ty coaching is just super bad

up 5 with more than a min and you tel kawhi to burn time when they made a comeback by running the ball and going fast

then it turns into a deep heave as the time runs out and then grizz made a quick 3

just play the style where you’re winning
ty coaching is just super bad

up 5 with more than a min and you tel kawhi to burn time when they made a comeback by running the ball and going fast

then it turns into a deep heave as the time runs out and then grizz made a quick 3

just play the style where you’re winning
And Morris minutes, RoCo DNP.

Ty ******* sucks.
when i saw the dal/phx game i was wonderin when we gon get a duo that gets 30pt each and they delivered tonight

got to give me a cardiac arrest first but they did it

just hope it gets them going from here on out…
I have a light work week ahead. I’m considering spending the afternoons picketing outside the Playa Vista facility with the sign that says:

Yesterday is the first game this season I missed in it's entirety. On purpose might I add.

Glad the clippers got a win.

Still off this current iteration.

Not gonna be mad if I'm 100% wrong though
tonight, gon need philly to beat minny, jazz to beat the mavs, okc to beat gsw and as much as i hate the grizz, i think it might be best for the grizz to come out on top against the Lakers

Lakers winning would be more fun but i think its best they not make that play-in, grizz isnt dropping out of the top 3 anyways and if thelebron returns then it gives them a punchers chance
city edition/national televised game....ohhh boy.
I'll be at the game tonight & rooting for a W
  • Fire
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sloopy with the turnovers from start
I missed my second clippers game of the season tonight on purpose.

So I figured out that the clippers were being flaky because I was watching. I'm done watching live for the season for the teams sake.

Good win.

HIM HIM totally good with Westbrook and Morris not breaking the 24 min mark. Even better if it were less than 20min. Especially with Gordon and Mann playing more.
^^^ Yes, we’re seemingly trending in the right direction in terms of minute allocation. We’ll see if it lasts.

There must be some locker room management logic to how Ty has handled things this season. Because just from a pure basketball perspective, I don’t know how you look at RoCo’s performance in the last kings game - making 3s, attacking the basket when he had an open lane, getting steals/deflections - and then think, “yeah, lemme completely bench this guy in favor of a player that does literally none of those good things”. :lol:

Anyhooo, Go Clippers.
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