Official Jeremy Lin Thread.

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Luong1209

What he said isn't wrong though. He's mentioned it before.

@ Landry giving Lin a kiss on the cheek.

I love fans of people.. I never even said he sucked.. I actually like Lin and hope he beasts for 10+ years...

But 8 turnovers is terrible... over 4 as a PG is teetering on cause for concern..

His game against the Nets and Wizards 1-2 TOs  Good.. Every other game he's started? 6,6,8,8.  That is the one downside of his game. And something he HAS to work on.

But Luong I guess saying something obvious is apparently hating now

Who said you were hating though? lin hits game winner and you talk about turnovers?
they won.

Because it makes a difference. 5 TOs less and maybe they win by 10 points. What if they lost by 2, and he had 8TOs alone, what stat would be relevant.. 27 points or 8TOs..

Do you want him to hit game winners occasionally or have a successful long career?  I choose the latter, and that means he has to limit turnovers.

And this is the Jeremy Lin thread.. And it was about Jeremy Lin, so I don't see the problem
I'll bet there's a bunch of people in Hollywood writing a movie based on his life right now.
I'll bet there's a bunch of people in Hollywood writing a movie based on his life right now.
[h1]The Five Stages of Grief, as Seen in Racist Comments About Jeremy Lin[/h1] By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire – 3 hrs ago

[table][tr][td] [/td][/tr][/table]
The rise of Jeremy Lin, the New York Knicks' electric, Asian-American point guard, is supposed to be a feel-good story, but a recent flurry of racist comments about his success just proves why we can't have nice things. Speaking as an Asian-American, the pretty heinous stuff that people have started Tweeting, talking, or writing about Jeremy Lin isn't unfamiliar. And speaking as a big basketball fan (sigh: Villanova), a direct relationship between a player's success (see: Redick, JJ; Bryant, Kobe; James, LeBron) and the number of  haters he attracts is all but a given. 

RELATED: Jeremy Lin's 8th Grade Yearbook Hits eBay; Lance Armstrong is a Triathlete

Instead of dissecting the racial dynamic (The Atlantic's Ta-Nehisi Coates and Capital New York's Edmund Lee do quite eloquent jobs) of each of these comments, we're examining how they fit into Five Stages of Grief.  Whether it's misplaced grief that the Knicks aren't as terrible as they usually are or that the Lin-led Knicks might have beaten your favorite team, or anticipatory grief that things for the Knicks might not be as good as they are now when its key players return---there's a stage of grief, thanks to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, to suit much of the current commentary about Lin. Below, we diagnose. 

via Floyd Mayweather Jr., Professional Boxer
Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise.
— Floyd Mayweather (@FloydMayweather) February 13, 2012

Grief Stage: Denial"Denial and shock help us to cope and make survival possible. Denial helps us to pace our feelings of grief."

RELATED: Knicks Sensation Jeremy Lin Inspires T-Shirt Designers

It should be noted that Floyd Mayweather Jr. is one half of a bitter-boxing rivalry with Filipino boxing superstar Manny Pacquiao, so perhaps there's a bit of projection here.  But according to the Kubler-Ross method, this stage is actually about being "left behind." Of course, the Kubler-Ross stages apply to death, but Mayweather's feeling that African American players might be "left behind" in the wake of Lin's hype could be very real. 

RELATED: Bill Belichick Is a Charmer; HBO Puts Mayweather-Pacquiao on the Clock

via Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Again)
Other countries get to support/cheer their athletes and everything is fine. As soon as I support Black American athletes, I get criticized.
— Floyd Mayweather (@FloydMayweather) February 14, 2012

Grief Stage: Anger"There are many other emotions under the anger and you will get to them in time, but anger is the emotion we are most used to managing. The truth is that anger has no limits."

RELATED: New York Falls Hard for Jeremy Lin; Jared Kushner Wants to Buy the Dodgers

The anger here isn't directly at Lin. To be fair, Mayweather's anger is directed at the Twitter backlash he felt over his previous tweet about Lin's race. At this point, according to Kubler Method, anger and denial have a hard time co-existing--meaning that that Mayweather at least acknowledges that Linsanity is real (even though he had to be convinced of it by the backlash to his comment). 

via Michael Che, Comedian and Jason Whitlock, a Fox Sports journalist
@SpikeLee i agree with floyd, but i dont see why thas a bad thing. how many asians weve seen ball like that?
— Michael Che(@CheThinks) February 14, 2012
Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple inches of pain tonight.
— Jason Whitlock (@WhitlockJason) February 11, 2012

Grief Stage: Bargaining: "After a loss, bargaining may take the form of a temporary truce"

Whitlock's tweet came after Lin's 38-point outburst against the Lakers and Kobe Bryant. In a literal sense, his "truce" came in the form of giving into Linsanity with an immature penis-size joke—in order to acknowledge Lin's prowess on the court, he had to neg him elsewhere. Che's tweet signals support for Mayweather's harsh stance, but his truce is that it's an amazing story for Asians (however problematic that view may be). 

via Jason Whitlock, Fox Sports journalist
I get Linsanity. I've cried watching Tiger Woods win a major golf championship. Jeremy Lin, for now, is the Tiger Woods of the NBA. I suspect Lin makes Asian Americans feel the way I feel when I watch Tiger play golf...

