OFFICIAL: Lebron XI NikeID Thread [Going away soon... get your orders in!]

I should have hopped on the FI option while it lasted. The grafittis are not doing it at all for me. I am trying to do a Freddy Krueger theme but it isn't happening.
i was hoping that when the graffiti option dropped that they would unveil some new color choices too. boy was i wrong. just these terrible graffiti options.
I can't understand how the graffiti option was ever signed off on (ID and GR too). I mean who honestly was like "Yeah those are hot, lets do it". They look like a mistake :lol: Horrrrrible.
graffiti is hot garbage yikes Nike
I am starting to agree with you all on the FI. Those fades just don't look right sometimes. Is that the only difference between FI and solid? (Lace locks of course). Also are the laces different? Also how are you all saving your renderings to post?
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