Official: Lakers vs. Heat 12/4 7:30PM PST Game On FSN West HD & ESPN HD

Game was great with Dwade n Kobe goin at eachother. Shot was amazing. Props to Dfish for hittin that clutch 3 and wade for missin that freethrow. All cametogether w/ Kobe hittin that shot. It might've been lucky but you gotta give him props for his skills knowing how much time he had n that he took off onefoot to get it over Wade.
Someone brought up that Spoelstra (sp?) had outcoached Jackson last night and I'm beggining to agree.

I understand that the players should know better, but it seemed like the Lakers had no counter moves for the Heat's two late game adjustments: pick &roll on offense, trap Kobe on defense.

Maybe I should blame Kobe for not recognizing the late double team or his teammates for not moving w/o the ball. Maybe I should blame Pau for not showing ATALL on the screen. Choosing to back with his hands in the air like Wade had a gun was horrible. Same for Fisher's decision to stay on the wrong side of thescreen.

Then again, the coaching staff had two days to work on this and they've got another screen and roll team coming in on Sunday so that can't be used asan excuse.

I hope we see improved defense by the bigs (Gasol, Bynum, and Odom) against the Suns. . They still need to toughen up.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Someone brought up that Spoelstra (sp?) had outcoached Jackson last night and I'm beggining to agree.

I understand that the players should know better, but it seemed like the Lakers had no counter moves for the Heat's two late game adjustments: pick & roll on offense, trap Kobe on defense.
The late game adjustments by Spoelstra were definitely better. It was disappointing to see Wade stroll to the hoop without a contest! As far asthe shot; could have gone either way and I'm glad it went in the Lakers' favor this time. With all this back and forth over one or two players,can't we all just enjoy an entertaining game?
That pick n roll defense late in the game was disgusting

Originally Posted by tylerdub

As a basketball fan I love it when Kobe does something like this. As a member of THIS board, with all of the Kobe stans, I hate it when Kobe does something like this.
It ain't that serious fam... You're not forced toclick on threads...
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Someone brought up that Spoelstra (sp?) had outcoached Jackson last night and I'm beggining to agree.

I understand that the players should know better, but it seemed like the Lakers had no counter moves for the Heat's two late game adjustments: pick & roll on offense, trap Kobe on defense.

Maybe I should blame Kobe for not recognizing the late double team or his teammates for not moving w/o the ball. Maybe I should blame Pau for not showing AT ALL on the screen. Choosing to back with his hands in the air like Wade had a gun was horrible. Same for Fisher's decision to stay on the wrong side of the screen.

Then again, the coaching staff had two days to work on this and they've got another screen and roll team coming in on Sunday so that can't be used as an excuse.

I hope we see improved defense by the bigs (Gasol, Bynum, and Odom) against the Suns. . They still need to toughen up.

I understand where you're coming from, BUT blaming/praising a coach is so overrated in pro sports, phil can only teach/tell them so much, its the playerswho have to go out there and execute
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

Originally Posted by tylerdub

As a basketball fan I love it when Kobe does something like this. As a member of THIS board, with all of the Kobe stans, I hate it when Kobe does something like this.
It ain't that serious fam... You're not forced to click on threads...
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

That pick n roll defense late in the game was disgusting


i can also recall most of those picks by Chalmers illega. Dude was moving and holding on those picks
I would say it's fishers fault for Fisher being on the wrong side of the screen. It happened two times in a row. Watch the replays, Fish is just standingthere. Doesn't matter though, we won.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego



Ironic that the clock says .4

That number alone should be retired at Staples.

We don't win this game without the shot by Fisher. He kept the pressure on the Heat, Wade missed the freebie, we had a chance to win the game.

DFish ya'll.
Originally Posted by Mrhankey123

Not to be a party pooper, but after that pick & roll Ron Artest was WIDE open for a J. Credit to kobe for making that tough shot, but i'm sure he could have gotten a higher percentage shot, if he passed to artest.
Wade blocked kobe's attempted pass on a previous pick n roll so it is not as simple as that and Artest was bricking his 3s
--That was a great shot. Let haters hate. Let slupers slurp. Its worth talking about till the tip off of the Laker's next game.
--Then everyone can take their wins or L's and move on. As soon as Lakers and Suns take that floor tomorrow night.
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