The couple-inches-of-pain tweet overshadowed my sincere celebration of Lin’s performance and the irony that the stereotype applies to pot-bellied, overweight male sports writers, too. As the Asian American Journalist Association pointed out, I debased a feel-good sports moment. For that, I’m truly sorry.

Grief Stage: Depression (and a bit of acceptance): "If grief is a process of healing, then depression is one of the many necessary steps along the way."

According to the stages, depression signals moving into the present. The scolding that the Asian American Journalist's Association laid on Whitlock coupled with the backlash he received might have helped him get into this stage. And guys! He's capable of crying! And perhaps he's a little sad for that terrible penis joke? 

via Spike Lee (Lee has been a big Lin supporter from the very beginning)
Floyd Mayweather Sounds Like Rush Limbaugh When He Talks About Jeremy Lin Saying He's Only Getting Attention Because He's Asian.WAKE UP YO.
— Spike Lee (@SpikeLee) February 14, 2012

Grief Stage: Acceptance: "We learn to live with it. It is the new norm with which we must learn to live."

It's probably not fair to put Lee into this stage, since he never experienced grief.  But being a long-time Knick supporter, Lee is one of the most visible people out there accepting Linsanity. He's also been one of the most vocal, calling for people to stop the "racial profiling" of Lin. As the Kubler-Ross stages detail, acceptance means "recognizing that this new reality is the permanent reality." A winning streak is definitely a permanent reality that Lee is willing to accept. 

An example for the others to follow might be ESPN's Bill Simmons, who once wrote about Kobe Bryant, "I like watching him and arguing about him. I like being bothered and thrilled by him. And I really like when he plays like Michael J. Fox instead of The Wolf." 

As Kubler-Ross notes, not all stages are experienced by grievers. Theoretically, the same could apply to Jeremy Lin's detractors, some of which may never get to Spike Lee levels of Lin acceptance. Clearly, Mayweather is not ready to move on.
[h1]The Five Stages of Grief, as Seen in Racist Comments About Jeremy Lin[/h1] By Alexander Abad-Santos | The Atlantic Wire – 3 hrs ago

[table][tr][td] [/td][/tr][/table]
The rise of Jeremy Lin, the New York Knicks' electric, Asian-American point guard, is supposed to be a feel-good story, but a recent flurry of racist comments about his success just proves why we can't have nice things. Speaking as an Asian-American, the pretty heinous stuff that people have started Tweeting, talking, or writing about Jeremy Lin isn't unfamiliar. And speaking as a big basketball fan (sigh: Villanova), a direct relationship between a player's success (see: Redick, JJ; Bryant, Kobe; James, LeBron) and the number of  haters he attracts is all but a given. 

RELATED: Jeremy Lin's 8th Grade Yearbook Hits eBay; Lance Armstrong is a Triathlete

Instead of dissecting the racial dynamic (The Atlantic's Ta-Nehisi Coates and Capital New York's Edmund Lee do quite eloquent jobs) of each of these comments, we're examining how they fit into Five Stages of Grief.  Whether it's misplaced grief that the Knicks aren't as terrible as they usually are or that the Lin-led Knicks might have beaten your favorite team, or anticipatory grief that things for the Knicks might not be as good as they are now when its key players return---there's a stage of grief, thanks to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, to suit much of the current commentary about Lin. Below, we diagnose. 

via Floyd Mayweather Jr., Professional Boxer
Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the same praise.
— Floyd Mayweather (@FloydMayweather) February 13, 2012

Grief Stage: Denial"Denial and shock help us to cope and make survival possible. Denial helps us to pace our feelings of grief."

RELATED: Knicks Sensation Jeremy Lin Inspires T-Shirt Designers

It should be noted that Floyd Mayweather Jr. is one half of a bitter-boxing rivalry with Filipino boxing superstar Manny Pacquiao, so perhaps there's a bit of projection here.  But according to the Kubler-Ross method, this stage is actually about being "left behind." Of course, the Kubler-Ross stages apply to death, but Mayweather's feeling that African American players might be "left behind" in the wake of Lin's hype could be very real. 

