Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Cersei should've died cold and alone. She could've died literally the exact same way, same dialogue and everything, just erase Jaime out the scene like that coffee cup. Her runing through the basement trying to get to that exit only to find it's been closed by rubble and finally realizing she ****** up. collapsing in the fetal position and crying and shaking, saying she wants her baby to live and the walls fall around her. Would've been way colder. Way more fitting.
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I'm probably as guilty as anybody with my complaints over the writing the last ~2 seasons or so. I'm absolutely flustered by some of the stuff they are trying to push past us, but I'm not complaining for fun. I doing it because they left themselves open for it.

I didn't rally against Breaking Bad writers. I didn't rally against The Avengers storyline. Or The Dark Knight trilogy.

Those were written really well. (there are SOME cracks in the TDK story, but less so than most)

So many pieces of puzzle just don't fit. Characters flat out written out of the show rather than a true arc being completed. An elite soldier like Brianne, prepared to die in battle, thrilled over being Knighted, surrounded by the army of the undead, lives, gets laid, then left crying in her nightgown in the freezing cold. That's a close for a character?
Tormund hugging Jon and dipping?
Sam living thru a war (this a man that can barely HOLD a sword, much less swing one) while crying half the time, then next ep just hugs and bounces.
A dangerous villian, completely evil, kills........character 57 on the ratings scale. (Theon) and then dies. 8 seasons of buildup, to kill a single person, who literally didn't matter.
Cersei, all her treachery, everyone in the land wanted to kill her died under some rocks, crying...... :lol:

Hound they got right. THAT is how you handle an arc. Nailed that. So how on earth they ain't get any of these others right?

Greyworm. Soldier. Mad he lost his girl. We couldn't be bothered to write that he kills many ARMED soldiers, rushes up on the Mountain (the one who killed his girl) gets folded like a blanket, ending his story in a valiant attempt at avenging his girl, and then Hound gets his shot at the title. Greyworm stays honorable, dies in a heroic fashion, and closes yet another arc. Instead.......he's a giant POS now. :smh:

Am I wrong for calling these things out? We can send Scorpions out by the bushel last episode, this episode we have a short supply of them or something and can only shoot 3? I'm the ***hole for pointing these things out? That's ATROCIOUS storytelling. Imagine you binge S8. 6 eps, and these two are BACK TO BACK, one ep they are flyin like crazy, the next they are completely irrelevant. Back to friggin back episodes. :lol:

If some of you want to back that kind of writing/storytelling, that's your prerogative. If you feel that all makes sense to you, more power to you. By I am insulted. These guys flat out burned themselves once they ran out of source material to copy from. They absolutely have the gift of vision, and showing you visually what you need to see, and adapting another man's storytelling. But once they were left to fend for themselves, they were completely out of their element and it showed thru, horribly. And don't even get me started on each of their after show behind the scenes where they let us in on some more parts of the story, that they can't be bothered with to write INTO THE GOD DAMN STORY. Jesus Christ. :lol: :smh:
Cersei should've died cold and alone. She could've died literally the exact same way, same dialogue and everything, just erase Jaime out the scene like that coffee cup. Her runing through the basement trying to get to that exit only to find it's been closed by rubble and finally realizing she ****ed up. collapsing in the fetal position and crying and shaking, saying she wants her baby to live and the walls fall around her. Would've been way colder. Way more fitting.

This I can rock with.
I'm probably as guilty as anybody with my complaints over the writing the last ~2 seasons or so. I'm absolutely flustered by some of the stuff they are trying to push past us, but I'm not complaining for fun. I doing it because they left themselves open for it.

I didn't rally against Breaking Bad writers. I didn't rally against The Avengers storyline. Or The Dark Knight trilogy.

Those were written really well. (there are SOME cracks in the TDK story, but less so than most)

So many pieces of puzzle just don't fit. Characters flat out written out of the show rather than a true arc being completed. An elite soldier like Brianne, prepared to die in battle, thrilled over being Knighted, surrounded by the army of the undead, lives, gets laid, then left crying in her nightgown in the freezing cold. That's a close for a character?
Tormund hugging Jon and dipping?
Sam living thru a war (this a man that can barely HOLD a sword, much less swing one) while crying half the time, then next ep just hugs and bounces.
A dangerous villian, completely evil, kills........character 57 on the ratings scale. (Theon) and then dies. 8 seasons of buildup, to kill a single person, who literally didn't matter.
Cersei, all her treachery, everyone in the land wanted to kill her died under some rocks, crying...... :lol:

Hound they got right. THAT is how you handle an arc. Nailed that. So how on earth they ain't get any of these others right?

