19 rebounds now
The only WAtson redeems himself is if he somehow ties this game up...he lost the game for us with his poor play down the stretch, as well as Nellie'sretarded rotations.

Morrow looked pretty good, I liked his effort out there.
Originally Posted by acidicality

The only WAtson redeems himself is if he somehow ties this game up...he lost the game for us with his poor play.

Morrow looked pretty good, I liked his effort out there.
I don't give a damn what Watson does... Watson is still going to be garbage to me. I hate his guts.
Originally Posted by Paul Is 0nline

Originally Posted by acidicality

The only WAtson redeems himself is if he somehow ties this game up...he lost the game for us with his poor play.

Morrow looked pretty good, I liked his effort out there.
I don't give a damn what Watson does... Watson is still going to be garbage to me. I hate his guts.
yup...he missed that FT so that "attempt" vanished

All he is for us is another scorer/shooter, but we need a PG like MWill out there, but Nellie is blinded.
Good game Detroit. You guys are the better team and have a smarter coach. When Curry saw that Kwame sucked, he just benched him the rest of the game. Can'tsay that about Nellie and the players that sucked for us.
Don Nelson decided to take the night off. Didn't do a lick of coaching out there.
If Nellie wasn't half drunk you all would have won the game. Why was Watson out there? I'd rather see Marcus Williams out there for you all..but thatsjust me.

We needed that win. Hopefully these clowns don't get drunk tonight so we don't get ran off the court against the lakers.
Could HBO mic up Sheed for a game on some payper view type thing? I'd pay good money. Sheed wouldn't even need to wear the mic, just have it somewherenear the court.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Dr 715

Don Nelson decided to take the night off. Didn't do a lick of coaching out there.

co-sign...dude went nba2k auto-sub.


And also
@ Paul's comment about Curry benching Kwame as soon as he realized he was sucking.
Originally Posted by Paul Is 0nline

Originally Posted by acidicality

The only WAtson redeems himself is if he somehow ties this game up...he lost the game for us with his poor play.

Morrow looked pretty good, I liked his effort out there.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't give a damn what Watson does... Watson is still going to be garbage to me. I hate his guts.[/color]
QFT. I almost broke my flat screen and woke neighbors.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce


I know for a FACT that Marcus Williams can ball better than this dude.

Let this game get away...
Williams looks slow as f out there. And both make poor decisions or get the ball yanked from them.

AI could have done up CJ over and over again, I wish he had so we could have put him on the inactive list. Looking like crying BJ Armstrong out there.
Tomorrow's game should be good.

We're matched up pretty evenly. Can't wait to see C-Magg and Baron prove themselves against their old teams
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