Official: GTA VI Thread: Trailer 1 Out Now: PS5 Series X & Series Confirmed: Tentative Release Window Fall 2025

Will you buy GTA V For PS4 OR XBOX ONE

  • Yes: I waited out and skipped GTA V For PS3 & XBOX 360

    Votes: 24 16.3%
  • Yes: I love the game and will be gladly double dip on the game

    Votes: 105 71.4%
  • No: I'm waiting for the PC version of the game to come out

    Votes: 9 6.1%
  • No: I hated GTA Online and will never trust R* again

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • No: GTA games aren't my type of games and I'll stick to other games like COD: AW, Assassins Creed Un

    Votes: 4 2.7%

  • Total voters
That's good that you're a little doofy nerd that can sit through and do all of that other ****... I have other things to consume up my time. I just play video games recreationaly these days and don't take it as serious as you seem to.
Why you gotta call him a doofy nerd just cause you didnt know how to drive correctly in GTAIV? 
No such thing as "the best" game. It's all preference.

Same goes for the driving in GTA IV. It definitely wasn't all that. It wasn't a deal breaker for me, but I can understand how it could be for others.
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That's the thing. All around they went realistic with IV.

It's really a matter if preference. I wouldn't let driving mechanics ruin what will likely be the best game of the generation, though. Everything else that goes on in the game is way too good.

Harlem if a game is largely based on a mechanic that is not good then what is the purpose of getting said game?

Would you buy Street Fighter V if the fighting system was broken... no because there isn't much else to fall back on.

With GTA yes there is a lot else you can fall back on and do with all the little side quests and other nonsense, but to get to those quests and everything else you have to drive to them in some form or another. Everything about GTA 4 pertaining to moving your character to one place to another was not good from walking, driving, flying, and roller skating whatever. I tried my best to complete and finish GTA 4 100% because I had done it with the previous two installments, but I couldn't even get past the first 2% of the game.

GTA V can only be considered the runner up for best game of this generation because that title was already crowned early on in this generation...


Can I get an co-sign from my dude Antidope?

oh ok, yea, it has nothing to do withthe driving mechanics, you just suck at video games. 2% son? 2%?! because you couldn't walk/run/drive? lmaooo

Sit down kid you would get your **** handed to you...

I'm not into video games like how I was when I was younger, but I just said that I finished the two previous installments 100%.

Because of the driving mechanics it completly turned me off to the game so I stopped playing it.

With GTA besides doing the missions and finding everything for 100% and finding the jumps I just like to drive around adn do dumb ****. So with crappy drving mechanics you could see what I mostly like to do in the game would be hindered.

Just stop replying to me because I've came to the conclusion from seeing you around the forum and in other threads you're a complete ****** and nuisance.

You hella *** my G. All this 'kid' stuff and name calling lmao. Wash ya face family. I don't take games seriously, but evidently you do, you just got emotional lol, I told you you suck at video games, and you took it to heart. You're a tenderoni. Smh. All I do is help out on this board and show love to whomever. You haven't seen me be a nuisance anywhere to anyone. You sir, however, are vagina. Good day old boy.
^^^^^ But Halo 2 was better than 3

And the driving was coo in IV unless u were on a bike, then it became spinout city. If they fix that, I'll be happy w/ the driving mechanics

We were discussing games from THIS GENERATION... Halo 2 was from last generation.

