OFFICIAL DENVER NUGGETS Season Thread (Ok... Maybe we're not "finished")

We should win against Chicago tonight... So hopefully, missing out on Artest is not a bad move...
But still,
on not bringing Artest in...
Well well #%*%#% well. According to a Nuggets insider that post on a Nuggets forum, "GK had a huge impact on the reason that we did not get Artest.Apparently, he thinks that Klieza and Najara are both character guys and didnt want to give up 2 character guys for a character. The Green for Wafer deal wasmore of a deal to save money (450,000). At the last minute A.I. & Melo walked into the Nuggets F/O and expressed that they wanted to see NOBODY on the teamtraded. They even got pissed off when they found out that Wafer got traded."

Everytime I see a perimeter player get 30+ on us, all I'm gonna say is Artest wouldnt have allowed that
Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

Well well #%*%#% well. According to a Nuggets insider that post on a Nuggets forum, "GK had a huge impact on the reason that we did not get Artest. Apparently, he thinks that Klieza and Najara are both character guys and didnt want to give up 2 character guys for a character. The Green for Wafer deal was more of a deal to save money (450,000). At the last minute A.I. & Melo walked into the Nuggets F/O and expressed that they wanted to see NOBODY on the team traded. They even got pissed off when they found out that Wafer got traded."

Everytime I see a perimeter player get 30+ on us, all I'm gonna say is Artest wouldnt have allowed that

We'll probably have one of the best records we've had in years and still miss the playoffs. Nuggz should've done that deal.
First of all, I love Von Wafer and cheered him on when he was in the D-League 14ers. Then I was excited when he made the Nuggets squad. But you guys are actinglike Wafer was a big producer knowing good and well that KARL WILL PLAY GREEN AS MUCH AS WAFER: Zero minutes a game.

So this trade is meaningless. I'm just venting because Von Wafer got no PT anyway. We didn't lose or gain anything.
carmelo should step up his rebounding and man to man defense!the key to their postseason success!
Originally Posted by SkyLarkster

First of all, I love Von Wafer and cheered him on when he was in the D-League 14ers. Then I was excited when he made the Nuggets squad. But you guys are acting like Wafer was a big producer knowing good and well that KARL WILL PLAY GREEN AS MUCH AS WAFER: Zero minutes a game.

So this trade is meaningless. I'm just venting because Von Wafer got no PT anyway. We didn't lose or gain anything.

Chill, I dont think anybody in here is tripping because Wafer got sent away. Itsmore like, WOW thats the ground breaking move that the Nuggets made at the deadline.
at this trade. I was looking at the deal that the cavs got and sawthat we didn't get west. Then when I saw what we got I just got up and walked away from the TV with my head down.
Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

Well well #%*%#% well. According to a Nuggets insider that post on a Nuggets forum, "GK had a huge impact on the reason that we did not get Artest. Apparently, he thinks that Klieza and Najara are both character guys and didnt want to give up 2 character guys for a character. The Green for Wafer deal was more of a deal to save money (450,000). At the last minute A.I. & Melo walked into the Nuggets F/O and expressed that they wanted to see NOBODY on the team traded. They even got pissed off when they found out that Wafer got traded."

Everytime I see a perimeter player get 30+ on us, all I'm gonna say is Artest wouldnt have allowed that
At first I didn't know what the point of the wafer green trade was but you said it was for money so that makes sense...but also I was justlistening to a Karl interview and he makes a good point...what if AC got got hurt tonight and was out for 2 weeks...we'd be screwed at the point guardspot...i mean yea JR can play the 1 but I really don't wanna see that again.

As far a Melo saying he doesnt want anyone traded....well if he would play better DEFENSE there wouldn't any talk of Artest....
After tieing the game at 55 with 3 minutes left, G.K. puts A.C. back in the game and takes JR out and then the Bulls go on a 13-0 run to end the half
. We are in trouble.
Those who were hoping for the Artest trade to happen were looking at it through a "best case scenario" perspective. Najera and Kleiza provide soliddefense and intangibles. On top of that, we'd be giving up two players for one on a team that is already injury-riddled.
This team makes me sick sometimes...Do they not realize that every game counts in the West...we cant afford to come out flat and give no effort on D...we gaveup 130 pts to the BULLS...they are one of the lowest scoring teams in the league...we dont derserve to make the playoffs...and even if we do wats thepoint...we'll end up getting knocked outta the first round again....I'm so frustrated with this team...
WHAT THE +%** is the problem with this team? the bulls? 135? how u let the bulls score 135 on you? jr smith =43 pts?

major disappointment. they probably wont get into the playoffs. they should have made moves before trade deadline and GK needs to be replaced.
Originally Posted by melofan15

Those who were hoping for the Artest trade to happen were looking at it through a "best case scenario" perspective. Najera and Kleiza provide solid defense and intangibles. On top of that, we'd be giving up two players for one on a team that is already injury-riddled.