RELATED: Bill Belichick Is a Charmer; HBO Puts Mayweather-Pacquiao on the Clock

via Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Again)
Other countries get to support/cheer their athletes and everything is fine. As soon as I support Black American athletes, I get criticized.
— Floyd Mayweather (@FloydMayweather) February 14, 2012

Grief Stage: Anger"There are many other emotions under the anger and you will get to them in time, but anger is the emotion we are most used to managing. The truth is that anger has no limits."

RELATED: New York Falls Hard for Jeremy Lin; Jared Kushner Wants to Buy the Dodgers

The anger here isn't directly at Lin. To be fair, Mayweather's anger is directed at the Twitter backlash he felt over his previous tweet about Lin's race. At this point, according to Kubler Method, anger and denial have a hard time co-existing--meaning that that Mayweather at least acknowledges that Linsanity is real (even though he had to be convinced of it by the backlash to his comment). 

via Michael Che, Comedian and Jason Whitlock, a Fox Sports journalist
@SpikeLee i agree with floyd, but i dont see why thas a bad thing. how many asians weve seen ball like that?
— Michael Che(@CheThinks) February 14, 2012
Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple inches of pain tonight.
— Jason Whitlock (@WhitlockJason) February 11, 2012

Grief Stage: Bargaining: "After a loss, bargaining may take the form of a temporary truce"

Whitlock's tweet came after Lin's 38-point outburst against the Lakers and Kobe Bryant. In a literal sense, his "truce" came in the form of giving into Linsanity with an immature penis-size joke—in order to acknowledge Lin's prowess on the court, he had to neg him elsewhere. Che's tweet signals support for Mayweather's harsh stance, but his truce is that it's an amazing story for Asians (however problematic that view may be). 

via Jason Whitlock, Fox Sports journalist
I get Linsanity. I've cried watching Tiger Woods win a major golf championship. Jeremy Lin, for now, is the Tiger Woods of the NBA. I suspect Lin makes Asian Americans feel the way I feel when I watch Tiger play golf...

The couple-inches-of-pain tweet overshadowed my sincere celebration of Lin’s performance and the irony that the stereotype applies to pot-bellied, overweight male sports writers, too. As the Asian American Journalist Association pointed out, I debased a feel-good sports moment. For that, I’m truly sorry.

Grief Stage: Depression (and a bit of acceptance): "If grief is a process of healing, then depression is one of the many necessary steps along the way."

According to the stages, depression signals moving into the present. The scolding that the Asian American Journalist's Association laid on Whitlock coupled with the backlash he received might have helped him get into this stage. And guys! He's capable of crying! And perhaps he's a little sad for that terrible penis joke? 

via Spike Lee (Lee has been a big Lin supporter from the very beginning)
Floyd Mayweather Sounds Like Rush Limbaugh When He Talks About Jeremy Lin Saying He's Only Getting Attention Because He's Asian.WAKE UP YO.
— Spike Lee (@SpikeLee) February 14, 2012

Grief Stage: Acceptance: "We learn to live with it. It is the new norm with which we must learn to live."

It's probably not fair to put Lee into this stage, since he never experienced grief.  But being a long-time Knick supporter, Lee is one of the most visible people out there accepting Linsanity. He's also been one of the most vocal, calling for people to stop the "racial profiling" of Lin. As the Kubler-Ross stages detail, acceptance means "recognizing that this new reality is the permanent reality." A winning streak is definitely a permanent reality that Lee is willing to accept. 

An example for the others to follow might be ESPN's Bill Simmons, who once wrote about Kobe Bryant, "I like watching him and arguing about him. I like being bothered and thrilled by him. And I really like when he plays like Michael J. Fox instead of The Wolf." 

As Kubler-Ross notes, not all stages are experienced by grievers. Theoretically, the same could apply to Jeremy Lin's detractors, some of which may never get to Spike Lee levels of Lin acceptance. Clearly, Mayweather is not ready to move on.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Dave McMenamin
The Lakers' players lounge just erupted when Lin hit that big 3. World Peace emerged and ran through the locker room yelling 'Linsanity!!'

Originally Posted by DubA169

Dave McMenamin
The Lakers' players lounge just erupted when Lin hit that big 3. World Peace emerged and ran through the locker room yelling 'Linsanity!!'

Lin has been handling the ball alot which accounts for his TOs. The team has actually been doing better overall w/ turnovers since Lin has handled the ball.

To the people talking about Lin's turnovers:


Lin has been handling the ball alot which accounts for his TOs. The team has actually been doing better overall w/ turnovers since Lin has handled the ball.

To the people talking about Lin's turnovers:


Originally Posted by envasian

Jeremy Lin was born on August 23, 1988 - The Year of the DRAGON.
Same Birthday as Kobe coincidentally 2012 is the Year of the DRAGON.
seriously though?
Originally Posted by envasian

Jeremy Lin was born on August 23, 1988 - The Year of the DRAGON.
Same Birthday as Kobe coincidentally 2012 is the Year of the DRAGON.
seriously though?
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