Official: Jordan Retro IV Oreo Thread 2/21/2015 (UPDATES ON PG 1)

Got confirmation email from Finishline... still skeptical.

BTW this is the most I've posted in years haha.
Screw fnl and ndc haa waited in line near an hour and no luck so I drove 20min to a wss in da area and copped early [emoji]128526[/emoji]
This is the first time I've seen it too!!!


Sometimes you can email them an inquire before the launch date on any product and they'll email you a purchase invoice. 

I've always had a smooth process.
Didn't know you could do that. I'll keep that in mind. Usually they'll post up a pic on instagram and email you an invoice. I missed the boat today I guess cause I clicked on that link immediately and 10.5 and 11 were gone.
Got my email comp from oneness, with their quick shipping shoes should be no later than tuesday..  On with my day i go
These were harder to cop than black infrared 6's and legend blue 11's for me.
First time trying with FInishline........looks like it will be my last lol.  Got to the checkout page, check out and then it tells me my gift card has a zero balance.....I wasn't using a gift card........
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