then asked Desmond "if it is happening to him too?"
5. We now end up in present time where we see Omar, and Keamy come at Frank askign him why he brought Sayid, and Desmond.
Desmond is completely disoriented and starts yelling that he doesn't know Sayid and Frank.Sayid tries to calm him down, but to no avail. Keamy says he will take Desmond down to the sick bay, let the doc look after him and then Sayid can see himagain. Sayid grudgingly agrees.
7. Jack and Juliet are now worried that the helicopter hasnt reached the Freighter considering how it has already been 2 days. So they go to Daniel andCharlotte, and they tell them, "as long as they are following the bearing they should be fine, or else there will be side-effects".
8. We see our buddy Desmond in prison.
9. We see Charles Widmore in this episode again, but this time we see him in an auction bidding on an item owned by the famous Alavar Hanso. The item isHanso's Journal he kept while on the Black Rock.

This episode i feel is a lot better than last year's Desmond episode. It might not have that old weird lady, but rest assured....we will see her againlater this season.
Also I'm going to add some focus points concerning last weeks episode...i wish i thought about this earlier this season, but oh well.. I'll let youguys decipher them yourselves.

1. Claire telling Kate to hold Aaron.

2. Miles telling Ben, "not to treat him as one of them (losties)".

3. Jack not wanting to see Aaron.

4. Scene where you see Ben get into Locke's head....when Locke is trying to bring him breakfast.

5. Kate talking to her mother, especially about her dying.
Penny is Desmond's constant.
If I were desmond I wouldn't come anywhere close near a hot stove.

This show is bonkers.
Our souls are immortal.
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