Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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So... Let's see how "rings are all that matters" claim fits in the next round of greatness criteria customization for LeBron haters... Because I already see some people who are scared %++$ less commenting about how rings aren't all that matters now after all, but whether you win them with Hakeem's 93-94 supporting cast, as if you know who did that.

Kobe stayed in la when they went 34-48 in 05. ...lebron had 60 plus wins n left???

He stayed? Care to mention on what grounds he stayed?
Funny how him demanding a trade like a little +%**$ only to stay after his team got the most one-sided trade in league history is forgotten and apparently heroic. But when LeBron patiently waits through years of frustration until his contract ends without ever demanding a trade like a man and then picks a team he wants to play on legit like every free agent is entitled to, then "he's a coward".
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

So... Let's see how "rings are all that matters" claim fits in the next round of greatness criteria customization for LeBron haters... Because I already see some people who are scared %++$ less commenting about how rings aren't all that matters now after all, but whether you win them with Hakeem's 93-94 supporting cast, as if you know who did that.

Kobe stayed in la when they went 34-48 in 05. ...lebron had 60 plus wins n left???

He stayed? Care to mention on what grounds he stayed?
Funny how him demanding a trade like a little +%**$ only to stay after his team got the most one-sided trade in league history is forgotten and apparently heroic. But when LeBron patiently waits through years of frustration until his contract ends without ever demanding a trade like a man and then picks a team he wants to play on legit like every free agent is entitled to, then "he's a coward".
Are you serious?? Lebron created this big "decision" and what frustration? His team had the best record last year! He's a coward for picking the Miami Heat the way he did and making a big fiasco and then joining 2 other big superstars so he can win a championship instead of sticking it out with his hometown "horrible team" who had the best record in the NBA last year and  actually showing up in the fourth quarter when it really mattered and bringing that championship home. He's a COWARD for going to Miami!!!
Xtapolapacetl- Not a fan of Lebron, but you cannot post such things as it makes too much sense for those with their blinders on, and the truth seems to have fallen on deaf ears lately. It's amazing how the media has hyped the legacy BS to no end and so many on this board has eaten it up, and keep talking about it, as if when he retires people will look back on this. In the NBA your judged by the titles you win, not how you won those titles. Looking at the responses in these threads it is crystal clear to me who use to ride the short yellow bus when they were children. Lebron was in a no win situation, and he will be vilified by many, but I think it's good for him though, as he has been living in this bubble for quite some time. Now it's time for him to give a big FU (with his play on the court) to all of Cleveland, the blind and foolish of NT and the media.
Are you serious?? Lebron created this big "decision" and what frustration? His team had the best record last year! He's a coward for picking the Miami Heat the way he did and making a big fiasco and then joining 2 other big superstars so he can win a championship instead of sticking it out with his hometown "horrible team" who had the best record in the NBA last year and actually showing up in the fourth quarter when it really mattered and bringing that championship home. He's a COWARD for going to Miami!!!

Any regular season record the Cavs had was because of LeBron, not because of a team. They are 1-6 in the 7 games Bron missed over the past two seasons. The Cavs organization had 7 season to surround LeBron with proper talent.. The best they could do is to bring BUMo Williams to be his main sidekick and 2nd scoring option, when Williams' role on a true championship caliber team would be to fight to be the third scoring option. LeBron puts up video game numbers in 2009 ECF against Orlando and what's supposed to be his main man BUMo Williams doesn't do jack !%%* but lay a bunch of bricks. Then they bring a 8734267 year-old Shaq and expect him to do big things just because Shaq was great over a century ago. Plus 34-year old Antawn Jamison, who was supposed to be his new #2 man and went on to average 12 points on 42% shooting and 7 rebounds against the Celtics in the 2nd round. And yet this is nothing to be frustrated over?
That stupid hour show has now made me anti-LeBron.

How stupid is he? He's even more stupid than his idiot advisors.

Before, I liked a lot of his professed goals.

I liked how he resigned with Cleveland that time. I didn't care if it wasn't for the max number of years. Best way to keep management on their toes and do their best to find you help and do what you want (like let your buddies fly on the charters and stuff).

I liked how we wanted to be a billionaire. Awesome if one of the players could become The Man instead of just working for him.

Not being from a place that was trying to recruit him (the Clippers mean nothing to me), I really didn't care if he even left Cleveland. In fact, normally I'd respect him even more by him taking less than the max and be willing to share the stage with Wade and Bosh. I'd normally have respect for him cuz I'm cynical enough to think he'd simply go for the max dollars (he's so good and famous, I think he could keep his endorsements up even if he was in Toronto or Minnesota) and he can play the whole "I'm a native son so I gotta be loyal and stay here".

But, hosting an hour show to do anything but resign with Cleveland is just so cruel to Cleveland. With all those leaks, at least if they were smokescreens, I'd be appeased by him staying loyal and trying to win a championship for Cleveland (gotta love the underdogs). It also would give me hope that he's got a clever enough team to work the media and public in order to generate enough hype to get him that billion dollars (like how Tiger and Jordan controlled their image, and Kobe to a lesser degree). Since the leaks turned out to be true, that just shows how utterly incompetent him and his people are. Still, it all goes back to how cruel it is to Cleveland to have him host an hour show just to screw them. And I don't even care that much about Cleveland (a guy there owes me $8K so the place isn't high on my list at the moment, but I can still feel for them).

