OFFICIAL: Lebron XI NikeID Thread [Going away soon... get your orders in!]

Actually had a free weekend, so "toned" down the speckles on my ID's, pretty happy with the change, even though it took forever.  

Before: (Crazy speckled)
They forsure look better now, had to give a rep just for that patience though. I can only imagine how long that took haha.
They do look a lot better, great job!
Better imo
They forsure look better now, had to give a rep just for that patience though. I can only imagine how long that took haha.
Nice, they do look better. The Before version looked like a snow globe.
Thanks fellas, appreciate the kind words.  Was pretty happy with how they came out. 

Good call on the snow globe effect, that's exactly what they looked like before! 
2 weeks ago a nike rep told me mine would ship the following day. still nothing. today the rep told me they would ship today, gave me the tracking and a 15% code for future use.
They need to fix this damn process already. Seems like nobody is on schedule. Reminds me of my old job always f'n up on customers vehicles
2 weeks ago a nike rep told me mine would ship the following day. still nothing. today the rep told me they would ship today, gave me the tracking and a 15% code for future use.
mine are suppose to ship tomoorow .. lets hope that happens ....
They need to fix this damn process already. Seems like nobody is on schedule. Reminds me of my old job always f'n up on customers vehicles
Yeah the schedule is all screwed up
I order on 12/13.  Got my almost finished 1/18.  How long does it usually take to get from the almost finished email?
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