Surprised no one is watching early On Demand. Good episode, even if it’s just setting up the rest of the episodes. Not a spoiler but Jenna has to be a double agent, she can’t be that damn dumb.
Think its a reach to even think more about the dumb analyst. She's just that dumb.

Ep was all set up.

If Carrie ends up in Russia on some wild plan to expose a spy that would be crazy. To me with that car bomb I think it's too late. No need to betray Saul.

Cut ya losses and move on.
I keep expecting Jenna to change her facial expression to reveal that she's some triple spy!
Car bomb scene was rough.. I may have missed it but the way they shot it panning back to Carrie are they implying something? Paks def let Jalal know when and where they were dropping the SOF dudes off
Is this the last season. I can't believe we are on ep10 and the only thing that has happened is two dead presidents along with Max getting popped.
Is this the last season. I can't believe we are on ep10 and the only thing that has happened is two dead presidents along with Max getting popped.
Yeah this the last season.

2 episodes left.

Apparently the plan is to sort of parallel and turn Carrie in to Brody.
Car bomb scene was rough.. I may have missed it but the way they shot it panning back to Carrie are they implying something? Paks def let Jalal know when and where they were dropping the SOF dudes off

Probably a red herring. I really dont think Carrie's a double agent.
Now Jenna on the other hand
I’m not ready to say goodbye to Homeland

One last Carrie putting all the pieces together montage :blush:
Young Saul :lol: :pimp:

Carrie shook off them charges.

Jenna just needs to die already. Hopefully she sticks to quitting. Stat flip flopping. Complaining when she know she gonna help Carrie anyway.

I like how Saul aint even bother to tell Zabel all this went down cuz of him. That bombing probably aint kill Jalal though.

Carrie back to her flashcards/visual aids genius to crack the code :lol: Nobody would suspect the translator.

:rofl: @ Yvgeny thinking he's gonna get Carrie to kill Saul just to prevent a war.

I like how Mandy actually voiced young Saul.
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