Greyworm. Soldier. Mad he lost his girl. We couldn't be bothered to write that he kills many ARMED soldiers, rushes up on the Mountain (the one who killed his girl) gets folded like a blanket, ending his story in a valiant attempt at avenging his girl, and then Hound gets his shot at the title. Greyworm stays honorable, dies in a heroic fashion, and closes yet another arc. Instead.......he's a giant POS now. :smh:

Am I wrong for calling these things out? We can send Scorpions out by the bushel last episode, this episode we have a short supply of them or something and can only shoot 3? I'm the ***hole for pointing these things out? That's ATROCIOUS storytelling. Imagine you binge S8. 6 eps, and these two are BACK TO BACK, one ep they are flyin like crazy, the next they are completely irrelevant. Back to friggin back episodes. :lol:

If some of you want to back that kind of writing/storytelling, that's your prerogative. If you feel that all makes sense to you, more power to you. By I am insulted. These guys flat out burned themselves once they ran out of source material to copy from. They absolutely have the gift of vision, and showing you visually what you need to see, and adapting another man's storytelling. But once they were left to fend for themselves, they were completely out of their element and it showed thru, horribly. And don't even get me started on each of their after show behind the scenes where they let us in on some more parts of the story, that they can't be bothered with to write INTO THE GOD DAMN STORY. Jesus Christ. :lol: :smh:

In the end it's not that serious. You chose to watch, this was for your entertainment. You aren't owed anything. That's the problem with fanboys, they feel entitled to things how they see fit. No one's saying they may have lost an edge when running out of source material, but this is the story they wanted to tell the world. Everyone that says its terrible writing, go and write a complete script for one episode and do better. In the end the only real person that should be appalled is GRRM if he feels his creation and his work was dismantled.
The little docs they throw right after the episode have come off so cringe after watching the episodes.

Part of me can't believe they spent so much money and time to tell this story.:lol:

When I see all the people working behind the camera and all the effort they put into filming every scene, I just shake my head.
In the end it's not that serious. You chose to watch, this was for your entertainment. You aren't owed anything. That's the problem with fanboys, they feel entitled to things how they see fit. No one's saying they may have lost an edge when running out of source material, but this is the story they wanted to tell the world. Everyone that says its terrible writing, go and write a complete script for one episode and do better. In the end the only real person that should be appalled is GRRM if he feels his creation and his work was dismantled.
I don't think anyone thinks they owe the fans anything, but the fans also don't owe anything to the show runners to give them the benefit of the doubt if they don't like what they put out, right?

Fans still reserve the right to take issue with certain decisions the writers and show runners make, no? Is everyone just supposed to feign enjoyment if they genuinely feel like the story hadn't stayed true to it's characters?

Y'all really gotta come up with better counterpoints. To say people just want to complain and that fanboys that are complaining can't write a better story is almost as bad writing and retconning as this show has been this season.:lol::smh:
I'm probably as guilty as anybody with my complaints over the writing the last ~2 seasons or so. I'm absolutely flustered by some of the stuff they are trying to push past us, but I'm not complaining for fun. I doing it because they left themselves open for it.

I didn't rally against Breaking Bad writers. I didn't rally against The Avengers storyline. Or The Dark Knight trilogy.

Those were written really well. (there are SOME cracks in the TDK story, but less so than most)

So many pieces of puzzle just don't fit. Characters flat out written out of the show rather than a true arc being completed. An elite soldier like Brianne, prepared to die in battle, thrilled over being Knighted, surrounded by the army of the undead, lives, gets laid, then left crying in her nightgown in the freezing cold. That's a close for a character?
Tormund hugging Jon and dipping?
Sam living thru a war (this a man that can barely HOLD a sword, much less swing one) while crying half the time, then next ep just hugs and bounces.
A dangerous villian, completely evil, kills........character 57 on the ratings scale. (Theon) and then dies. 8 seasons of buildup, to kill a single person, who literally didn't matter.
Cersei, all her treachery, everyone in the land wanted to kill her died under some rocks, crying...... :lol:

Hound they got right. THAT is how you handle an arc. Nailed that. So how on earth they ain't get any of these others right?

