Official: GTA VI Thread: Trailer 1 Out Now: PS5 Series X & Series Confirmed: Tentative Release Window Fall 2025

Will you buy GTA V For PS4 OR XBOX ONE

  • Yes: I waited out and skipped GTA V For PS3 & XBOX 360

    Votes: 24 16.3%
  • Yes: I love the game and will be gladly double dip on the game

    Votes: 105 71.4%
  • No: I'm waiting for the PC version of the game to come out

    Votes: 9 6.1%
  • No: I hated GTA Online and will never trust R* again

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • No: GTA games aren't my type of games and I'll stick to other games like COD: AW, Assassins Creed Un

    Votes: 4 2.7%

  • Total voters
My thing is I follow the thread so I know a lot of you were playing this game for a very long time after its release? You don't think you got your money's worth off that alone? You payed $60 for a game you put how many hours into? Seems like money well spent to me.
My thing is I follow the thread so I know a lot of you were playing this game for a very long time after its release? You don't think you got your money's worth off that alone? You payed $60 for a game you put how many hours into? Seems like money well spent to me.
the memories on GTA Online were more than enough for 60, tears were shed online hahaha

No you're not; I'm right there with you.

Me too. I even find it flat out silly that this FPS gimmick is a deal breaker for some people, who otherwise wouldn't have bought it. But if it helps to sell more games, then I can't complain.

GTA is a third person game and that's how I'm going to play it.

I haven't read the specifics -  can you customize the options so that you can only switch FPS on when you're aiming a weapon? Because I could see myself using FPS when using a weapon only. And it would be nice if there was a quick animation where the camera zooms inside your character's head from 3rd to 1st person when you press LT to aim your weapon. FPS while on foot exploring and messing around wouldn't be fun for me.

First person targeting out of third person view is confirmed.

First-person mode is the big change. It's not just a case of plonking a new camera within a character's head, just because they could, but an extensive rework of the game's movement, driving and targeting engines. There are thousands of new animations for gun reloading alone, no to mention the first-person views of parachuting, carjacking etc.

A particularly fine moment is being run over by a speeding truck in first-person, watching the world rotate and blur, like tipping your head back on a rollercoaster. Peer down with the right stick and you can see your feet, your body and even your phone, now a full 3D object, not a 2D icon. Selfies have never looked more stupidly real, even if character's faces are still a fissure below the uncanny valley, with the ability to blush, raise eyebrows and other relative subtleties.

First-person options are bogglingly extensive, with options for Assisted Aim, Semi-Assisted Aim, Free Aim and much, much more. You can set first-person targeting with third-person cover, or third-person targeting with first-person driving... the choice is huge. First-person (FP) street brawls feel more hilariously, violently wrong than ever. The FP combat would even lend itself to a Punch Out-style dedicated mini-game, if Rockstar desired. That's the point: Rockstar, bizarrely, were in danger of becoming trapped in the open-world genre of their own creation, forever tied to third-person conventions.

The FP mode, at a head-dipping, momentum-fuelled step (yes, you can toggle this too) moves Rockstar into the most lucrative arena outside their own: the first-person shooter. Battlefield Hardline might be a first-person cops 'n robbers squad shooter that apes GTA, but Rockstar's game *is* GTA, now liberated to tackle any genre it chooses.

GTA Online lets you create FP-only races and death-matches, with the long-anticipated Heists now, apparently, on the near-horizon. Call of Duty-style contests? Almost certainly, and Rockstar have the scope to tackle their rivals on all fronts with custom DLC and user-created FP content.
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I'll wait it out...I'm not gonna fall for all the "cool new" stuff again. Like someone said, I only want FP point of view when I'm shooting. I'd rather see all my fixed up cars while driving instead of staring from the drivers seat. I can't be the only person admiring my car while driving then running into a building or another car on accident :lol:

Game was well worth the $60 I paid for it. I just expected more support from R* after the release like GTA IV got
Crazy graphical improvement :pimp: , although the PS3 version still looked good to me
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Crazy graphical improvement :pimp: , although the PS3 version still looked good to me

Watching the new trailers on YouTube via my TV basically convinced me to drop another $63. I wasn't impressed on my phone by anything but finally getting FP view on console and some new music to rampage to, then I watched the HD trailers on 50inches.

