That was some fantastic defense all game long, especially in the 4th. Really great.

Giving up 95 a game over the last 3. The defense is coming along. 

"52 Loop" is a go to play for LAC especially down the stretch, and it works almost every single time. Tonight was no different. Needed a bucket, went to it, and got a DJ dunk from it.

30-16. 3-2 trip. I'll take it. 
Had 0 business winning this game. Im gonna tey to remember this when we lose to a bad team and I want to get mad :lol:

Gotta give Jamal credit tonight. Also, I had 0 issues with Doc's rotations tonight (aside from Lance not getting any burn of course).

Im trying to convince myself that hving a fresh Blake for the postseason will actually be beneficial to us but I' scared he'll have some rust.

I did the math and there's almost no chance we fall below 5th seed imo. I really wanted the 3 seed but what can you do?


Forgot to mention. On the play before the last, where milsap missed the bunny. JJ showed why he's so damn key to us and Luc shut me up. Austin Rivers slips, Luc gets around his man and closes out on Korver. JJ meanwhile is chasing his man(bazemore i think). He turns around and takes a peek, sees Milsap about to grt the ball and runs towards him to take the charge. It lowkey could have been called a charge but still he surprised Mildap enough to make him miss. Amazing.
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"Due to being an idiot" 

Even before last night, I been campaigning for Lance to get more time.

He can contribute to this team. Contrary to popular belief and narrative, he's been a very good teammate and is a huge net positive whenever he's on the floor.

As opposed to someone like Paul Pierce who...we'll I'll just leave this here. This was against ATL.
Against the Atlanta Hawks, the Clippers had an 82.9 DRtg. Paul Pierce, in only 15 minutes, had a defensive rating of 109.9 DRtg
Jig is all the way up on PP. He doesn't make enough 3's or board enough to justify getting time over lance and it is going to kill us come playoff time. Lineups with Jamal and PP have been god awful this season but once blake comes back that's what we're going to see come playoff time and it's going to be our demise. But whatever. 

- Also love what I'm seeing from Jamal as of late. Doing a great job of staying away from bad shots. Offensively, when he plays downhill and is either attacking the rim or shooting from midrange, it's a great weapon to have. He'll never be a stalwart defensively, but given his offensive output and size, he can definitely be serviceable. 
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I've also been pro-Lance all season, which I didn't expect because I wasn't a fan of his when he was with the Pacers. I just never understood what he did to get completely out of the rotation. He seems to contribute whenever he plays and doesn't mess up any more than guys like Austin or Pablo. Plus, there have been stretches when he's arguably been the best player on the floor for us, like last night. Just don't get what Doc's issue with him is.
We are so much better when he plays. Literally everything backs it up.

He's been a reliable shooter this season, and the energy that he brings with him is unparallel and necessary.

Once more, he's a fantastic rebounder for position. On a team in which rebounding is desperately needed, there's no way you can tell me that he can't help in that regard.
I think most Clippers fan are Pro-Lance given our situation and the amount of burn Truth and JCrossover get for us.

Maybe this is all apart of Docs bigger plan. Start Lance, then give him sparing minutes, DNP him for a month, have his roll increase, and come playoff time he's earned back his minutes.
I've been pro lance since the first game I seent him play. But to be fair, the Josh and Lance DNPs led to Pablo and Cole getting minutes. As long as he never hs another DNP I'll give Doc a pass.
^^^ BTW, Cole and Pablo haven't been quite as effective the last few games. Teams seem to be more prepared for that center PNR that was working so well for a while. But I still like them on the floor and the clearly help defensively.
Crawford is a huge reason we won today. Helped build the lead while CP and DJ were out.

But these are the types of games that fool casual fans and fans that don't follow the Clippers game-by-game into thinking Jamal is a positive player. When his bad shots are going in he's unstoppable. They're still bad shots tho and they miss much more often than they go in. He played great today tho. 

Gotta keep racking up the W's while Blake is out. 
Fantastic win against a good team without Blake Griffin. Im impressed.

Everyone played well except for PP. PP is fastly becoming unplayable. Those could be Lance's minutes, who again was a positive.

Love what im seeing from Jamal. A lot more responsible with the shot selection. As long as he's playing downhill and not dribbling in place doing his And 1 routine, he's very good. All his stuff lately is playing down hill off p&r into either a pull up or to the rim, and those are good shots.

Also, holding opponents to under 95ppg over the past five plus. Just a lot of good stuff
Talks about rudy gay becoming a clipper gaining a tiny bit more steam

I'll allow it. I can convince myself into why it would work and why we should go forward with it
with the current roster, would you trade griffin/cp3 for westbrook/durant? i guess you'd be silly not to. right?
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