Official E3 2012 Thread - What Do You Want to See?

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Need for Speed looks pretty good.


anything about GTA V yet?
Originally Posted by Antidope

Originally Posted by spizike231

Almost went pro in H3, didn't have enough practice time to form a team though. Halo 4 looks promising.. will most likely be reserving a limited edition of it depending on what it comes with. 
How often did you play? Did you run 4s 50 high in MLG, Scrims, go to LANs? How close is almost? I use to play 50 high MLG a lot but I wasnt about that going to Events and doing Gamebattles life. Matchmaking was enough for me.
This seems like a game that people are going to take super seriously though.

Was running 48-50 in MLG with a full team of 4 of my homies but none of us had time so I didn't classify us as a real team. We played everyday usually for like 3 or 4 hours, then got off, but pros practice every day for about 6-7 at least (because its their profession) and 12-14 hours for big tournaments. On top of this, we didn't have the money to travel and LAN or participate in events.

Signed up for GameBattles and did good, but I don't know why we never stuck to it. Never scrimmed cause we didn't have many pro teams to play against.. Matchmaking was the best practice we had. Me and a team mate beat tD Hysteria when he was the biggest and baddest rising pro there was, and I've played with Neighbor and StrongSide when they were up top. Never got to meet tSquared like I wanted to though.
Or Walshy

Championship Sundays were the best to watch.. we all watched it and sat in an MSN chat talking about how sick that flag run was or how Walshy messed up his 4 shot and died.. again.

Halo 3 was amazing for MLG.
Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

EA taking over the ufc franchise???? 

I'm saying. Shocked me too, i can't wait! 
, im tired of thq and all their problems with ufc undisputed
Sounds like we're gonna have some good H4 players
looking forward to that..I remember seeing that T2 cat on MTV true life
But looking forward to Halo 4, gonna make my comeback to the console once it drops

And I'm happy THQ is not doing UFC anymore those fools are wack, game didn't change and online blew donkey balls
Originally Posted by Carver

Sounds like we're gonna have some good H4 players
looking forward to that..I remember seeing that cat on MTV true life
But looking forward to Halo 4, gonna make my comeback to the console once it drops

Yup, tSquared was on true life I think.. Walshy did a documentary on him being pro too.

tSquared sponsored by a TV Brand and Dr Pepper.. Walshy sponsored by Red Bull and had his own clothing company.

Halo 4 is going to rock MLG hopefully.
screw video games but all i want is a great Halo 4 multiplayer and im good! dont know why they wont do a beta
It's like all the Halo games have been great in the MLG community. I need to get sponsored by Red Bull or Dr Pepper to play video games for a living

Do those Ogre cats still play halo? I haven't kept up with the good guys in a really long time and I remember those guys
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

No GTA V info yet.

Nope!Last I heard was and got shutdown yesterday due to a leak and that the 2nd trailer and release date is coming in 2 weeks.
Youre not lying bro, H3 events were fun to watch, they had as much drama as watching people play video games could have lol. I tried to watch one Reach event and was just like The game just isnt built for it. Hopefully they get it right with H4.
Yeah OG2 still plays, hes the winningest player of all time. OG1 quit and went to go live in Australia with his girl. A lot of the OGs fell off and couldnt cut it in Reach, its basically dominated by new kids now. Walshy quit too I think.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

"Hey everyone, we copied Call of Duty Elite. So buy it."

I tried throwing my money at my laptop screen, but nothing happened.

Seriously though, I might consider buying Battlefield premium since I am going to be playing BF3 more than any COD game in the long run. I'll probably get it on friday after I get paid for beta testing a certain FPS sequel that Microsoft happened to end their conference with today.

So if I buy this pack, I will be able to play close quarters today. But, is this just 1 map?
Close Quarters has 4 maps I believe, Ziba Tower, Donya Fortress, and 2 others that they didn't reveal. The 4 maps are all infantry oriented, so they will have no vehicles. You also get new weapons in this map pack just like we did in the Karkand DLC. every DLC has or is going to have 4-5 new maps, new weapons, and new vehicles apparently. BF Premium is also going to have extra content, like guns and player/weapon camo, among other things, on top of what is being offered in the DLC. Not to mention, all of the DLC coming out for BF 3 is included in BF premium, so if you didnt get the back to Karkand DLC now is a good time to play those maps (which are awesome BTW). And you get to play the content 2 weeks early.
Well damn, fools just up and gave up all that money they could have earned
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