OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

Originally Posted by NiPxD

Originally Posted by ProperLive

Originally Posted by daflashjhead

wats wrong with skinny jeans?
nothing, they just hate cause they cant pull it off and try to call us hypebeast lol and still get the girls lol non dressing mother fkrs!

Word? Im 5'7 156 lbs and i can pull it off but i refuse to wear anything that will prevent me from having kids in the future

I guess im a non dresser who will get no girls

I really can not take a dude seriously whose jeans are tighter than my girl's tho....
LOL i dont wear mine that tight and if i do i sagg them.....
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Originally Posted by DeEjAyMaRtiiN

man aint no such thing as a hypebeast...if keepin up wit current style is hypebeast then $%% r we suppose to do? somebody let me know..
how about not following trends and having your own style?
1. Please stop with the hypocrisy. There is no real justification for a thread like this. Y'all simply have nothing better to do with y'all time than troll the myspace of other dudes, copy and save their pictures to your hard rives, then post them on niketalk for some e-props.

2. And with respect to following your own trend and having your own style, that is such a hypocritical thing to say considering nothing is original and at some point in time, we have all been faithful to some trend and thus--suffered from a case of unoriginality.

3. I mean seriously, how can you make a statement like that when in your very own sig, you're selling clothing (which you have most likely worn at some point in time) from brands that are the definition of "trendy" and have clientele in the millions, thus negating the whole "have your own style" argument...

Fashion is an ever evolving cultural phenomenon. And like all things that evolve, there are stages--what y'all feel so inclined to justify as hypebeastish is nothing but a stage in fashion. Just because you don't identify with this stage doesn't give you the right to bash those that do.

Y'all need to cut the feminine tendencies and stop scrutinyzing what another man has on...

Lol, post is madd funny but co-sign.
^^ Sexy lady in skirt and heels can Get ITTTTT!!!!

And No, i rocks the slim fit if anything, I can do skinnys, i like my blals to BREATHE! I canNOT wear spandex demin, that !*++ is not cool for men, but doyou... Levi 501s all day... and Trues and Rocks, etc. Too many undercovers these days even made a questionable term "Metrosexual". So now, I dunnowho jus fresh n who lookin Sweet....
kid with the supreme is a straight fool...he shoulda worn the kate moss and kept it movin...stuntin cause he got $60 worht of tees on? idiot
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Originally Posted by thaisativa1

Originally Posted by NiPxD

Originally Posted by stateiproperty

Heres one. LOL!!!!!!
Emmanuel and Vince? LOL

dudes can spend endless amounts on clothes and hats and shoes but can't even have a decent haircut!
I've seen them at my college. Not very hypebeastish IMO.

I know these guys. Cool people. I wouldn't call them hypebeast. lol.
Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

Originally Posted by ProperLive

Originally Posted by NiPxD

Originally Posted by ProperLive

Originally Posted by daflashjhead

wats wrong with skinny jeans?
nothing, they just hate cause they cant pull it off and try to call us hypebeast lol and still get the girls lol non dressing mother fkrs!

Word? Im 5'7 156 lbs and i can pull it off but i refuse to wear anything that will prevent me from having kids in the future

I guess im a non dresser who will get no girls

I really can not take a dude seriously whose jeans are tighter than my girl's tho....
LOL i dont wear mine that tight and if i do i sagg them.....

What a damn min.....

You wear skinny jeans with a sag?!?


Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

skiny jeans look pretty gay !!!!!

That, and people that do wear them do it because Lil Wayne does.

Next your gonna see guys with face piercings, wife beaters, and leather vests.

I hope you are not serious.

That might be one the dumbest things I've hear on here.

I don't like skinny jeand by the way.
A whole bunch of haters in this thread.
If they want to dress like that, how does that effect you?
A lot of feminine behavior being exhibited in this thread
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