I think rockstar really wanted to put this game out for ps4/xb1 originally but stood to lose too much money if they left out last gen so they dropped a watered down version last year. I wouldn't be surprised if they do drop the extra heists for ps4/xb1. That gameplay at 1080p looks incredible. I don't even care if my old online character doesn't port, i'm ok with starting fresh with a half mill.

There's nothing watered down about the old gen GTA V. That is a game that maxes out the capabilities of those consoles. And yeah, they wanted to release it for the systems with 160 million units first as oppose to less than 20 million.

Game was well worth the $60 I paid for it. I just expected more support from R* after the release like GTA IV got

Even with the two expansions for GTA IV you wind up with less than you got out of the box with GTA V.
You want more story DLC then this game is not releasing for the new gen in 2 weeks.
In terms of story I don't think there is more in GTA V than IV + expansion. The story felt shorter then San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption. I understand the other content is massive, but story content specifically it's shorter then I would have preferred.
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Definitely felt shorter than RDD but I couldn't figure out if it was because it didn't last as long or if I just had more fun playing it.
I don't think longer automatically = better. I'll take a shorter campaign with varied, unique missions over a longer campaign with repeated similar mission design any time. If GTA IV/ RDR were longer, I'm not even really sure.

RDR was too long imo. The intro missions prevent me from replaying. It's just tedious. RDR felt long because you were shooting rabbits on Bonnie's ranch for ten minutes, among st other boring stuff.

Idk people on NT praise RDR's story, but I can't even really remember what happened. All I remember is the end. I loved the game though for everything else it brought to the table.
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I feel like RDRs story meshed the missions and characters better then GTA V. It made you hate guys like Williamson and Allende, which made the missions to track them down and kill them exciting. GTA only made me feel that way about one antagonist only, Devin Weston. I would have loved if they fleshed his involvement in the game more and made killing him more satisfying.
Damb it! I Have an xbox1 now, no more PSN fam :frown:

This game bout to drag me back in...but I think my PSN fam was much more fun...we had a good run last year :lol:
Great graphical improvement, but I would rather have 900p, even 720p on 60 fps than 1080p on 30 fps.

60 fps is a whole different experience. Those who have The Last of Us for PS4, there's an option where you can switch between 60 and 30 fps. The difference is like night and day.
Great graphical improvement, but I would rather have 900p, even 720p on 60 fps than 1080p on 30 fps.

60 fps is a whole different experience. Those who have The Last of Us for PS4, there's an option where you can switch between 60 and 30 fps. The difference is like night and day.

TLOU is a lot more linear than GTA though so there's less concern with framerate drops. GTA V would look great at 60 fps, but there's no way they would be able to lock it at that, especially online. 60 fps doesn't always equal better either. Shadows suffered in TLOU when running at that framerate and in a game like V, where detail and clarity are king, that just wouldn't fly.
I wonder if they are gona continue dlc on last gen systems

Prolly not

I just want some more cars :pimp:
TLOU is a lot more linear than GTA though so there's less concern with framerate drops. GTA V would look great at 60 fps, but there's no way they would be able to lock it at that, especially online. 60 fps doesn't always equal better either. Shadows suffered in TLOU when running at that framerate and in a game like V, where detail and clarity are king, that just wouldn't fly.
this why i hate new systems.. they dont make everything 60 fps.. they stay at 30.. 60 fps should be the minimum Frame rate on all next gen consoles.
TLOU is a lot more linear than GTA though so there's less concern with framerate drops. GTA V would look great at 60 fps, but there's no way they would be able to lock it at that, especially online. 60 fps doesn't always equal better either. Shadows suffered in TLOU when running at that framerate and in a game like V, where detail and clarity are king, that just wouldn't fly.
this why i hate new systems.. they dont make everything 60 fps.. they stay at 30.. 60 fps should be the minimum Frame rate on all next gen consoles.

For open world games, you're just asking for trouble. Maybe next-next gen.
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