- Official Life Lessons Thread - Share Your Most Valuable Life Lesson Thus Far.....

- if your the type to go off to school and come back home every weekend, one of these days you wont have to worry about going back to school......and it wont be because you graduated.
- if she's that fine.....and she wants you? pay attention, and be cautious, very cautious.
- if she's older than 30, no kids, never been married, and fine? there's something wrong with her. someone keeps throwing her back in the water for a reason.
- dont speed, you're only risking your life (and others) to save milliseconds...........milliseconds is not enough to go from on time to late.
- pay your bills like tithes.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- if your the type to go off to school and come back home every weekend, one of these days you wont have to worry about going back to school......and it wont be because you graduated.
Please eleborate 
  this thread is piff.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- if your the type to go off to school and come back home every weekend, one of these days you wont have to worry about going back to school......and it wont be because you graduated.
Please eleborate 
  this thread is piff.
Originally Posted by CareFreeJR

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- if your the type to go off to school and come back home every weekend, one of these days you wont have to worry about going back to school......and it wont be because you graduated.
Please eleborate 
  this thread is piff.

- if you're coming home every weekend from college....kicking it with the same people and hanging out in the same places eventually one of 4 things will happen. you'll either catch a charge, get pregnant/get someone pregnant, dropout, or get killed. ive seen this happen far too many times to count.
- these people you keep hanging out with didnt goto college for a reason. if and until you seperate yourself from them for an extended period of time you wont be able to see the different paths your lives will take over the time of you making something of yourself and them doing nothing but drinking, smoking, clubbing, and hanging out.
- now i know this next statement will ruffle a few feathers on here given the general demographic of NT. but that going to 'x' college so i can be close to home and come home every weekend  nonsense is some straight up spoiled brat, afraid to leave the nest completely type steez......im sorry.
- going away to college for an extended period and then coming back to see the same ole people doing the same ole thing really does something to you. if you come home every weekend you wouldnt even notice.....
....this includes the military too.

Originally Posted by CareFreeJR

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- if your the type to go off to school and come back home every weekend, one of these days you wont have to worry about going back to school......and it wont be because you graduated.
Please eleborate 
  this thread is piff.

- if you're coming home every weekend from college....kicking it with the same people and hanging out in the same places eventually one of 4 things will happen. you'll either catch a charge, get pregnant/get someone pregnant, dropout, or get killed. ive seen this happen far too many times to count.
- these people you keep hanging out with didnt goto college for a reason. if and until you seperate yourself from them for an extended period of time you wont be able to see the different paths your lives will take over the time of you making something of yourself and them doing nothing but drinking, smoking, clubbing, and hanging out.
- now i know this next statement will ruffle a few feathers on here given the general demographic of NT. but that going to 'x' college so i can be close to home and come home every weekend  nonsense is some straight up spoiled brat, afraid to leave the nest completely type steez......im sorry.
- going away to college for an extended period and then coming back to see the same ole people doing the same ole thing really does something to you. if you come home every weekend you wouldnt even notice.....
....this includes the military too.

^ spoken like a 'SeasonedVet'..

heres my input:

"handle your business or it will handle you."

everyone has their vices.. whether it be drinkin, smokin, gamblin, shoppin, we all need our "escapes".. do not let these things take control of your life because the end product will not be what you envisioned yourself to be..

some people look at me like im some big time pothead/stoner that doesnt do anything but little do they know, im in my last semester of undergrad and ive held down the same (good) job since high school..

you have to know when and where you could seek these escapes.. remember your priorities.. if you have a test the next day but the homies are about to go out, drink, and have a grand ol time tonight.. which one you gonna choose?

this thread is straight grown folks talk.. definitely appreciated guys.
^ spoken like a 'SeasonedVet'..

heres my input:

"handle your business or it will handle you."

everyone has their vices.. whether it be drinkin, smokin, gamblin, shoppin, we all need our "escapes".. do not let these things take control of your life because the end product will not be what you envisioned yourself to be..

some people look at me like im some big time pothead/stoner that doesnt do anything but little do they know, im in my last semester of undergrad and ive held down the same (good) job since high school..

you have to know when and where you could seek these escapes.. remember your priorities.. if you have a test the next day but the homies are about to go out, drink, and have a grand ol time tonight.. which one you gonna choose?