The guys complaining about the driving, must just suck at video games. Like, how do you not just adjust to it, if it's not to your liking? It only takes a minute to catch on and get into a rhythm where you can be effective. Yall are like those guys on the bball court talking about your shot is off because you don't like the ball. o_0

I mean, I've been playing legit, advanced controls games for a minute now, LOU, RDR, Uncharted, MGS, Tomb Raider, GOW, etc. So recently I decided that I wanted to go back and replay the Max Payne trilogy, starting with the first. When I originally played it, I had no complaints, but now, after every game has evolved and you know how ****** up the controls of og Max Payne are?? Like, dude literally runs..everywhere. There's no crotch during combat, no peeking around corners, no customization of the experience on how you want to control the scenario, (stealth/run-n-gun) and yet, even with all of that, I made adjustments to my style, and proceeded to kick ***. I didn't whine and *****, nor did I quit the game because it wasn't as easy as some of the others. Stop being soft. If you don't like it, don't play it, it's that simple, nobody owes you anything and you won't be missed.

you want a perfect driving game, go cop forza and s tfu

That's good that you're a little doofy nerd that can sit through and do all of that other ****... I have other things to consume up my time. I just play video games recreationaly these days and don't take it as serious as you seem to.
Top 3 moment on Martin.:rofl:

Comparing it to Street Fighter is absurd, though. Not nearly the same.

And I'd take a bunch of games over Halo 3.:nerd:

Coma at me bro.

I was using Street Fighter as an example of a game the relies heavily on a mechanic and and that mechanic not being good or up to par with it's previous counterparts would hinder the play style and the gamers overall experience of said game.

Bunch of games before Halo 3... well it's all preference so, but I would say I spent the most time on that game this generation.

The driving in gta4 was fine dudes just like to complain

Like to complain... I just praised the three previous installments as being some of the best games in video game history. I guess all the other people who agree with me are just complaining too and the sales records doesn't reflect the decline in popularity from the previous titles.
Damn it... I meant to multiquote you and I repped you by mistake does anyone know how I can take it back? I'm going to contact Huddler to see if they can remove it because you're not deserving of that rep... might have let it slide but the driving in GTA is EVERYTHING.

Now... onto the blasphemy that you wrote... driving in GTA is definitely a deal breaker because 90% of the time you're driving. It sucked donkey balls in GTA IV and most people agree because since GTA 3 became popular GTA 4 is looked at as the worst installment since then. The developers even acknowledged that in any interview stating it was because they were working on new hardware and weren't familiar with it yet. I don't understand how you can say it isn't a dealbreaker it most certainly is if 90% of the time you're driving around. That's like saying oh the fighting mechanics of Street Fighter isn't all that good but it shouldn't be a deal breaker... that's what the game is about fighting so if the mechanics aren't good then of course that will be a deal breaker. The game is called Grand Theft Auto which entails stealing a vehicle and driving it around.
Accidently repping someone isn't a big deal, so calm down.

Driving isn't everything. I mainly fly in gta iv or ride bikes. The only time I'm in a car is when I want to have a bit of challenge while evading the cops at the highest wanted level.

The driving mehanics in gta iv are good. It seems that you are not good at gta iv's driving.

If the driving was so bad, why did the game still sell?

The driving did take some getting used to, I will admit.

But after you got used to it, it's not a deal breaker.
I eventually got a handle of the cars. The bikes were impossible for me. At least the sport bikes were, not so much the choppers.
The driving in IV isn't bad if you get used to it. Riding bikes was the problem. Also the speed on the cars sucked. I miss hitting those corners like in SA. I found driving kind of useless in IV because of the taxis.
The driving in GTA IV wasn't bad at all, IMO...

Like any other game you start out playing, it does take time to adapt to it, not long either...

Once you realize that different cars have different handling, speed/accel., weights, etc., and then the AI's driving characteristics, it all becomes easy...

But you can't expect to spawn the fake Maybach joint and hit the streets doing Comet speeds and all that... :lol:

Gotta face the fact that these games nowadays arent 'pick up and play' from the start... You gotta learn certain aspect of the game to make it more enjoyable, which can require some patience as well...

The driving in GTA IV wasn't bad at all, IMO...

Like any other game you start out playing, it does take time to adapt to it, not long either...

Once you realize that different cars have different handling, speed/accel., weights, etc., and then the AI's driving characteristics, it all becomes easy...

