Originally Posted by bobby24K

I'm not hating on Wade, but ya'll are a little too sensitive, there have been other lone "superstars" on teams, but in recent memory I can't think of one THIS bad. I mean A.I. on the Sixers at the end of his tenure, KG on the T'Wolves, and even Kobe at least before the last two years who have carried squads (in Kobe's case at least to the playoffs) and their respective teams haven't been the WORST team in the NBA 9-40 in inexcusable. I'm not putting the blame 100% on Wade, but he's done it before, single-handedly winning games for the Heat and if you are a true superstar you should be able to lead your team to more than 1 win in their last 23 games. I mean look at what LeBron is doing with similar talent in Cleveland now that everyone's injured, Wade should take some heat (no pun intended) for the travesty that is the Miami Heat right now.

Lebron has a way better supporting cast than Wade imo. With the Heat, you have Ricky Davis who consistently sucks it, the point guard Jwill is nowhere nearwhere he was before, and makes dumb decisions (ex. 5-1 fastbreak, he shoots the 3), and so on. I mean, I dislike Wade, but he shouldn't be getting all thiscriticism. Kobe, Ai, and Kg were able to be OK with scrubs because they are all significantly better than Wade will ever be (Kobe by far, Kg by far, Ai by alittle).
Originally Posted by AI Bundy

Imagine if Kobe was on a team that was 9-40. We'd never hear the end of it.

Exactly. Wade seems to be getting a free pass, which may be warranted since he led the franchise to their 1st ever title and was the Finals MVP, but othersuperstars who have been in not as bad situations as the Heat are now who have been crucified by the media, prime example KG with the Wolves, people werequestioning his heart and saying he wasn't a winner. But a title gives you a little more leway I guess
. Everyone knows Wade and LeBron are the NBA's darlings, so it's nocoincidence that they don't ever get criticized.
Thing is people keep saying Lebrons cast is garbage. His cast is better than what Kobe had before this year, KG had in Minny, AI had in Philly, and way betterthan what Wade is working with.

Honestly Wades cast is probably the worst out of all of the stars who were solo at one point. The thing is Wade seems lost in translation and he's gettinga pass coming off of injury. One thing Kobe, KG, and AI did every night was play to max potential. People say they just getting numbers but those numbers camebecause they are great, sad team, and are trying as hard as they can to win.

I hope Wade isn't a VC or Tmac and has more of a heart. Now he's got Marion so he needs to wake up.

Back to Lebron, his cast may not be that great, but in the East they are. Big Z is a constant, he's got 3 point shooters, Varejao was big defensively, andthough Hughes is crap he hits shots when they get on runs with momentum. I've watched this team and they are weak, but he's got more help than whatKobe, KG, and AI went through and way more than what Wade has now.
Originally Posted by EB4President

did anyone just see that WIRED segment with LO. Wade was like we need a 4 man for next year and LO was like you already know whats up.....
Sign & trade for Marion...
i am one of the biggest wade fans in the world. some things he does honestly are just amazing but i have to concur with some of the many wade haters on here.YOUR A SUPER duper star no matter how bad your team is you could be playing with 4 nuns your not supposed to loose 22 out of 23 games or w.e the number.

im sick of this %!%!! Stop throwing the ball behind your back stop trying to do so much isolation plays and just be the humble wade who came into the leaguewith suprisingly good defense and prowess for crossing dudes over and JAMMING it.
Originally Posted by kobe8is

Originally Posted by NobleKane

i am sorry but whoever says the lakers are the team to beat is on crack. the defense is horrible. maybe in 2 years the lakers will be the favorites due to shaq and nash retiring and duncan and the spurs getting older but not this year and i dont think next year either...

the best thing the lakers have for them is that this whole squad is young still.

are you a Lakers fan?

yes i am captain cry baby
Originally Posted by Kobe4MVP12

Of course the defense is horrible right now. We don't have our big 7'1 defensive anchor down low and one of our best perimeter defenders in Ariza. Once we get those guys back it will improve.
our defense was erratic even with them healthy
game went pretty much like i expected, at least it was entertaining

i cant wait till ricky davis and jason williams are off this heat team, they are awful

and I agree Wade does deserve some blame for being 9-40, the rest of it goes to injury, Shaq and Riley.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Lamar was great today. I think getting Pau was great for him since now he doesn't have as much pressure.

we need to close out the road trip strong so I'm expecting them to win the next 2 against Charlotte and Minnesota.

I just hope lamar plays like this the rest of the year into the playoffs. The double double machine is back.

I did see that where wade told lamar they need a 4 next year. Lamar if u keep playing like this you aren't going anywhere.
Good win Lake fans!

Man, I loved how Marion played today and I hope we can extend his contract. Thank God J.Will will be of the books soon. Bi11y,I know he's your boy butenough is enough. I don't even want to start on Ricky.

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Thing is people keep saying Lebrons cast is garbage. His cast is better than what Kobe had before this year, KG had in Minny, AI had in Philly, and way better than what Wade is working with.

Honestly Wades cast is probably the worst out of all of the stars who were solo at one point. The thing is Wade seems lost in translation and he's getting a pass coming off of injury. One thing Kobe, KG, and AI did every night was play to max potential. People say they just getting numbers but those numbers came because they are great, sad team, and are trying as hard as they can to win.

I hope Wade isn't a VC or Tmac and has more of a heart. Now he's got Marion so he needs to wake up.

Back to Lebron, his cast may not be that great, but in the East they are. Big Z is a constant, he's got 3 point shooters, Varejao was big defensively, and though Hughes is crap he hits shots when they get on runs with momentum. I've watched this team and they are weak, but he's got more help than what Kobe, KG, and AI went through and way more than what Wade has now.

Quoted for truth.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by JordansonDeck

Id Take Marion For Odom.. Pretty even Trade

nah son, marion >>>>> odom, if this were to happen id be shocked if it werent odom+walton for marion


They could have odom and walton for marion. Please take walton...

But your really bad.
So Zodogg STILL hasn't answered Ska's question of whether he would be a Marion fan if he were on the Lakers...
Woo hoo.

My first game thread and it's a W.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to watch the game because I was skating. SMH at me.
Originally Posted by bobby24K

Kobe with a very quiet 33, I wish he woulda put Wade's head through the rim on that dunk though
Odom was BIG on the boards today, he seems to be more confortable now that he isn't the 2nd option. White Mamba was big in the 1st half, Kobe needs to teach these guys how to play D, cause Phil doesn't do anything but sit on his butt nowadays.

Kobe was very efficient tonight. Odom was big on the boards but still missed a couple of easy layups, but i'm not surprised.
I wish Kobe would have yammed that one on Wade but he went for the hard foul.... I guess he was about to have flashbacks of Carney from the other night.
good win Lakers! i was thinking that i dont hate the heat anymore then i see d.wade punk %!# trying to fouL kobe hard then get a traveLing caLL withkobe's tough d...haha stupid punk %!# d.wade
My favorite plays from todays game were Kobe's running left hand hook and J-Will's missed 3 on the break. Cant be a game against the Lakers withoutJ-Will bricking an ill advised 3pter.

I was very impressed by Marion. I know it was routine to unfairly bash him as being only a product of Nash but even after this game you can tell what he canbring to a team. I only question if he would rather stand out on a bad team or be overshadowed on a winning team. I would love to see him on the Lakers nonethe less.
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