***Official Dumb Question Thread***

We know that Donald Duck is only a shirt. But when he gets out of the water is wearing a towel around his hip. Does it means that Donald is always walkingnaked or those it means that something appears when he is wet
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

are keyboards in other countries in english or in that country's language?

There is some different type of keyboard. For example, I know that in France, the keyboard is AZERTY instead of QWERTY.
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

Originally Posted by los cientos

what if life is just a big dream and as soon as you die your reborn into something else?? LOL crazy i no...

That'll be cool if we had a choice to pick who we wanted to be. Like a selection screen or somethin.

Is it ok to switch from 1st gear to 3rd gear to 5th gear, completely skipping 2nd and 4th gear in a manual transmission vehicle?
why in some languages does it sound like they say more words to say one word

for example

in english 2 word phrase

and say in spanish it sounds like they are saying 3 or 4 words, but in reality its the same 2 word phrase
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I had a few on my mind and figured I should just start a new thread (can't find the old one)

Why is a keyboard made the way it is on a computer?...I mean is there a scientific reason that is goes asdfghjkl as opposed to alphabetical order? just seems illogical to me.

Does anyone else think they are getting texts/calls when they aren't...while leaving their phone on vibrate?
Pretty sure Google could've answered these for you but....

I believe the QWERTY keyboard came into existence to slow people down when typing. They were typing so fast on the alphabetical joints that they were breaking them. At least that's how it was explained to me.

As for the last question...I experienced this as well when I deployed to the middle east. My cell phone was over 4000 miles away but I could hear it ringing and or receiving texts. I would check my pocket and remember that I didn't have it. I think our minds play tricks on us word to Scarface.
holy crap! seriously! i thought i was the only one...
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

for stick shift/manual transmission drivers

When they say you're not giving enough gas, do they mean you're not stepping on the gas hard enough? Or you're just not giving enough rpms?
it's more about the revs, dawg.

but you get more revs by stepping on the gas harder so..

think of the clutch and gas as two ends of a seesaw--that's the trick to balancing on an incline.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

how come nobody answered my first question?
Before Qwerty there was Dvorak, and from what I remember Dvorak helped you type WAY faster than Qwerty can.

The standard "QWERTY" keyboard was not designed with ease of typing in mind. Rather, it was designed to keep early typewriters from jamming. 130 years later, in the age of computers, people are still using this awkward, inefficient keyboard layout. Few know that there is a much faster, easier, more efficient, and more comfortable alternative: the Dvorak (pronounced "duh VOR ak") keyboard. Unlike QWERTY, the Dvorak keyboard was scientifically designed for increased speed and accuracy. It is estimated to be 12 to 20 times more efficient than QWERTY. Dvorak is great for beginning and experienced typists alike. It's the layout used by some of the world's fastest typists. This page will give you some information on the Dvorak layout and how to start using it. It's easy and free!
Here is how the Dvorak layout look like. You can still use this layout, you just have to specify it in your Windows keyboard settings undercontrol panel.

- How can a pig have an orgasm for 30 minutes?
- Do people who use sign language see little hands in their head when they think about what somebody said, or do they hear the words in their head?
- Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
- Why when people ask you "what three things would you bring with you on a desert island?" no one ever replies, "A BOAT"?
- Why are elderly people often called "old people" but children are never called "new people"?
- How does Freddy Kruger wipe his butt?
- If winnie the pooh was civilized enough to keep his honey in jars, why did he eat it off his hands? Surely he had spoons?
- If an African elephant comes to America, is it an African-American elephant?
- If a doctor suddenly died while doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?
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