But you can't expect to spawn the fake Maybach joint and hit the streets doing Comet speeds and all that... :lol:

Gotta face the fact that these games nowadays arent 'pick up and play' from the start... You gotta learn certain aspect of the game to make it more enjoyable, which can require some patience as well...

I hated how the gt amd the lamborghini car handled, they cut corners when you drive slow and when you go fast you make a turn than the car slides farther than you actually drove.
The driving in GTA IV wasn't bad at all, IMO...

Like any other game you start out playing, it does take time to adapt to it, not long either...

Once you realize that different cars have different handling, speed/accel., weights, etc., and then the AI's driving characteristics, it all becomes easy...

But you can't expect to spawn the fake Maybach joint and hit the streets doing Comet speeds and all that...

Gotta face the fact that these games nowadays arent 'pick up and play' from the start... You gotta learn certain aspect of the game to make it more enjoyable, which can require some patience as well...
Yeah, I had a similar experience with sleeping dogs.

In that game, you don't get a gun from the start.

So I was like, man that's lame.

So I adapted.

I figured out that you could just kill a cop and steal his gun.

Once you steal his gun, obviously more cops try to kill you.

Which means more ammo for the taking after you kill said cops.

Like gta, higher wanted level equals cops with better guns.

So I ended up getting the best guns in the game in like my first hour of playing.

All from killing cops and evading them on the roofs so I don't die.

This is just an example of adapting putting in work.

You have to...adapt.
I had no problem with driving in gtaiv, don't know what this dude is talking about. Still, the game wasn't better than san andreas
lol word me too, I still havent beatin GTA: SA or GTA IV....I'm playing SA here n there so ima finisht hat first and IV I started over like 3 times so I'll try n beat that before V comes out too
Don't feel bad, I had to put down SA because if that damn rc car in Vegas... That ish infuriated me to heights unparalleled until Ninja Gaiden lol
I liked GTA4, don't know why people hate on it so much but I can't finish it for some reason because I tried to use a rocket launcher in a fight and every time I go back it won't let me finish...Hopefully I beat GTA5, will be the first one i beat ever lol
The driving in GTA IV wasn't bad at all, IMO...

Like any other game you start out playing, it does take time to adapt to it, not long either...

Once you realize that different cars have different handling, speed/accel., weights, etc., and then the AI's driving characteristics, it all becomes easy...

But you can't expect to spawn the fake Maybach joint and hit the streets doing Comet speeds and all that... :lol:

Gotta face the fact that these games nowadays arent 'pick up and play' from the start... You gotta learn certain aspect of the game to make it more enjoyable, which can require some patience as well...
Yeah, I had a similar experience with sleeping dogs.
In that game, you don't get a gun from the start.
So I was like, man that's lame.
So I adapted.
I figured out that you could just kill a cop and steal his gun.
Once you steal his gun, obviously more cops try to kill you.
Which means more ammo for the taking after you kill said cops.
Like gta, higher wanted level equals cops with better guns.
So I ended up getting the best guns in the game in like my first hour of playing.
All from killing cops and evading them on the roofs so I don't die.

This is just an example of adapting putting in work.
You have to...adapt.

In the case of Sleeping Dogs, I feel like the devs didn't want the player to use guns all that much.
I thought the driving in GTA IV was perfect...I had no problems with it.

Now yall makin me wanna play it, ima have to get em back off my God son now.
Out of all the things to complain about why are you complaining about the driving? It wast even bad. You just couldn't take corners at 100mph. Complain about the boring *** story line and doing basically the same missions over and over
 Complain about the boring *** story line and doing basically the same missions over and over
I had to restart gtaiv like 3 times.

restart #1: I fell for those free m$ points sites and input my xbl info. So my acct got stolen and said person bought a shhh load of m$ points with my acct.

restart #2: I can't remember. I think it's because I input the cheat codes and saved so I couldn't earn achievements anymore.

restart #3: I can't remember

Short story even shorter, I hated the story mode due to having to restart.

