Official Jags vs. Pats Thread - What good is "ball control" when your down by 21?

I might as well come in and give props to the Patriots. I've been predicting that they would lose for the last like 10 weeks, and they've kept provingme wrong. Pretty good effort from the Jaguars tonight, but they just couldn't get a stop.

Hopefully the winner of the Colts vs. Chargers game will knock the Pats off next week
Jones should have caught that...but I hate how they called his number in the first place....that lil end zone fade route has a horrible success rate andI've watched these cats try to do it ALL year....
dreclark- what you talkin bout my man? no one was resident of clamp city. the jags were devoted to taking away the deep ball, so they sat in 2 deep zone allnight. rather than trying to force anything the pats just took what was given to them, which just happened to be a lot of room in the middle of the field tothe slot guys. The colts can pick their poison next week, but theyll need to put at least two guys on moss at all times if they wanna take him away.
to anyone clamping down TipDrill81 1 on 1.
Originally Posted by nickyt6

dreclark- what you talkin bout my man? no one was resident of clamp city. the jags were devoted to taking away the deep ball, so they sat in 2 deep zone all night. rather than trying to force anything the pats just took what was given to them, which just happened to be a lot of room in the middle of the field to the slot guys. The colts can pick their poison next week, but theyll need to put at least two guys on moss at all times if they wanna take him away.
to anyone clamping down TipDrill81 1 on 1.

They had your boy under control...He had the clamps placed on him....I didn't say how they managed to do it, I just said that they did it....Very Wellactually, to the point where Brady stopped looking at him thus allowing everyone else to get off....
You even admit that they took him away...

But at the end of the day....When you play the entire game w/o injury and you only have 1 catch
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Oh, it's already started. Got the herbs from Los Angeles and stuff "claiming" the Patriots... I just sit back and
at it.

Ouch, that hurt
. I'm a Pats fan in Los Angeles.

Great game. The game would've been a lot different if it weren't for a couple of miscues on the Jags part. The Pats are very disciplined, and opposingteams need to play absolutely perfect, because it's known that the Pats will take advantage of any opportunity given to them. Anyways, needless to say,Garrard and the Jags have a bright future. I guess I was wrong when I disagreed with the Jags' choice to let Leftwich go. Garrard fits their systemperfectly. I love their style of play. The Pats played flawless offensively. The running game was effective and we moved and controlled the ball well. Andeven though he's my favorite player, Harrison needs to calm down just a bit. An unnecessary roughness penalty at the wrong time could kill us. Lookingforward to next week!
Originally Posted by nickyt6

dreclark- what you talkin bout my man? no one was resident of clamp city.
[table][tr][td]R. Moss[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]14[/td] [td]14.0[/td] [td]14[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]0[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by LARidah23

Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Oh, it's already started. Got the herbs from Los Angeles and stuff "claiming" the Patriots... I just sit back and
at it.

Ouch, that hurt
. I'm a Pats fan in Los Angeles.

Great game. The game would've been a lot different if it weren't for a couple of miscues on the Jags part. The Pats are very disciplined, and opposing teams need to play absolutely perfect, because it's known that the Pats will take advantage of any opportunity given to them. Anyways, needless to say, Garrard and the Jags have a bright future. I guess I was wrong when I disagreed with the Jags' choice to let Leftwich go. Garrard fits their system perfectly. I love their style of play. The Pats played flawless offensively. The running game was effective and we moved and controlled the ball well. And even though he's my favorite player, Harrison needs to calm down just a bit. An unnecessary roughness penalty at the wrong time could kill us. Looking forward to next week!

yes true, based on how the game was in the second half. but regardless. pats had an oppotunity to really create distance between them and the jags but theygot that stupif 15 yeard penatly before the half and missed the FG. consider that if they had scored, and then had the possession at the start of the 2nd halfand they did score then, it would have been a 14 point lead (28 - 14). the dropped passes jags had would be less of an issue id thatw as the case....
Nah.....they were devoted to stopping him, and in doing so they allowed a QB to light them up with the highest completion percentage ever in the playoffs. Hadit not been so easy to take the checkdowns, best believe Randy would have got his numbers. because it was so easy, brady didnt want to go for the biggerrisk/reward randy didnt get his touches, but it had nothing to do with anyone clamping him down. if anyone was clamped down, it was the Jags DBswhen Randy was blocking them and Lawrene was running by them......

nickyt6 wrote:

Nah.....they were devoted to stopping him, and in doing so they allowed a QB to light them up with the highest completion percentage ever in the playoffs. Had it not been so easy to take the checkdowns, best believe Randy would have got his numbers. because it was so easy, brady didnt want to go for the bigger risk/reward randy didnt get his touches, but it had nothing to do with anyone clamping him down. if anyone was clamped down, it was the Jags DBs when Randy was blocking them and Lawrene was running by them......

That's a whole lot of words for 1 catch for 14 yards.

This ain't about what Tom Brady or Maroney did, this is about what Moss did... and he did nothing.

Brady = the NFL and Patriots MVP. Randy Moss is just along for the ride.
Very well played game. Brady was like 26/28. Good numbers and Maroney came through in the clutch finally. I thought Welker would have a huge game but it'sall good.
Nah.....they were devoted to stopping him, and in doing so they allowed a QB to light them up with the highest completion percentage ever in the playoffs. Had it not been so easy to take the checkdowns, best believe Randy would have got his numbers. because it was so easy, brady didnt want to go for the bigger risk/reward randy didnt get his touches, but it had nothing to do with anyone clamping him down. if anyone was clamped down, it was the Jags DBs when Randy was blocking holding them and Lawrene was running by them......


Whatever my dude....However you wanna word it in your head...acting like Tom Brady hasn't forced balls or thrown to Moss when he was double covered...

Plus you just admitted that they stopped him.....Stopped = Clamps

And we agree on the fact that all the attention given to Moss allowed others to get off....You just don't wanna admit that your boy was on lock

denial.jpg you understand the concept of team football???? Brady is the undisputed MVP of the team, but to say Moss is along for the ride is
. His numbers tonight do not tell the whole story by a longshot. Do you thinkBrady would have had the day that he had if it werent for Moss? Like I said, the jags were so concerned with Randy that they opened things up for the rest ofthe offense. If he needed to, he would have had more catches but theres no reason to swing for the fences if you cant hit singles all night long with a 90%probability.
Maybe if the Pats coaching staff was confident that Randy was dedicated to going across the middle he might've gotten more than 1 catch tonight.
Ya'll clearly do not understand team football at all, and that iswhy the Patriots are who they are and you are who you are. Randy Moss is the best reciever in football, but he is only one man concerned with one thing. Couldhe have had better numbers tonight? No doubt. Would he have if Brady couldnt pass the ball short with no risk? Absolutely. If ur definition of clamping downinvolves designing a zone defense that attempts to take away the deep ball but gives up everything else, then yah they clamped him down. But to me, saying thatthe jags clamped him down implies the jags did something good and moss was somehow at fault. The jags defense got straight cut up tonight, and it had a lotmore to do with Moss than any player on the field outside of brady. If it helps yall sleep better tonight....keep tellin urselves Moss got clamped down

^ For the last time, I ain't reading through all that. This isn't about the football team AT ALL. This isn't about what Tom Brady did, Maroney did,how the team worked, or the Patriots. Nor is it about the defense the Jags used or any of that. I could care less if Wes Welker caught 43 passes because theywere open all night.

This is about Randy Moss.

1 catch = clamped down.

Thanks for playing!
all i am going to say is be afraid colts very, very afraid. mossome is gonna erupt!

side note: anyone catch moss' post game attire? he's the greatest
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