I hope you're seriously not trying to say Kleiza + Najera > Artest. The only thing Najera brings is hustle and he is just a average defender. Kleizais below average on the defensive end. Artest would of filled the void of having 2/3 guards going off against us every single night. And as a plus he could getus 20+ points a game easy. A.I. & Camby are getting no younger and Im willing to bet Camby will never have another injury free season(knock on wood) likehe is having so far. Ben Gordon 37 points last night, we got Michael Redd tonight, lets see how this turns out
. If only last night game was right before the trade deadline. _'s would of been out ofhere
. And then the icing on the cake is when GK bashed JR in the post gameinterview after last night game. I'm sitting here like, is this guy serious? JR was the reason the Nuggets even had a chance to come out with a W lastnight.
Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

Originally Posted by melofan15

Those who were hoping for the Artest trade to happen were looking at it through a "best case scenario" perspective. Najera and Kleiza provide solid defense and intangibles. On top of that, we'd be giving up two players for one on a team that is already injury-riddled.

I hope you're seriously not trying to say Kleiza + Najera > Artest. The only thing Najera brings is hustle and he is just a average defender. Kleiza is below average on the defensive end. Artest would of filled the void of having 2/3 guards going off against us every single night. And as a plus he could get us 20+ points a game easy. A.I. & Camby are getting no younger and Im willing to bet Camby will never have another injury free season(knock on wood) like he is having so far. Ben Gordon 37 points last night, we got Michael Redd tonight, lets see how this turns out
. If only last night game was right before the trade deadline. _'s would of been out of here
. And then the icing on the cake is when GK bashed JR in the post game interview after last night game. I'm sitting here like, is this guy serious? JR was the reason the Nuggets even had a chance to come out with a W last night.

I'm about to join the Team Fire GK camp. JR was the only player doing anything last night.
Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

Originally Posted by melofan15

Those who were hoping for the Artest trade to happen were looking at it through a "best case scenario" perspective. Najera and Kleiza provide solid defense and intangibles. On top of that, we'd be giving up two players for one on a team that is already injury-riddled.

I hope you're seriously not trying to say Kleiza + Najera > Artest. The only thing Najera brings is hustle and he is just a average defender. Kleiza is below average on the defensive end. Artest would of filled the void of having 2/3 guards going off against us every single night. And as a plus he could get us 20+ points a game easy. A.I. & Camby are getting no younger and Im willing to bet Camby will never have another injury free season(knock on wood) like he is having so far. Ben Gordon 37 points last night, we got Michael Redd tonight, lets see how this turns out
. If only last night game was right before the trade deadline. _'s would of been out of here
. And then the icing on the cake is when GK bashed JR in the post game interview after last night game. I'm sitting here like, is this guy serious? JR was the reason the Nuggets even had a chance to come out with a W last night.

I'm about to join the Team Fire GK camp. JR was the only player doing anything last night.

I cant believe there is anyway he could possibly say anything about JR after last night's performance.
The player that needs to be confronted is Carter he cost us that Utah game and many others this season due to his suspect decision making.
Originally Posted by aepps20

The player that needs to be confronted is Carter he cost us that Utah game and many others this season due to his suspect decision making.

I want to know why Karl has this guy playing pg! Seriously, Karl needs to drop AI back to the pg and let him run it. Let the scoring run through Melo. Thisis what won us 10 straight games last season. AI can play the point. I don't care what anyone says. If the defense isn't going to be there, let'srun up the score on cats. You put Klieza at starting SG...and teach these guys ball movement and its a wrap. I mean a complete wrap. The scorers on this teamdon't even play within the system BECAUSE THERE IS NO SYSTEM! Where is Diawara when we need him? Karl don't give him no minutes. I remember Diawara wasputting the straps on the best perimeter players on opposing teams. He even had T-Mac shook! Y'all remember..

Someone throw the boy Jay Money a Fire George Karl sig with the quickness! I mean the serious quickness! I can't stand that ******.
Welcome to the set

Originally Posted by aepps20

The player that needs to be confronted is Carter he cost us that Utah game and many others this season due to his suspect decision making.
Co-sign. Every time homie throws a cross court pass or full court pass I hold my breathe.
Originally Posted by jmoneybaggz

Originally Posted by aepps20

The player that needs to be confronted is Carter he cost us that Utah game and many others this season due to his suspect decision making.

I want to know why Karl has this guy playing pg! Seriously, Karl needs to drop AI back to the pg and let him run it. Let the scoring run through Melo. This is what won us 10 straight games last season. AI can play the point. I don't care what anyone says. If the defense isn't going to be there, let's run up the score on cats. You put Klieza at starting SG...and teach these guys ball movement and its a wrap. I mean a complete wrap. The scorers on this team don't even play within the system BECAUSE THERE IS NO SYSTEM! Where is Diawara when we need him? Karl don't give him no minutes. I remember Diawara was putting the straps on the best perimeter players on opposing teams. He even had T-Mac shook! Y'all remember..

Someone throw the boy Jay Money a Fire George Karl sig with the quickness! I mean the serious quickness! I can't stand that ******.

I agree...Iverson needs to start at the 1....Carter is a decet backup but he shouldn't be a starter....Seriously we need to fire George Karl and get RickCarlise in here as our coach...or Van Gundy...(those are the best coaches that I can think of that are available)....
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