But that was my fault.

edit: just to put it on some context of how mad I was after restart #1.

I was on the mission where you go to go kill dimitri, then I get logged out.

I'm like wth?

I try to sign in and it says your xbl acct. is linked with another console.

I try to recover it, everything is diff.

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I hated how the gt amd the lamborghini car handled, they cut corners when you drive slow and when you go fast you make a turn than the car slides farther than you actually drove.

Yea I used to hate how all those fast/exotic cars handled, but once i started using the handbrake button and braking before turns, it made it a lot easier...

Also, not sure if you all play any racing games, but they actually helped me become a decent driver in GTA. I used to play GTAIV and Need For Speed simultaneously and I set the NFS controls as close to the GTA controls as possible. Kind of odd, but it helped out pretty good... :lol:

Out of all the things to complain about why are you complaining about the driving? It wast even bad. You just couldn't take corners at 100mph. Complain about the boring *** story line and doing basically the same missions over and over

Yea, the story line on IV got pretty redundant after a while.

TBoGT >>>*

Better characters, missions, cars, and the storyline was pretty good considering how short it was... :pimp:

I hated how the gt amd the lamborghini car handled, they cut corners when you drive slow and when you go fast you make a turn than the car slides farther than you actually drove.

Yea I used to hate how all those fast/exotic cars handled, but once i started using the handbrake button and braking before turns, it made it a lot easier...

Also, not sure if you all play any racing games, but they actually helped me become a decent driver in GTA. I used to play GTAIV and Need For Speed simultaneously and I set the NFS controls as close to the GTA controls as possible. Kind of odd, but it helped out pretty good... :lol:

Out of all the things to complain about why are you complaining about the driving? It wast even bad. You just couldn't take corners at 100mph. Complain about the boring *** story line and doing basically the same missions over and over

Yea, the story line on IV got pretty redundant after a while.

TBoGT >>>*

Better characters, missions, cars, and the storyline was pretty good considering how short it was... :pimp:

Only issue I had w/ the exotic cars is how they panned the camera angle down so u were practically lookin at the tail of the car, had to use the right analog stick to see where I was goin. And I think it wasn't the story perse just the main protag. Niko was coo but u just couldn't relate to him so to speak. TBoGT was def a better story w/ the main protag. I didn't even finish LaD, just got boring to me, again, the main protag.
That's the thing. All around they went realistic with IV.

It's really a matter if preference. I wouldn't let driving mechanics ruin what will likely be the best game of the generation, though. Everything else that goes on in the game is way too good.

Harlem if a game is largely based on a mechanic that is not good then what is the purpose of getting said game?

Would you buy Street Fighter V if the fighting system was broken... no because there isn't much else to fall back on.

With GTA yes there is a lot else you can fall back on and do with all the little side quests and other nonsense, but to get to those quests and everything else you have to drive to them in some form or another. Everything about GTA 4 pertaining to moving your character to one place to another was not good from walking, driving, flying, and roller skating whatever. I tried my best to complete and finish GTA 4 100% because I had done it with the previous two installments, but I couldn't even get past the first 2% of the game.

GTA V can only be considered the runner up for best game of this generation because that title was already crowned early on in this generation...

Can I get an co-sign from my dude Antidope?
This was without a doubt the game of the generation for me. The amount of time I spent playing Halo 3 will never be rivaled by any other game ever. Nothing will ever have a hold on me like this game did.
I agree with the storyline. It was boring as hell. Got tired of Roman hitting me up all the time too. I wish TBOGT was longer. It had the best set of cars and weapons. I sucked at aiming with the buzzard though. I was also glad they had a parachute. I thought it was lame that IV didn't have it.
I'm sorry, did I miss the release? GOTG? Y'all probably the same dudes in S&T saying some Freshman in HS will better then Lebron in 10 years. Can we at least play the game before crowning it?
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