this thread is straight grown folks talk.. definitely appreciated guys.
Study a little bit of time over a long period of time

Don't let one problem prevent you from doing the next one

Not to get your hopes up too high because the let down is further than the fall <----applies to when getting at women

There will always be more parties

A smart person learns from their mistakes, but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others

The definition of insanity is repeating the same procedure, and expecting a different result

Integrity means to do what you said when you said you would do it

"Every person you meet is like a book waiting to share its knowledge and wisdom. At the end of your life, the quality of your existence can be measured by the size of your library." African proverb

"Do or do not. There is no try" -Master Yoda

Fake it till you make it

"We cannot learn without pain." -Aristotle

"Passion makes up for skill" “[your true colors will show in crunch time and that you can learn so much of someone over one hour of play than a person you worked with your whole life]
Study a little bit of time over a long period of time

Don't let one problem prevent you from doing the next one

Not to get your hopes up too high because the let down is further than the fall <----applies to when getting at women

There will always be more parties

A smart person learns from their mistakes, but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others

The definition of insanity is repeating the same procedure, and expecting a different result

Integrity means to do what you said when you said you would do it

"Every person you meet is like a book waiting to share its knowledge and wisdom. At the end of your life, the quality of your existence can be measured by the size of your library." African proverb

"Do or do not. There is no try" -Master Yoda

Fake it till you make it

"We cannot learn without pain." -Aristotle

"Passion makes up for skill" “[your true colors will show in crunch time and that you can learn so much of someone over one hour of play than a person you worked with your whole life]
Originally Posted by Dunk These

^ spoken like a 'SeasonedVet'..

heres my input:

"handle your business or it will handle you."

everyone has their vices.. whether it be drinkin, smokin, gamblin, shoppin, we all need our "escapes".. do not let these things take control of your life because the end product will not be what you envisioned yourself to be..

some people look at me like im some big time pothead/stoner that doesnt do anything but little do they know, im in my last semester of undergrad and ive held down the same (good) job since high school..

you have to know when and where you could seek these escapes.. remember your priorities.. if you have a test the next day but the homies are about to go out, drink, and have a grand ol time tonight.. which one you gonna choose?

this thread is straight grown folks talk.. definitely appreciated guys.
good stuff...
Originally Posted by Dunk These

^ spoken like a 'SeasonedVet'..

heres my input:

"handle your business or it will handle you."

everyone has their vices.. whether it be drinkin, smokin, gamblin, shoppin, we all need our "escapes".. do not let these things take control of your life because the end product will not be what you envisioned yourself to be..

some people look at me like im some big time pothead/stoner that doesnt do anything but little do they know, im in my last semester of undergrad and ive held down the same (good) job since high school..

you have to know when and where you could seek these escapes.. remember your priorities.. if you have a test the next day but the homies are about to go out, drink, and have a grand ol time tonight.. which one you gonna choose?

this thread is straight grown folks talk.. definitely appreciated guys.
good stuff...
Thought about sharing these since I just graduated college and commissioned into the Army.

Some are repeats.

-When it comes to school, try to go to every class. Just by being present you're bound to soak up some of the material that is on that upcoming test. Additionally, study a little bit over a long period of time. Trust me, DO NOT cram the night before or the day of... it won't end well. 

-Go to office hours! Even if you don't need the extra help, just go in and shoot the breeze with them... mention a new breakthrough in their field that you read online. Your professor/TA will get to know you and grade in your favor. 

-Whether it's rejection from a female or an F on that Chemistry midterm, take the loss and keep it moving. Don't beat yourself up. You'll do better next time! This setback sets you up for a comeback!

-You're stronger than you think. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. Give yourself credit!

-When you meet someone, ALWAYS stand up to shake their hand. 

-Give people the benefit of the doubt/ second chance. Maybe they're having a rough day.

-If you have a good relationship with your parents/guardians, tell them that you care, appreciate, and love them. Our time here is limited, so take every opportunity to let them know.

-You'll never know unless you try or ask. Cute girl at the bar? Strike up a conversation with her. The worst thing she can say is "No." Last minute weekend getaway with work Monday morning? Your boss was young once. 
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