Greyworm. Soldier. Mad he lost his girl. We couldn't be bothered to write that he kills many ARMED soldiers, rushes up on the Mountain (the one who killed his girl) gets folded like a blanket, ending his story in a valiant attempt at avenging his girl, and then Hound gets his shot at the title. Greyworm stays honorable, dies in a heroic fashion, and closes yet another arc. Instead.......he's a giant POS now. :smh:

Am I wrong for calling these things out? We can send Scorpions out by the bushel last episode, this episode we have a short supply of them or something and can only shoot 3? I'm the ***hole for pointing these things out? That's ATROCIOUS storytelling. Imagine you binge S8. 6 eps, and these two are BACK TO BACK, one ep they are flyin like crazy, the next they are completely irrelevant. Back to friggin back episodes. :lol:

If some of you want to back that kind of writing/storytelling, that's your prerogative. If you feel that all makes sense to you, more power to you. By I am insulted. These guys flat out burned themselves once they ran out of source material to copy from. They absolutely have the gift of vision, and showing you visually what you need to see, and adapting another man's storytelling. But once they were left to fend for themselves, they were completely out of their element and it showed thru, horribly. And don't even get me started on each of their after show behind the scenes where they let us in on some more parts of the story, that they can't be bothered with to write INTO THE GOD DAMN STORY. Jesus Christ. :lol: :smh:

Was grey worm ever really that honorable though? He was bred to be a killer and at end of the day he was just Daenerys lead soldier (slave) and followed her every command.
any closeups of the scrolls Varys was writing at the beginning of the episode?
that whole scene was pointless now.

Even if Jon wasnt the rightfull heir...its over for Dany. Story writers ruined everything. With her spazzing out, she cant just come back and be queen. It's a wrap on that whole arc. They'd vote him king just on strength. Him being the rightful heir by blood is an afterthought now.

they added so many pieces in the build up of these stories and characters, to completely **** on the whole method because they want to james cameron scenes.
that whole scene was pointless now.

Even if Jon wasnt the rightfull heir...its over for Dany. Story writers ruined everything. With her spazzing out, she cant just come back and be queen. It's a wrap on that whole arc. They'd vote him king just on strength. Him being the rightful heir by blood is an afterthought now.

they added so many pieces in the build up of these stories and characters, to completely **** on the whole method because they want to james cameron scenes.

cersei was queen and well:


I don't think anyone thinks they owe the fans anything, but the fans also don't owe anything to the show runners to give them the benefit of the doubt if they don't like what they put out, right?

Fans still reserve the right to take issue with certain decisions the writers and show runners make, no? Is everyone just supposed to feign enjoyment if they genuinely feel like the story hadn't stayed true to it's characters?

Y'all really gotta come up with better counterpoints. To say people just want to complain and that fanboys that are complaining can't write a better story is almost as bad writing and retconning as this show has been this season.:lol::smh:

No they don't. This isn't your or the fans work. The fans didn't spend countless days, weeks, months, etc. putting together a story to tell. We just sit on our couches and watched.

What's more hilarious is the "fans" continue to watch even tho they are not getting enjoyment. they're watching just so they have something to tweet. That's like yelp reviewers who've been to a restaurant numerous times and state they've tried everything on the menu but give a 1 star review because all the food sucks. Then why'd you go back 5-10 times? You thought it;d be different everytime you went in?

If a show becomes unenjoyable then why continue to watch?

You're a fan of something that you chose to watch. If that doesn't live up to "your expectation" then leave it. But why continue to watch? That's the baffling point. I've never completed a movie if i'm bored 20-25 minutes in. I've dropped a show after X amount of seasons when it just became droll.

There's no better counterpoint than saying do it better do it yourself if it sucks in your eyes Like I said, is it perfect? No but it's still an entertaining watch and some of the best TV in the last 10 years.
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