Sucks cuz I like Wade (no big feelings for Bosh, but at least no negative feelings). However, just cuz of that stupid show, I now hope LeBron never wins a championship.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Any regular season record the Cavs had was because of LeBron, not because of a team. They are 1-6 in the 7 games Bron missed over the past two seasons. The Cavs organization had 7 season to surround LeBron with proper talent.. The best they could do is to bring BUMo Williams to be his main sidekick and 2nd scoring option, when Williams' role on a true championship caliber team would be to fight to be the third scoring option. LeBron puts up video game numbers in 2009 ECF against Orlando and what's supposed to be his main man BUMo Williams doesn't do jack !%%* but lay a bunch of bricks. Then they bring a 8734267 year-old Shaq and expect him to do big things just because Shaq was great over a century ago. Plus 34-year old Antawn Jamison, who was supposed to be his new #2 man and went on to average 12 points on 42% shooting and 7 rebounds against the Celtics in the 2nd round. And yet this is nothing to be frustrated over?

Somebody that knows what he's talking about?!

Kudos, sir.
I'm really thinking Wade,James, and Bosh want to be the GREATEST TEAM of ALL TIME I mean i can really seeing them winning the next 5 championships  
Originally Posted by mykeeubz

I'm really thinking Wade,James, and Bosh want to be the GREATEST TEAM of ALL TIME I mean i can really seeing them winning the next 5 championships  

wow how interesting is that gonna be with 3 starting all stars. what nice 5 years of suspense the nba will have then...
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by ReMarqable23

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Kobe Bean Bryant will be one bad MF if he manages to beat these three dudes in the Finals. IMO he could be the GOAT, MJ never played against a big 3 like this
90-91 Lakers?

  magic johnson, vlade divac, and sam perkins?

laughing too hard in the morning
I was never a fan of Lebron, but I now have a new found respect for him. He doesn't owe anyone in Cleveland anything. He had to do ultimately what would make him happy. Imagine making a decision based on other peoples feelings while disregarding your own. He would have been miserable. Some people might call that being selfish, but at the end of the day Lebron has to do what makes Lebron happy.

But from a basketball and legacy standpoint, this has to hurt Lebron. As someone mentioned before, Lebron is 25 years old and considered by many to be the best player in the game. Why is he ring chasing now? Wouldn't it be more rewarding to beat great players with your own team(whether it be Cleveland, New York, etc) in route to a ring, rather than "joining forces" with other great players to win one? Again it says something positive about his ego for taking this approach, but ultimately from a basketball standpoint this tells us that he can't handle the weight and the pressure of being the top dog.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

So... Let's see how "rings are all that matters" claim fits in the next round of greatness criteria customization for LeBron haters... Because I already see some people who are scared %++$ less commenting about how rings aren't all that matters now after all, but whether you win them with Hakeem's 93-94 supporting cast, as if you know who did that.

Kobe stayed in la when they went 34-48 in 05. ...lebron had 60 plus wins n left???

He stayed? Care to mention on what grounds he stayed?
Funny how him demanding a trade like a little +%**$ only to stay after his team got the most one-sided trade in league history is forgotten and apparently heroic. But when LeBron patiently waits through years of frustration until his contract ends without ever demanding a trade like a man and then picks a team he wants to play on legit like every free agent is entitled to, then "he's a coward".
You really sound like a Lebron stan/Kobe hater..
People always mention how Kobe was a side kick to Shaq. Now Lebron will be Wade's and Bosh's sidekick.


ouch for lebron stans like popocatepl
im predicting after dan gilbert's message that jay-z will be next to put out a message stating that him and bron aint friends anymore
Originally Posted by debs 168

from another forum:

. Now I no how kobe fans felt after he raped that small scared soft littel white girl


Silly comment. But still made me chuckle.
Originally Posted by toast1985

I felt sorry for Cleveland.

..Until I read what the Cav's owner said. Such a classless quote. Thatcity deserves whatever misfortunes they've endured due to that quotealone.
Agreed. His open letter was so unnecessary.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

So...Let's see how "rings are all that matters" claim fits in the next roundof greatness criteria customization for LeBron haters... Because Ialready see some people who are scared %++$ less commenting about howrings aren't all that matters now after all, but whether you win themwith Hakeem's 93-94 supporting cast, as if you know who did that.

Kobe stayed in la when they went 34-48 in 05. ...lebron had 60 plus wins n left???

He stayed? Care to mention on what grounds he stayed?
Funny how him demanding a trade like a little +%**$ only to stay afterhis team got the most one-sided trade in league history is forgottenand apparently heroic. But when LeBron patiently waits through years offrustration until his contract ends without ever demanding a trade likea man and then picks a team he wants to play on legit like every freeagent is entitled to, then "he's a coward".
Well said. All of it.
Lebron's name will always come up with a " * " beside it from now on ..can't wait to see people customizes their argument when talking about Lebron LOL
Originally Posted by superswag

im predicting after dan gilbert's message that jay-z will be next to put out a message stating that him and bron aint friends anymore

i would agree but something tells me thatlebron signs a 3 yr deal with a option for 2 more yrs

he opts out after 3 yrs and joins hovs team in bk
Originally Posted by k0befomvp

The forum will be flooded with Heat fans again like in 2005

I know. 
  It's gonna be pretty nauseating the next 5 or so years.
U think mike would have joined barkely? Or Gary payton and Kemp? u never join to. Be the help when u are the supposed man. Lebron isn't. Who we thought he was all along in Cleveland. Made a garbage team win 60 games to being a sidekick ? Where dey do dat. At
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