Oh I understood that from jump Master Zik, I just think it's "authenticious" the way the doctors are reacting. In a twisted way it's comical...
:lol: I forgot to comment on that too. I had a feeling that Quinn shot her in a way that wouldn't have hurt her.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's why he took over control of the gun from the sniper, so he could shoot safely.
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Zik mentioning the Dr. & Carrie's baby talk reminded me that Carrie showed no concern for her baby when she regained consciousness from Quinns shot..

Good thing brodys daughter moved out of the house, maybe they wont show her so much anymore.

I hope they figure out a way to halt or totally dead the senator taking the CIA Directors position.
This ep's ending just further let me know how worthless Brody's son is. It got me really wondering why Dana isn't an only child or why they ain't kill off the son earlier :lol:

Rest of the ep was pretty good. For a sec I thought they were gonna really have Brody rehab and get in marine shape in 6 days :lol: Half a month ain't that bad given they gave him the quick super effective withdrawal drug (which actually exists btw).

Saul really don't want to run the CIA he could've wrote a blank check the way he had the senator bent over a barrel. I'm wondering if they tortured the guy banging Saul's wife.

Not surprised Carrie ain't tell Brody she pregnant. She's clearly trying to kill the kid. Lithium, smoking, drinking, getting shot, etc. Now I really get why she had so many pregnancy tests. She was doing wild reckless **** with back in her mind hopes that shed lose it and then go take a test to see if it survived.
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This ep's ending just further let me know his worthless Vrody's son is. It got me really wondering why Dana isn't an only child or why they ain't kill off the son earlier :lol:

Not an excuse but Brody was at war/in captive for more than 3/4 of the sons life so there's probably an enotional disconnect there. Dana on the otherhand, as messed up as it sounds, is his first child/daddy's little girl which would probably explain his stronger emotional connect with her
Wow, so the guy playing Senator Dickhart, Tracy Letts is a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright. His most notable play which won him the Pulitzer is August: Osage County which has just been done as a movie... [insert Weebay gif]

ok episode but it looks like it serves as a transition to next week's. I understand wanting to protect his wife & the CIA but why would Saul let such a deviant bureaucrat take the reigns over the CIA he loves & someone that sent out an agent to have an affair with his wife that he adores?

I think there is more retribution for Dickhart ahead, at least I hope so...
This ep's ending just further let me know his worthless Vrody's son is. It got me really wondering why Dana isn't an only child or why they ain't kill off the son earlier
Not an excuse but Brody was at war/in captive for more than 3/4 of the sons life so there's probably an enotional disconnect there. Dana on the otherhand, as messed up as it sounds, is his first child/daddy's little girl which would probably explain his stronger emotional connect with her
Yep, precisely.  

But yeah, a good build-up episode for when all-hell breaks loose next week.  Still, I gotta say... Saul's plan seems pretty far-fetched!  So much can go wrong and it probably will! 
I don't see Brody making it out alive this season. His character has been through so much so what's next for him after this?
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I can see **** going down, they think Brody was KIA, and then abandon the whole OP only to see like a month later news reports about Brody getting asylum/sanctuary in Iran and being propped up as some terrorist hero for the cause. Now they're questioning if Brody played them or if he'll go through with it and kill the guy. I could even see so that he gets an in with the Iranians that tells everything about the OP to gain their trust so we're still guessing if he betrayed them or not since telling everything would probably involve killing his team waiting for him that are there for extraction.

.... or they could just kill him but then I don't have any ideas where they go from there. Might as well end the series after one more season.
That epsiode was in my top 5 for all seasons IMO..i had all sorts of feels
I'd feel pretty cheated if Brody dies this season given how little we've seen of him this season like he's some supporting character and not one of the main ones.
:lol: Brody is a cockroach though. If you think about how much this character has been through through & he's still standing? He ain't going anywhere.
I think Brody is a goner fellas
It does feel like that, but killing off a main character!?  They wouldn't dare!  
 Brody is a cockroach though. If you think about how much this character has been through through & he's still standing? He ain't going anywhere.
And to have him go thru surviving Caracas, but to die before he gets into Iran... 
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Seeing Carrie's mental illness on display throughout the show is obvious, but do people realize Brody's? It's much more subtle but to think he survived being held captive & turned by Nazir, everything that's happened since he's gotten home (from suicide vest to dissolution of his family), being held captive & turned into a junkie in Caracas, being held captive & turned by the CIA for a "suicide mission"... No human could survive all that mentally.
Dude deserved better than a bullet to the head in that cell. Hate that it had to be him. He didn't even have to run back out there to give brody cover fire. :smh:

This was one of the best episodes of the season.

You really did see that Brody is bat **** crazy how he was all "You'll get me out of this, Carrie! I have faith in you!" They still in love like ****.

Somehow there's always someone who gets killed every episode that you see coming but still blindsides you.

Once I seen Jhevadi I was like "oooohh ****!!!!!"

When Carrie told Saul he was still in the game and he was like "Well, I'll be damned"

So many ill moments this episode.
Yeah jhevadi is ruthless. As soon as he walked in I knew what was going to go down. Next week's episode looks good too.
How did they not see a group of people forming up with the drone

Edit; also, iranians dont find it strange that there were bombs coming out of the sky?
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Intense episode! The shot to the head  
 so uncalled for.  I can't believe this season is almost over already 
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Intense episode! The shot to the head  :smh:  so uncalled for.  I can't believe this season is almost over already :frown:

Think about it, they were gonna torture him, get the intel of the mission and then connect the dots. Sure jhevadi is ruthless but he made the right decision.

Brody is a cockroach for real though
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