The love thing is kind of a cop out. Not so realistic.

Why would you fall for a borderline insane workaholic pantssuit wearing ***** looking twig lol
Damn, I just remembered they STILL didn't reveal the mole. :smh: And I don't think it's ever going to be answered with S4 being basically a reboot of the series. **** I bet the writers are hoping the fans forgot about it or something. :lol:
The love thing is kind of a cop out. Not so realistic.

Why would you fall for a borderline insane workaholic pantssuit wearing ***** looking twig lol

Yeah that fat woman would have loved Quinn forever! She went and got groceries AND was cleaning up his mess. But Quinn wants to go play step daddy :smh:
I'm not entirely convinced that he's "in love" with Carrie... I get the feeling that its more of an emotional attachment or infatuation of sorts.  

At least, I hope it's something like that, cuz it does feel a bit like a cop-out. 
carrie if brody could see you now 

Man I was shook when Fara was following Aayan thinking she was gonna get got.
scumbag ambassadors husband 

was the agent intimidating him the same contact was meeting in the apartment building? 
I like the way this season is heading... However there's a couple of things that bothered me about Ep 4 though, spoiler mode in case some folks aren't up to date...

When Fara was following Aayan, she was worried about not being able to get really close because Aayan knows her... Ummm, you're in a country where some Muslin women wear a niqab... Why not cover your face? Why didn't Max, whose supposed to be an expert in surveillance & counter intelligence suggest this? :rolleyes

Also, it bothers me that Carrie is so over the top reckless... I can't believe a station chief would withhold the fact that Sandy's killing was orchestrated by Farhad Ghazi & that Fara Sharazi having survived the bombing wouldn't be immediately reported...

Why'd they go through the drama of trying to get into Ghazi’s apartment to clone his phone... Ummm the NSA has a vast program that monitors every mobiel phone conversation... :rolleyes They could also tap cell phone towers or use directional mikes to pick up the convo...

Edit - Anyone else find the lady blackmailing Professor Boyd really attractive? :evil:
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Poor Quinn just wasting away in the Friend Zone and this little kid gets the cheeks with no effort at all
Poor Quinn just wasting away in the Friend Zone and this little kid gets the cheeks with no effort at all

Quinn doesn't want to hit Carrie, he just cares about her. :lol:

Carrie a scumbag though, so hard to root for her at this point.
:lol: @ Carrie seducing this virgin. This aint even her top notch manipulation game.

Don't know why yall surprised or maybe yall forgot before she fell for Brody this was what she did on the regular to make assets trust her or get info or w/e to do her job. This is regular ol balanced Carrie who just happens to be a pretty cold blooded person.

Carrie is lowkey grooming Fara. She had this look on her face when Fara delivered the kid before she closed the door, similar to when she said she'd find a way for him to lead her to his uncle without ever coming through on the promise of London :lol: She's gonna keep up the bull **** of wanting to know his story along with the sex manipulation until she discovers everything. I'm just wondering if Fara will ever lose her morals like that to do a similar job. I pretty much forgot she was never CIA but a freelancer and now she's working with the security guys.

Shorty blackmailing the ambassador's husband is a cutie but also comes off as a real *****.
I like the way this season is heading... However there's a couple of things that bothered me about Ep 4 though, spoiler mode in case some folks aren't up to date...

When Fara was following Aayan, she was worried about not being able to get really close because Aayan knows her... Ummm, you're in a country where some Muslin women wear a niqab... Why not cover your face? Why didn't Max, whose supposed to be an expert in surveillance & counter intelligence suggest this? :rolleyes

Also, it bothers me that Carrie is so over the top reckless... I can't believe a station chief would withhold the fact that Sandy's killing was orchestrated by Farhad Ghazi & that Fara Sharazi having survived the bombing wouldn't be immediately reported...

Why'd they go through the drama of trying to get into Ghazi’s apartment to clone his phone... Ummm the NSA has a vast program that monitors every mobiel phone conversation... :rolleyes They could also tap cell phone towers or use directional mikes to pick up the convo...

Edit - Anyone else find the lady blackmailing Professor Boyd really attractive? :evil:
They said why she didn't report it. She wanted to get to the bottom of this not have the whole case get taken out of her hands and be handled by those above her in a political bull **** way. She's most likely aiming to have whoever responsible killed or exposed or locked up just so she can reveal why they did it in the first place. There's more to this she doesn't know and she knows she's in so deep that this whole situation can get her transferred out of there for good.
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