We all wore red chucks last night 

But I'm all in for Chuck. It's cool. I don't know how one could be up in arms over something so trivial like a mascot lol

But anyway...

Jamal Crawford has really turned it around since Xmas. 55% of all his field goal attempts are pull ups, including 52% of his FGAs in the month of February, which i'm in favor for. And he's shooting 39% on catch and shoot 3's in the month of February. This is the Jamal I can tolerate. He will never be 100% consistent and he'll probably fade in the playoffs, but **** it. As long as he isn't dancing in place shooting contested 3's, attacking on the catch, i'll allow it. 

And Chris Paul, it's a shame Steph Curry is so good right now because if he wasn't Chris Paul would be right there. Finished the month of February averaging over 24 a night, with 10 assist. Again, if Steph Curry wasn't god, Chris Paul could make an argument that he's been a top 3 player this season. 

Play OKC 3 times in the next 30 days and 2 games back. Wednesday is HUGE, seeing as that is the only one out of the 3 in which we're home. I won't go as far as to say it's a must win, but it's pretty close.
We all wore red chucks last night :lol:

But I'm all in for Chuck. It's cool. I don't know how one could be up in arms over something so trivial like a mascot lol

Just a classic case of case of a lot of people wanting to use whatever excuse they can find to dump on the Clippers. Our mascot could have been anything and people (especially Lakers fans) would have clowned it. It is what it is.

TBH, I'm not now, nor have I ever been, that into mascots period. I love the game so much that I don't need an "extra" stuff like that. That said, as I posted in the NBA thread, I'm glad Doc and Ballmer are doing things to try to give the team its own identity and aren't content just being LA's other team, like DTS was. So, even if I disagree with the execution a bit, I'm going to support the team efforts as long as I think they're well intentioned.
Team is leaps and bounds better on the defensive end at this point this season, as opposed to at this time last season. 

Agreed. In addition his offensive exploits, CP has been excellent on the defensive end as well. Like you said, in a world without Steph Curry, I think CP has the best case for MVP. But he'll have to settle for getting a vote or two because Steph basically has the award locked up already.

And since we're speaking about defense, I want to give Wes Johnson some credit there. His shooting has cooled a bit, but he's always active on D. Gets a lot of steals and deflections. He was definitely a factor in us taking control of that game last night.
Agreed. In addition his offensive exploits, CP has been excellent on the defensive end as well. Like you said, in a world without Steph Curry, I think CP has the best case for MVP. But he'll have to settle for getting a vote or two because Steph basically has the award locked up already.

And since we're speaking about defense, I want to give Wes Johnson some credit there. His shooting has cooled a bit, but he's always active on D. Gets a lot of steals and deflections. He was definitely a factor in us taking control of that game last night.

Agreed about Wes. My only issue is I wish he would get to the rim more. He should be averaging way more FT attempts being as athletic as he is.

I'm hoping CP is enjoying playing like the Point God is he and getting little to on recognition. More fuel for the flame when it comes down to playoff time.
  • Nine of the Clippers‘ remaining 11 games against top-10 offenses are in a 12-game stretch starting Wednesday. Their schedule gets much easier after March 24, when only four of their final 11 games are against teams that currently have winning records (and one of those is against the Gasol-less Grizzlies).
Oh great and powerful Chuck the Condor, lead us victory tonight. Use your endangered species powers.
So, after the NBA announced officially we got ****** by the refs in the last game we played OKC, I thought we might be get the benefit of the calls tonight. Nope.
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